
Hey there, fellow shipper! You’re probably reading this blog today because you are looking into 3rd party shipping. If you’re looking for some answers, then you’re in luck! We’re here to help out with some questions you might have about 3rd party shippers. So, let’s look into the fantastic world of logistics and find out how the 3rd party shipper makes sure to get your products to your customers’ doorsteps.

So, What’s a 3rd Party Shipper Anyway?

Alright, let’s break it down. Imagine you’re running a lemonade stand, and business is booming. Now, instead of squeezing all those lemons, transporting them, and setting up shop yourself, what if you could call in someone super skilled at all things lemonade-related? That’s kind of what 3rd party shippers do but with way more excellent stuff than lemons!

But, a 3rd party shipper is like a superhero for businesses. So, they swoop in to help with all the tricky parts of getting your products from the manufacturer (or you) to a store or even straight to the customer’s doorstep.

What Do They Do?

Okay, now that we know what they are, let’s talk about what these 3rd party shippers do. Picture this: a customer just ordered a product online. So, what happens next? A 3rd party shipper steps in to ensure your new goodies reach you safely and sound.

Here’s a quick rundown of their superhero tasks:

1. Transportation Magic: 3rd party shippers have their own ways of moving things around. They might use trucks, planes, ships, or even a mix of everything! So, they ensure your stuff travels from the factory to the store or warehouse.

2. Warehouse Wonderland: Imagine a gigantic closet where all your favorite things are neatly organized. That’s kind of what a warehouse is, and 3rd party shippers often have these incredible places. They store products until they’re ready to be sent off to their new homes.

3. Order Adventure: When a customer clicks that “Buy Now” button, the 3rd party shipper gets a signal to start their mission. They pick and pack the order with care. Therefore, everything is in tip-top shape.

4. Shipping Sorcery: Time for the grand finale! The 3rd party shipper works their magic to send your order on its way. Whatever the transportation method or carrier, they ensure your package gets to the customer pronto.

How Does the Magic Work?

You might wonder, “How do they pull off all this magic?” Well, it’s not magic, but it’s pretty clever! 3rd party shippers use technology and teamwork to make everything happen smoothly.

1. Super Cool Technology: Imagine having a robot friend who helps you remember all your chores. 3rd party shippers use high-tech gadgets and computer systems to keep track of all the products, where they are, and where they need to go. It’s like having a super-smart robot assistant!

2. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Just like superheroes need sidekicks, 3rd party shippers have a team of skilled people. Everyone, from drivers to warehouse wizards, works together to ensure orders are handled carefully.

3. Fast and Furious (but Safe!): Ever notice how your packages arrive so quickly? 3rd party shippers plan everything to be fast and efficient. They want to get your stuff to the customer ASAP but without any bumps along the way.

Who Benefits from 3rd Party Shippers?

Guess what? Many big and small businesses call on 3rd party shippers for help. Here’s who gets in on the action:

1. Online Stores: E-commerce stores often use 3rd party shippers as an efficient and quick way to ensure orders get to the customer.

2. Local Shops: Even your favorite local shops might team up with 3rd party shippers. They help these shops get the products they need without all the headaches of managing the whole transportation and storage thing.

3. Game-Changing Manufacturers: The places that create fantastic things, like the latest gadgets or stylish clothes, often work with 3rd party shippers. It lets them focus on making cool stuff while someone else handles the logistics dance.

Pros and Cons – The Real Talk

Now, let’s review the pros and cons of using 3rd party shippers.


  1. Speedy Deliveries: Thanks to 3rd party shippers, your orders can arrive quickly, making the customers and shippers happy. 
  1. Less Stress for your Business: Businesses can relax knowing that experts handle tricky logistics. It’s like having a superhero squad on speed dial.
  1. Focus on What Matters: With 3rd party shippers handling the logistics, businesses can focus on creating exceptional products and making customers like us happy.


  1. Less Control: Businesses might feel like they’re giving away some control when relying on 3rd party shippers. They have to trust these heroes to do their job well.
  1. Communication Challenges: Sometimes, if the superhero squad and the business aren’t on the same page, there can be misunderstandings. It’s like Batman and Robin needing to coordinate their moves!
  1. Costs and Surprises: While 3rd party shippers can save money in the long run, businesses need to be careful about unexpected costs or changes in pricing. It’s like planning a superhero budget—you don’t want any surprise villains showing up.

Wrapping Things Up

The world of 3rd party shippers is like a real-life adventure where you can get someone else to help get your products to customers in a flash. It’s like having a team of logistics superheroes ensuring that the shopping world stays exciting and stress-free!


Ever wondered how businesses manage to get products from one place to another seamlessly? Well, one secret weapon in their arsenal is a 3PL. But what are the pros and cons of using a 3PL? In this blog, we’ll review what 3PL is, explore its advantages or “3PL pros,” and look at a few challenges it might bring.

So, let’s get started!

Understanding 3PLs

So, what’s a 3PL? It stands for Third-Party Logistics. Think of it like having a logistics superhero—outside experts who swoop in to handle all the nitty-gritty details of moving goods around. If you need the products you sell to be stored and sent off to customers, 3PLs can help a ton, which brings us to the next piece of the blog: 3PL pros. 

3PL Pros – The Good Stuff:

1. Cost Efficiency: Starting off strong, one of the top perks of 3PLs is cost savings. By outsourcing logistics to a 3PL provider, businesses can often trim down transportation, storage, and even technology expenses. So, you’re getting quality service without breaking the bank.

2. Focus on Core Competencies: Businesses can stick to what they do best while 3PL experts handle the logistics dance. This means more time and energy for designing excellent products, improving services, and overall business growth.

3. Scalability: As a business grows, so do its logistics needs. 3PL providers can flex and adapt, accommodating changes in the volume of shipments or the complexity of operations. It’s like having a logistics partner that grows with you.

4. Global Reach: 3PL providers often have a vast network, making it easier for businesses to expand globally. They understand the ins and outs of international shipping, customs regulations, and all the global logistics puzzles.

5. Technology Boost: Many 3PL companies come armed with advanced technology. From real-time tracking to sophisticated inventory management systems, these tools bring efficiency and transparency to logistics.

3PL Cons – The Challenges:

Now, let’s talk about the other side of the coin. While 3PL brings a lot to the table, it’s not without its challenges.

1. Loss of Control: Entrusting logistics to a third party means giving up some control. This shift can be a bit nerve-wracking for businesses used to managing every detail.

2. Communication Hurdles: Collaborating with an external partner requires clear communication. Any misunderstandings or miscommunication can lead to disruptions in the supply chain.

3. Dependency Risks: Relying heavily on a 3PL provider might pose risks if facing financial instability or operational issues. Therefore, a hiccup on their end can ripple effect on your business.

4. Customization Limitations: Some businesses have unique needs that may not align perfectly with standard 3PL services. Customization options can be limited, requiring compromises.

5. Quality Control Concerns: When someone else is handling your products, there’s always a concern about maintaining the quality standards you’ve set. Ensuring that your 3PL partner shares your commitment to quality is crucial.

Though some of these challenges can be tricky, 3PL pros can provide much help and benefit in the long run. As always, deciding what works best for your business is up to you. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, a 3PL is like a double-edged sword—sharp and effective, but with some challenges to be mindful of. The pros, like cost efficiency, scalability, and global reach, make it a valuable asset for many businesses. Yet, the cons, such as loss of control and potential communication issues, highlight the need for careful consideration and strategic planning when venturing into the world of 3PLs. It’s all about finding the right balance to harness the power of logistics superheroes while keeping a watchful eye on potential challenges. Cool, right?


In the world of buying and selling, businesses are always looking for ways to make things easier and faster. One meaningful way they do this is by getting help from outside experts in moving and delivering things. These experts, also known as a third party shipper, do a crucial job in ensuring things get from where they’re made to where they need to go. In this blog post, we will learn about these outside helpers, what they do, and why they matter so much in today’s business world.

Understanding the Basics

A third-party shipper, or a third-party logistics (3PL) provider, is a group from outside a business that helps with different tasks. These tasks include moving products, storing products, and getting products sent and delivered to the right place. When a business hires these helpers, they can focus on what they’re best at while letting the Third Party Shippers take care of the tricky parts.

The Dynamic Role of Third-Party Shippers

Moving Things Around

One big job for third-party shippers is figuring out the best way to move things, also known as transportation logistics. This means choosing the right way to transport products, talking to the shipping carriers, and ensuring everything gets where it needs to be on time. These outside Third Party Shippers know a lot about moving things, which helps businesses reach more places without worrying too much about the logistics of getting things there.

Storing and Sending Out Stuff

Having a good place to keep products and sending those products out quickly is essential. Third-party shippers have strategically located warehouses to store products. This makes it easier for businesses to keep their products close to those who want to buy them. Third-party shippers are also good at packing things up and sending them out fast.

Using Technology

In today’s world, using technology is a big part of making things work smoothly. Third-party shippers use cutting-edge technology to monitor where products are, manage how much stuff is in storage, and analyze data. This helps businesses make intelligent decisions, fix problems, and keep up with what’s happening in the market.

Benefits of Using Third-Party Shippers

Saving Money

Hiring third-party shippers saves businesses a lot of money. These helpers have many clients, so that they can share their work costs. This means businesses get good service without spending too much on logistics.

Being Flexible and Scaling

Businesses experience fluctuations in demand and operational requirements. Sometimes they need more, and sometimes they need less. Third-party shippers are great because they can change how much help they give based on the business’s needs. They are very agile. This is helpful for businesses that grow quickly or only need extra help during certain times.

Focusing on Important Stuff

When businesses let third-party shippers handle moving things, they have more time and energy to focus on what they’re good at. They can spend more time making great products, marketing, and making customers happy. This makes the business run better overall.

Reaching People Everywhere

Selling things in different countries can be tricky, but third-party shippers know much about this. It’s their job to know the ins and outs of international selling so they can navigate it for their customers. They can help businesses sell their products in many places without worrying about complicated shipping rules and regulations. This is a big help for businesses that want to reach people worldwide.

Challenges and Things to Think About

While third-party shippers are helpful, there are some challenges to think about when businesses decide to get their help.

Giving Up a Little Control

Some businesses may feel nervous about letting someone else take care of essential things. It’s important to talk a lot with the third-party shippers and ensure everyone understands what needs to happen. This way, businesses can still have a say in how things are done.

Being Ready for Problems

Sometimes, things go differently than planned, like natural disasters or problems between countries. Businesses must work closely with third-party shippers to be ready for these things. This way, they can fix any issues and keep things running smoothly.

Keeping Information Safe

Using technology to help with moving things is excellent, but businesses need to be sure that their information stays safe. They should pick third-party shippers who take good care of cybersecurity to ensure no one gets their hands on essential data.

Choosing the Right Third-Party Shipper

With all the good and bad implications of choosing to outsource this part of your business, it can feel daunting and intimidating to choose a third-party shipper. Even more than that, how do you find a reliable, well-suited third-party shipper? Enter eHub! eHub has an extensive, highly vetted network of third-party shippers.

Working with eHub is insurance for your company when finding a good fit. eHub can analyze your business and make a sound, well-suited match between you and a third-party shipper. Reach out today to schedule a free call and see what eHub can do for you. 


Third-party shippers help businesses get their products where they need to go. They do essential jobs like moving things, storing them, and using technology to ensure everything runs smoothly. The best part is that they help businesses save money, be flexible, and focus on what they’re good at. Even though there are a few challenges, working closely with these outside helpers can make businesses thrive in a constantly changing world. As we move forward, the role of third-party shippers will keep evolving, making it easier for businesses to grow and reach people everywhere.


A new approach called 3PL dropshipping is transforming the way eCommerce businesses operate. It’s like a dynamic team effort where online retailers, product manufacturers, and logistics experts join forces to streamline the buying process. This blog post will explore 3PL dropshipping, its simplicity, benefits, and the impactful changes it’s bringing to our online shopping experience.

Understanding 3PL Dropshipping

3PL dropshipping is a collaborative effort between online sellers, manufacturers, and fulfillment centers, also known as 3PLs. Unlike the old way of doing things where sellers had to keep lots of stuff in their storage, 3PL dropshipping lets sellers sell things without housing and storing their stuff. Ordering something online goes straight from the 3PL warehouse to your door without the seller ever touching it.

Understanding the Different Parts of 3PL Dropshipping

Online Seller’s Shop:

Product Manufacturers:

Storage and Shipping Services (3PL Providers):


Why 3PL Dropshipping is Awesome

Less Money Needed:

More Kinds of Things to Buy:

Easy to Grow:

Sellers Can Do Their Best Work:

People All Around the World Can Buy:

Less Risk of Problems:

How 3PL Dropshipping is Changing Online Shopping

Happy Customers:

Changing with the Times:

Getting Things Done Faster:

Knowing What People Like:

Helping the Planet:

Challenges and Things to Think About

Even though 3PL dropshipping is excellent, there are some things to be careful about. Sellers need to pick good 3PL partners who work well with them. Many 3PL providers have specialties. One 3PL provider working with one company might not be a good fit for another. Finding the right one for your business is the hardest part of working with a 3PL provider.

eHub’s mission is to connect eCommerce brands with the right 3PL provider for your business. If moving forward to finding a 3PL provider feels suitable for you, but you feel overwhelmed by the process, schedule a free call with eHub today to see if we can help!


3PL dropshipping is like a superhero that makes everything easier and better. By working together, sellers, manufacturers, and 3PL providers create a system that gets things to customers quickly and correctly. As more people buy things online and want them fast, 3PL dropshipping is becoming the go-to way for businesses to make customers happy. So, the next time you order something online, remember the extraordinary teamwork behind the scenes to bring it to your doorstep!


Warehouses play a vital role in the global supply chain. They are crucial in enabling the smooth flow of goods from one point to another. The world is becoming more automated. Thus, a warehouse control system ensures maximum operational efficiency and accuracy.

In this blog, we will explain WCSs. Also, we’ll discuss their pros and cons and how to choose the right one for your business.

What is a Warehouse Control System?

A Warehouse Control System (WCS) is a software system that manages and optimizes warehouse operations, including inventory management, order picking, and shipping. Further, WCSs work alongside Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) to provide real-time control and visibility into warehouse operations. 

WCSs are responsible for managing individual tasks within the warehouse. For example, directing automated equipment. Also, picking and putaway operations and managing shipping and receiving are tasks WCS does. Thus, by integrating with WMSs, WCSs help optimize warehouse processes. Therefore, this means they reduce waste, increase efficiency, and improve accuracy.

Pros and Cons of WCSs

Like any technology, WCSs have their pros and cons. Therefore, here are some benefits and drawbacks to consider when choosing a WCS for your warehouse.


1. Increased Efficiency

Firstly, WCSs can automate many tasks traditionally performed by human workers. Further, this reduces the risk of human error and increases the speed and efficiency of warehouse operations.

2. Improved Accuracy

Also, WCSs leverage real-time data and analytics. WCSs can help reduce errors and improve accuracy in warehouse operations. Further, this leads to fewer mistakes and improved customer satisfaction.

3. Reduced Labor Costs

Further, WCSs automate many of the tasks traditionally performed by human workers. Thus, WCSs can help reduce labor costs and improve profitability.

4. Scalability

Finally, WCSs can be scaled up or down depending on the size and needs of your warehouse. This makes it easier to adapt to changing business needs.


1. High Initial Investment

First, implementing a WCS can be expensive, requiring significant capital expenditures upfront.

2. Training and Maintenance

Additionally, as with any technology, training and maintenance requirements can be a large burden on warehouse staff.

3. Risk of Downtime

Next, there is a risk of “downtime”. Any technology system is vulnerable to downtime. Moreover, this leads to lost productivity and revenue.

4. Limited Flexibility

Finally, some WCSs may have limited flexibility. Thus, they require significant customization to adapt to specific business needs.

How to Choose the Right WCS

Choosing the right WCS for your warehouse is crucial. Moreover, it’s make or break for efficiency and productivity. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a WCS.

1. Compatibility

First, ensure that your WCS is compatible with your warehouse management system. Also, check its compatibility with other systems you may have in place.

2. Scalability

Next, let’s talk about scalability. Choose a WCS that can be scaled up or down depending on the size and needs of your warehouse.

3. Integration

Look for a WCS that can integrate with other systems. For instance, check integration with transportation management systems. Why? Because this helps provide end-to-end visibility into your supply chain.

4. Customization

Additionally, consider a WCS that can be customized to meet your specific business needs.

5. Support and Maintenance

Ensure that the WCS you choose comes with robust support and maintenance options. This helps to minimize downtime and disruptions.

How to Implement a WCS

Implementing a WCS requires careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition from the current system to the new one. Here are some steps to follow when implementing a WCS.

1. Assess Your Current System

First, conduct a thorough analysis of your current warehouse system to identify areas for improvement.

2. Define Your Objectives

Second, clearly define your goals for implementing a WCS.

3. Choose the Right System

Third, choose a WCS that meets your specific business needs and requirements.

4. Plan Your Implementation

Fourth, develop a detailed plan for implementing the WCS. Further, the plan should include timelines, budgets, and resources.

5. Train Your Staff

Provide complete training to your staff to ensure they are comfortable using the new system.

6. Monitor and Evaluate

Continuously monitor and evaluate the new system’s performance to find areas for revision. Then, make those critical changes.


In summation, WCSs are vital in ensuring maximum efficiency in warehouse operations. By automating many tasks traditionally performed by human workers, WCSs can help reduce labor costs, improve accuracy, and increase efficiency. When selecting a WCS, it’s vital to consider several factors. For example, this can include compatibility, scalability, integration, customization, and support and maintenance. Further, this helps ensure you choose the right system for your business needs. Therefore, with planning and execution, implementing a WCS can help take your warehouse operations to the next level.

Are you looking for a 3PL? Maybe you’ve never worked with one, but you’re questioning if now is the right time. Or maybe you’ve been working with your 3PL for a while, but you’re questioning whether they fit your business. Either way, we’ve got you covered as we explore hybrid fulfillment. 

What is a 3PL?

It’s an extension or partner of an e-commerce business– with the 3PL focused on the logistics activities. To sum it up, the 3PL is focused on getting the right product to the right customer on time. This includes order fulfillment, pick and pack, printing the correct labels and address, and having carrier contracts to ensure that the end product gets delivered to the customer on time. 

How much does it cost to transition from self-fulfillment to using a 3PL?

There’s usually a cost for every touch– pick, pack, and ship an order. All the different touchpoints result in a fee. Keep an eye out for our cost calculator release, which will help you determine the specific cost based on your needs. Feel free to reach out for assistance even before its formal launch. 

Can you choose how many touches you want? 

Yes, 3PLS offers many different services. For example, you may have one-way logistics where they pick, pack, and ship, but they don’t do returns that may come back to the actual eCommerce business themselves, or 3PL could handle the return for a fee. 

How do you know when to start looking for a 3PL? 

A common reason is growth. If you’ve surpassed your capacity for existing fulfillment functions in your business, it might be time to consider a growth plan. Ask yourself if you want to scale your current fulfillment process. Would you need more warehouse space? More staff? All that is an added cost. Or would you prefer to outsource the fulfillment to a 3PL equipped to handle scalability? 

Another reason to start looking for a 3PL is specialization. Gabb Wireless is an excellent example of one of our customers utilizing hybrid fulfillment with a 3PL for one of their specialized products. They create safe digital devices for kids, and one of their products requires serialization, so they use a 3PL specialized in serialization.

Another specialization is big and bulky. The benefit to using a specialized 3PL in big and bulky is that they know how to pick, pack, and ship big and bulky products and have carrier contracts specializing in big and bulky to save you on shipping costs for heavier items. 

Sometimes it’s more of an experience, not specialization per se, in handling a specific product type. For example, if you’re shipping medical devices, you might want to find a 3PL with a lot of experience in shipping medical devices.

What is Hybrid Fulfillment? 

Hybrid fulfillment is a fulfillment model in which a business is self-fulfilling and utilizing one or more 3PLs. This could look like sending a particular product that is big and bulky to one 3PL that specializes in big and bulky and fulfilling the rest yourself. 

If you want to improve your delivery time, you can utilize multi-location fulfillment. If you are on the East Coast and you are self-fulfilling but want faster shipping times for those on the West Coast, then it’d be a good idea to diversify using hybrid fulfillment and get a 3PL on the West Coast to shorten delivery times. 

An example of a business utilizing hybrid fulfillment is our previously mentioned customer, Gabb Wireless. They split up their inventory and work with a specialized 3PL for their specialized product, and self-fulfill the rest.

A business owner sulks while looking at their computer screen, trying to decide whether or not its time to switch to a different 3PL.

If you already have a 3PL, how do you know if you should switch? 

It’s kind of like being in a romantic relationship. If your 3PL is not meeting the expectations you set from the beginning, first have a conversation with them to review the SLAs and manage expectations. If it continues on, and it’s comprising your customer experience or company values, maybe it’s time to start looking for another 3PL. If the partnership relationship isn’t working, there are better fish in the sea. 

How do you manage the 3PL relationship? 

Before you start, set expectations and negotiate your contacts so SLAs are defined because it will make managing the relationship easier. Include those expectations in the contracts whenever possible– you’ll thank us later. Now keeping excellent and clear communication is essential to maintain that relationship. Quarterly business reviews are pretty standard and should be discussed at least once a quarter.

Preparing for Peak Season in Q3 with your 3PL 

What do you need to ask your 3PL? 

Ask questions in retrospect to the previous year that you want to correct, and realign with the expectations you set from the beginning. Ask your 3PL if they are ready to meet those expectations in Q4 and meet timelines. If you notice trends like slowing down on cycle times, ask about it and ask how you can lend your support. 

If You and Your 3PL Aren’t a Good Match…

How long is the process of switching 3PLS?

It depends. How big is your footprint in 3PL?  What’s the complexity? If you have a specialized product, it can be more challenging. Finding a new 3PL and realigning and transporting inventory can take months. If you want to switch close to peak season, dive into communications with your 3PL and plan to switch after. Focus on refining and improving your existing partnership, and don’t say you’re looking for a new 3PL.

But if you’re self-fulfilling and considering utilizing a 3PL in Q3, it might help you manage peak-season logistics.

How does technology play a role? 

Technology is a massive part of the industry. With hybrid fulfillment especially, utilizing technology that facilitates the relationships between 3PLs and merchants is fascinating. Both can see who’s fulfilling what and get a holistic view of what’s happening as if they are working from opposite sides of the country using real-time data to see what order was shipped. 

What to Look for When Searching for a 3PL

Something that is highly underrated is seeking 3PLs using transparent technology. Question how their technology is improving communication, visibility, and transparency. Understanding the tech stack is crucial to strengthening the 3PL relationship. 

How long are these 3PL contracts? 

Depends on a lot of aspects. More extended contracts may provide additional discounts, but if you’re brand new to using a 3PL, you may not want long contracts. Make sure you provide appropriate “outs” if SLAs are not met. 

How We Can You Find a Top Tier 3PL

Our 3PL Network is like a dating service, except every candidate is guaranteed to be top-tier. We match you with your perfect pair based on your business, criteria, and needs. Every 3PL in our network has been vetted to ensure they are of the highest caliber. We sit with each e-commerce business and understand their criteria, volume, and what they value. We have a matching software to pair you with the best-fit 3PL service and present it to you to evaluate. Your 3PL represents your brand, so you want to ensure you have the right fit. 

As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, adopting a hybrid fulfillment model and leveraging the expertise of 3PLs can significantly enhance the customer experience. Stay informed about industry innovations and consider joining networks to optimize your fulfillment processes. Remember, your 3PL reflects your brand, so finding the right fit is crucial, and don’t be afraid to contact us for help. 

The Automated Shipping Transformation

Imagine a world where your online orders flow seamlessly from your customers’ screens to their doorsteps. No manual order processing, no label-printing chaos, and no more guesswork about the best shipping rates. That’s the essence of automated shipping, a transformative force in e-commerce and logistics.

At the heart of this transformation are three crucial components:

I. Order Processing: The E-commerce Brain

Order processing is where the magic begins. It’s the e-commerce brain behind automated shipping. This component excels in:

– Integration with E-commerce Platforms: Automated shipping solutions integrate effortlessly with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento. Orders made on your website are captured automatically.

– Verification of Payment and Inventory: They ensure payment authenticity and check real-time inventory availability—no more accidental overselling or dealing with out-of-stock items.

– Automatic Order Capture: Orders are automatically processed and ready for the next steps, which means less manual intervention, fewer errors, and faster service.

II. Packing and Labeling: The Precision Engine

The precision of packing and labeling in automated shipping is awe-inspiring. This component offers:

– Efficient Packaging Methods: Automated systems determine the most efficient way to package products based on their dimensions and weight—no more oversized boxes for tiny items.

– Label and Packing Slip Generation: The system generates shipping labels and packing slips, ensuring accuracy and reducing the likelihood of wrong shipments. This is especially valuable in peak seasons when time is of the essence.

III. Inventory Management: The E-commerce Nervous System

Real-time inventory management is the nervous system of automated shipping. It excels in:

– Real-time Inventory Tracking: Keep track of your product availability in real-time. No more telling customers an item is available when it’s not, which leads to happier customers.

– Automatic Product Availability Updates: The system automatically updates your website when a product is sold, preventing customers from placing orders for items out of stock.

Key Features and Capabilities: Making the Difference

Now, let’s dive into the key features that make automated shipping genuinely remarkable:

I. Shipping Carrier Integration: The Ultimate Shipping Almanac

Automated shipping systems integrate seamlessly with major carriers like USPS, FedEx, and UPS. It’s your ultimate shipping almanac offering:

– Integration with Major Carriers: Enjoy the convenience of dealing with multiple carriers through a single platform. The system handles the complexity of dealing with various carriers and provides a one-stop solution for all your shipping needs.

– Shipping Rate Comparison: Get the best bang for your buck by comparing shipping rates from different carriers. The system helps you choose the most cost-effective and timely options.

II. Shipping Rate Calculations: Unraveling the Shipping Maze

This feature isn’t just about calculating shipping rates; it’s about doing it intelligently. It takes into account:

– Package Dimensions and Weight: Automated systems analyze the dimensions and weight of your packages to provide accurate shipping rates. No more overpaying for bulky packaging.

– Real-time Rate Calculation: Rates are calculated in real-time, considering various factors like destination, shipping method, and package type. This means customers always see the most up-to-date and accurate shipping rates.

III. Batch Processing: Efficiency Unleashed

One of the most appreciated features of automated shipping is batch processing. It’s your secret weapon in peak seasons:

– Processing Multiple Orders Simultaneously: During the holiday rush or a successful product launch, the system can process multiple orders simultaneously, saving you time and effort—no more manual order-by-order processing.

– Time and Labor Efficiency: With batch processing, you can fulfill orders quickly, improving efficiency and ensuring your customers receive their purchases on time.

Customer Experience and Transparency: The Journey Matters

In e-commerce, the journey matters as much as the destination. This is where automated shipping excels:

I. Tracking and Notifications: Customer Confidence Boosted

Automated systems provide customers with order tracking information. Every step of the shipping process is tracked, and customers receive notifications at key stages:

– Order Tracking Information: Customers can track their orders in real-time, knowing exactly where their package is at any given moment.

– Customer Notifications at Key Stages: These systems send notifications when the order is processed, shipped, out for delivery, and delivered. It keeps customers in the loop and boosts their confidence in your service.

II. Returns and Exchanges: Streamlined and Effortless

Returns and exchanges are part and parcel of e-commerce. Automated systems have made these processes smoother than ever:

– Automated Returns and Exchanges: Customers can initiate returns and exchanges through your website, and the system guides them through the process, making it seamless and hassle-free.

– Improving the Customer Experience: Automated returns and exchanges improve the customer experience. When customers know they can quickly return a product, they’re more likely to purchase it.

Benefits of Automated Shipping: Your E-commerce Edge

The benefits of automated shipping are undeniable:

– Improved Efficiency and Cost Savings: Say goodbye to costly errors, time-consuming manual processes, and overpriced shipping. Automated systems streamline operations and reduce costs.

– Scalability for Growing Businesses: As your business grows, automated shipping can adapt to handle higher order volumes without a hitch.

– Enhancing Customer Satisfaction: Customers enjoy a seamless experience with accurate order processing, timely deliveries, and easy returns. This boosts their satisfaction and loyalty.

Conclusion: A Brighter Future with Automated Shipping

In the realm of e-commerce and logistics, we’re standing on the cusp of a brighter future, where the journey from a customer’s click to their doorstep is smoother, faster, and more reliable than ever. This transformation is being led by the silent heroes of the industry—automated shipping systems.

As we’ve delved into the intricate world of automated shipping, you’ve witnessed how it streamlines every aspect of the process, from order processing to tracking and returns. We’ve uncovered its benefits, from efficiency and cost savings to scalability and enhanced customer satisfaction.

The stories of businesses that have harnessed the magic of automated shipping are a testament to its game-changing potential. This technology is not merely a convenience; it’s a strategic advantage. It empowers e-commerce businesses to compete in a demanding market, leading them toward growth, customer loyalty, and operational excellence.

With automated shipping by your side, you can redefine the future of your e-commerce venture. As you embrace the technology revolutionizing the industry, you’re offering your customers a smoother experience and positioning your business for success in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

So, whether you’re a thriving e-commerce entrepreneur or just embarking on this exciting journey, consider automated shipping as your trusted ally. With its power, you’re not just shipping packages but shaping a future where customer satisfaction, efficiency, and growth reign supreme.


Starting a 3PL company can be a lucrative business venture for those interested in logistics and supply chain management. It can also be a daunting task. The industry is highly competitive and requires a lot of expertise. However, with the right strategy and resources in place, starting a successful 3PL company is achievable. This blog post will explore the steps you need to take to start a 3PL company.

1. Conduct Market Research

Before starting any business, it is essential to conduct thorough market research. This will help you understand the industry landscape and identify potential opportunities and challenges. When researching the 3PL industry, consider the following.

– Who are your competitors?

– Which services are they offering?

– What are the market trends?

– How significant is the demand for 3PL services in your area?

You can better understand the market and tailor your business strategy by answering these questions.

2. Develop a Business Plan

Then, once you have completed your research, it’s time to develop a business plan. Your business plan should outline your goals, objectives, and strategies for achieving them. It should include the following.

Executive Summary

Market Analysis

Service Offerings

Marketing and Sales Strategy 

Operations Plan

Financial Plan

3. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

Before you can start a 3PL company, you will need to obtain the necessary licenses and permits. The requirements will vary depending on your location, so be sure to research the regulations in your area. Some joint permits and licenses required for 3PL companies include the following.

Business License

Transportation License

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Registration 

International Registration Plan (IRP) Registration

4. Choose a Business Structure

When starting a 3PL company, you must choose a business structure. Further, small businesses’ most common structures are sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation. Each structure has advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the one that best fits your needs is essential.

5. Set Up Your Office and Equipment

Once you have obtained the necessary licenses and permits and chosen your business structure, it’s time to set up your office and equipment. Also, depending on the services you plan on offering, you may need to invest in the following.

Office Space

Computer and Software

Warehouse Space

Trucks and Trailers

6. Hire Employees

As your business grows, you may need to hire employees to help you manage day-to-day operations. Here are some common positions in the 3PL industry include.


Warehouse Workers


7. Develop Relationships with Customers and Suppliers

In the 3PL industry, relationships are key. Thus, developing solid relationships with your customers and suppliers can help you attract and retain customers. Further, this helps to ensure a steady supply of goods. Therefore, communicate regularly with your customers and suppliers and provide excellent customer service.

8. Invest in Technology

Next, let’s talk tech. Investing in technology can help you streamline your operations, reduce costs, and improve customer service. Some standard technologies used in the 3PL industry include the following.

Transportation Management Systems (TMS)

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

9. Develop a Marketing Strategy

Finally, you must develop a marketing strategy to attract and retain customers. Further, some common marketing strategies for 3PL companies include the following. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Content Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Referral Marketing


In conclusion, starting a 3PL company can be a demanding yet rewarding experience. By following these steps, you can develop a solid basis for your business and increase your chances of success. Good luck!


In e-commerce, order fulfillment is a critical component of success. Meeting customer expectations for quick and accurate deliveries is no small feat, and many businesses turn to fulfillment partners, also known as third-party fulfillment (3PL) providers, to navigate the complexities of logistics and warehousing. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of fulfillment partners, exploring what they are, how they operate, and why they are invaluable assets for businesses looking to thrive in the e-commerce landscape.

Understanding Fulfillment Partners

Imagine this scenario: You run a burgeoning e-commerce business with soaring sales. However, as your customer base grows, so do the logistical challenges. Storing inventory, processing orders, and coordinating timely deliveries have become increasingly complex. This is where fulfillment partners step in.

1. Warehousing Expertise

Fulfillment partners operate warehouses or fulfillment centers equipped to store and manage your inventory. By outsourcing warehousing to these experts, businesses can save on storage costs, eliminate the need for physical storage space, and ensure that their products are safely stored and readily available for fulfillment.

2. Order Processing

One of the primary functions of fulfillment partners is to process customer orders efficiently and accurately. When an order is placed on your e-commerce platform, it’s automatically relayed to the fulfillment partner, who takes care of order verification, picking the products, packing them securely, and labeling packages for shipping.

3. Inventory Management

Maintaining optimal inventory levels is crucial for businesses to meet customer demand without overstocking or running out of products. Fulfillment partners monitor inventory levels, initiate restocking when needed, and conduct regular audits to prevent stockouts and overstock situations.

4. Shipping and Delivery

Fulfillment partners handle the intricate process of shipping and delivery. They select the most cost-effective shipping methods, prepare packages for shipping, generate shipping labels, and ensure that orders reach customers on time. This proficiency in shipping logistics helps businesses improve delivery times and enhance the overall customer experience.

5. Returns Management

Returns are inevitable in e-commerce, and managing them efficiently is vital. Third-party logistics partners handle returns and exchanges, inspect returned items, restock products when appropriate, and process refunds or replacements per the client’s return policies.

6. Technology Integration

To streamline operations, many fulfillment partners offer technology solutions and integrations. These often include software that connects the client’s e-commerce platform with the fulfillment partner’s systems, enabling seamless order and inventory management.

7. Scalability and Flexibility

The flexibility to scale operations up or down based on demand fluctuations is a significant advantage of working with fulfillment partners. This adaptability is particularly beneficial during peak seasons, promotional periods, or expanding to new markets.

8. Cost Savings

Outsourcing fulfillment operations to a partner can result in cost savings for businesses. They can avoid the expenses of maintaining warehouses, hiring additional staff, and managing logistics in-house.

9. Focus on Core Competencies

By entrusting fulfillment operations to a reliable partner, businesses can redirect their focus toward core competencies such as product development, marketing, and customer service. This allows them to drive growth and innovation while leaving the logistics and fulfillment aspects to experts.

10. Global Reach

Many fulfillment partners have a global network of distribution centers, enabling businesses to reach customers worldwide without the complexities of international shipping and customs. This global reach is essential for e-commerce businesses with international aspirations.


In the dynamic world of e-commerce, the role of fulfillment partners cannot be overstated. These expert providers offer businesses a lifeline, enabling them to manage their supply chains efficiently, enhance the customer experience, and focus on what they do best: growing their brands.

As e-commerce continues to evolve and customer expectations rise, the partnership between businesses and fulfillment providers is set to become even more critical. It’s not just about fulfilling orders; it’s about delivering exceptional experiences to customers worldwide.

If you’re running an e-commerce business or planning to venture into the digital marketplace, consider the value a fulfillment partner can bring your operations. By tapping into their expertise, technology, and global network, you can confidently navigate the logistics landscape, knowing that your customers will receive orders accurately and promptly.


In the fast-paced world of modern business, efficient supply chain management is crucial for success. One term that frequently surfaces in logistics and supply chain discussions is “3PLs.” But what exactly are 3PLs, and why are they so important? This article delves into Third-Party Logistics Providers to understand their role and significance in commerce.

What Are 3PLs?

Defining Third-Party Logistics Providers

At its core, a Third-Party Logistics Provider is a company that specializes in offering logistics and supply chain management services to other businesses. These services range from warehousing and distribution to transportation management, inventory control, and more. 3PLs serve as external partners that help companies to streamline their supply chain operations efficiently.

The Evolution of 3PLs

To fully comprehend the significance of 3PLs, let’s briefly explore their historical background and evolution. Outsourcing logistics and transportation functions to third parties dates back to the mid-20th century. However, it wasn’t until the 1970s and 1980s that the term “Third-Party Logistics” gained widespread recognition.

As globalization and e-commerce transformed the business landscape, the demand for specialized logistics services multiplied. This evolution led to the emergence of various third-party logistics providers, each offering a specific set of services tailored to the unique needs of businesses across industries.

Core Functions of 3PLs

Now that we have a foundational understanding of what 3PLs are let’s dive deeper into their core functions and services.

1. Warehousing and Distribution

Warehousing is a critical component of the supply chain. Third-party logistics providers maintain warehouses and distribution centers where they store and manage inventory on behalf of their clients. This includes tasks like order fulfillment, packing, labeling, and shipping. By outsourcing warehousing to a 3PL, businesses can reduce the cost and complexity of managing their storage needs.

Efficient distribution is equally essential. Third-party logistics providers ensure that products are delivered to their intended destinations promptly, helping businesses meet customer demands effectively.

2. Transportation Management

Transportation logistics can be complex, involving multiple carriers, routes, and modes of transportation. 3PLs excel in this arena by selecting carriers, optimizing shipping routes, and coordinating the movement of goods. Whether goods must be transported by truck, air, rail, or sea, third-party logistic providers have the expertise to make it happen seamlessly.

3. Inventory Management

Inventory control is a delicate balance between having enough stock to meet demand without overstocking and incurring unnecessary carrying costs. 3PLs help businesses optimize stock levels, minimize carrying costs, and reduce the risk of stockouts, ensuring products are readily available when customers need them.

4. Order Fulfillment

Processing customer orders accurately and efficiently is vital for customer satisfaction. 3PLs handle all aspects of order fulfillment, including picking, packing, and shipping. Additionally, they manage returns and oversee the reverse logistics process.

5. Technology and Software

Modern 3PLs offer robust technology solutions and software platforms that give clients real-time visibility into their supply chain operations. These tools help businesses track shipments, manage inventory, and make informed decisions based on data analytics.

Advantages of Utilizing 3PL Services

Now that we have a clear picture of the services offered by third-party logistic providers let’s explore why businesses choose to partner with them.

1. Improved Efficiency

3PLs are pivotal in streamlining supply chain operations, reducing bottlenecks, and optimizing processes. By outsourcing logistics functions to experts, businesses can focus on their core activities, ultimately improving efficiency and productivity.

2. Cost Reduction

Maintaining large warehouses, fleets of trucks, and skilled logistics personnel can be expensive. 3PLs allow businesses to eliminate the need for massive infrastructure investments. Through economies of scale and efficient resource allocation, 3PLs can often deliver cost savings.

3. Scalability

Businesses face fluctuations in demand, seasonal peaks, and market fluctuations. 3PLs offer scalability, allowing companies to adapt to these changes effectively. Whether it’s handling a surge in orders during the holiday season or scaling down during slower periods, third-party logistics providers offer flexibility.

A refrigerated delivery truck is shown, emphasizing the diverse services 3pls can provide

Types of 3PL Providers

It’s worth noting that 3PLs come in various forms, each with unique characteristics.

Asset-Based 3PLs

Asset-based 3PLs own and operate their transportation and warehousing assets, such as trucks and warehouses. They have direct control over their resources, which can lead to more predictable service levels.

Non-Asset-Based 3PLs

On the other hand, non-asset-based logistics providers do not own physical assets. Instead, they leverage their extensive network of carriers and warehouses to provide logistics services. This flexibility allows them to tailor solutions to meet specific client needs.

Freight Forwarders vs. 3PLs

Freight forwarders are a subset of third-party logistics specializing in arranging goods transportation on their clients’ behalf. While freight forwarders focus primarily on transportation, 3PLs typically offer a broader range of logistics services, including warehousing and inventory management.

Choosing the Right 3PL Partner

Selecting the right 3PL partner is a critical decision for businesses. Here are some factors to consider when making this choice:

Expertise: Look for a 3PL provider with expertise in your industry or niche.

Technology: Ensure the third-party logistics partner offers modern technology solutions to improve supply chain visibility.

Flexibility: Assess their ability to adapt to your changing needs and seasonal fluctuations.

References: Ask for references and case studies to gauge their track record.


In modern business, 3PLs have become invaluable partners in ensuring efficient supply chain management. Their expertise in warehousing, distribution, transportation, inventory management, and technology solutions profoundly impacts businesses’ efficiency, cost reduction, and scalability. As you navigate the complex world of logistics, consider the role that a trusted 3PL can play in streamlining.