
Shipping isn’t always easy, and it’s hard to know what to do when you do run into a problem. Sometimes, you void a shipment, while other times, your shipment gets a void. So, in today’s guide, we talk about UPS specifically and what to do when you hit a little bump in the shipping road, your package gets the void treatment the dreaded words: “ups shipment voided” appear. So, let’s dive into why this happens and give a few tips on how to surf these shipping waves like a pro.

1. Unraveling the Mystery: UPS Shipment Voided?

To start, you may wonder, “Why was my shipment voided”? Well, there are many different reasons this happens. A couple of them include a mix-up of addresses or even a last-minute change of plans. The shipping universe is full of surprises. That’s why pinpointing why your shipment got the ax is step one in cracking this shipping code. So, what’s your next step?

2. Take the Reins: Hit Up UPS Customer Service

The next best step in determining why your shipping has the “void” label is to give UPS customer service a ring. Usually, they’ll ask for your tracking number, and then you can spill the details of your shipment saga. Remember, these folks are your go-to gurus, and they’ll give you everything you need to know why your package got the void treatment. Plus, they’ll help give you information on the following steps. 

3. Shake It Off and Reship: Crafting a New Shipping Game Plan

If you find out your package needs a second chance, it’s time to channel your inner shipping maestro. So, you need to print a fresh shipping label and ensure your location, spelling, and overall label contents are accurate. Overall, accuracy is your secret weapon to dodge any future shipping hiccups.

4. Dollar Bills, Y’all: Refunds and Adjustments

As another important tip, if your shipment was prepaid and you got the void boot before the pickup, you might be in for a sweet refund or adjustment. If this happens, you can look into the UPS refund policies, shoot your shot, and see if you get your dollars back.

5. Keep It Real: Tracking Updates and Stayin’ in the Loop

As another good reminder that’s true for any shipment, keep an eye on your package and delivery status. If you do that, it’s pretty easy to see whether your package has the “void” label. Call UPS for the lowdown if anything seems fishy or there’s a delay. Communication is critical to getting things done, and as we said before, they help you with everything you need for your package worries.

6. Document Like a Boss: Cover Your Back

In the world of shipping, documentation is your sidekick. Therefore, write down every chat with UPS, note tracking and reference numbers, and screenshot those confirmation emails. A solid paper trail gets you out of this pickle and sets you up for future shipping adventures.

Conclusion: Smooth Sailing 

So, your UPS shipment hit a detour. But it’s no biggie! You’ll be back on smooth seas by staying in the loop, getting help from UPS support, and rolling with the shipping punches. Remember, shipping surprises happen, but with these reminders and tips, you’re the captain of this shipping ship.

Ready to tackle this? Give UPS a shout for a roadmap out of this shipping maze. 


Commerce is constantly moving, and so is demand for different products. That’s why businesses often face the challenge of balancing supply and demand. When a popular product flies off the shelves faster than expected, companies are in the sticky situation of deciding whether to halt sales temporarily. Luckily, they have another option to help solve this issue of stopping revenue, which is backordering. This process allows your business to deal with products that are out of stock and the customers that want them and keep revenue flowing. 

So, in today’s blog, we go over what backordering is, its benefits, how to navigate the challenges, and how to make the most of the backordering process. That way, you can know more about it if it happens to you and your business. 

Let’s get into it!

What is Backordering?

Backordering, as we mentioned, is a strategy for when products go out of stock. So, it involves accepting orders for products currently out of stock, with the promise of fulfilling those orders when products become available again. Simply put, it’s a promise to the customer that they will get the product right when it returns to warehouse shelves. This practice allows businesses to continue sales even when their inventory is temporarily gone. Therefore, it helps maintain customer interest and loyalty. Even if the product doesn’t immediately go out to the customer, it still helps them know they will get it eventually, rather than simply turning them away with nothing else to offer. 

So, what are the other benefits that backordering has to offer? Let’s check it out.

Backordering Bonuses

Some of the benefits of putting back ordering into practice include:

1. Keeping Customers Happy

When a product is in high demand, the last thing a business wants is to turn away potential customers, especially when they’re very willing to buy that popular product. So, backordering allows companies to accept orders on the product even if it’s not in stock yet. Therefore, despite temporary shortages, the business demonstrates a commitment to customers and their needs. The customer knows the product they want will get to them eventually.

2. Not Losing Money

Rather than stopping sales for certain products, backordering allows businesses to keep revenue flowing. So, customers are willing to wait for a popular item and be promised that item in return for a benefit to the company with their payment for that product.

3. Managing Your Inventory

Backordering is also a helpful tool for managing inventory effectively. It gives an inside look into demand trends, as you know which product is doing the best when it runs out the quickest. Therefore, businesses can ensure they produce or order more stock to meet future demand and avoid the need for future backorders.

Now that we’ve gone over the benefits of backorder, we’ll give you tips on handling problems if and when they arise.

Figuring Out the Challenges

If you ever run into issues with backordering, such as unpredictable delays, or problems with suppliers or customers, here are some tips to help:

1. Keep Communication Clear

Communicating well and clearly with customers is crucial for any business. So, especially if things go out of stock, you should communicate with your customers if doing backorders. It’s beneficial to ensure customers know about the expected delivery timeframe and update them on any changes or delays. Therefore, they can know their order and your commitment to them. Plus, you’re building further trust between you and the customer when communicating this way.

2. Keep Expectations at Bay

Setting realistic expectations is critical to managing customer satisfaction. So, you should give accurate estimates of delivery times. Therefore, you can prevent disappointment and make sure the customer has a better experience overall.

3. Realize Supply Chain Risks

While backordering can be beneficial, it’s not without risks. External factors such as supplier delays or production issues can hurt fulfillment timelines. Therefore, businesses need contingency plans to address such challenges. These plans (to name a few) can include diversifying suppliers (or having two or three different options), having communication protocols put in place for customers, and warehouse automation.

So, now that you know how to handle better challenges that might come up with backorders let’s go over how to make the most of using backordering. 

Implementing Backordering Successfully

To use this practice to benefit you and your business to the highest ability, here are some things you can do:

1. Tech Up!

Using different technology can help make backordering easy and stress-free. The remarkable technology you can use includes inventory management systems and customer relationship management (CRM) tools. Automation gadgets like these can help businesses track orders, update customers, and manage inventory more efficiently. To take it a step further, you could use a 3PL with all these technologies in place! Either way, the tech will help smooth out backordering and make both you and your customer happier. 

As mentioned before, customers want them when things go out of stock. So, regularly looking at sales data and customer behavior like this helps accurately identify patterns and forecast demand. This proactive approach allows businesses to adjust their backordering strategy in real-time.

3. Seek Customer Feedback

As a final tip, encouraging customer feedback on the backordering experience can give you great insights into how well it’s working out on the customer side of your business. Then, you can use this information to clean up the process, figure out any issues, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Wrapping Things Up

In the ever-evolving landscape of commerce, backordering is a helpful solution to supply and demand challenges. Not only does it allow you to gain control if you’re out of stock on products, but it also helps keep customers and revenue up. If you practice using backorders in your business, you can use the tips in this blog to help. That way, you can use backordering to navigate temporary shortages and maintain customer trust, ensuring a steady revenue flow and optimizing inventory management. So, hopefully, with the help of this blog, your business can crush it (especially this holiday season).


The shipping and receiving process is vital in shipping and logistics. Without it, we wouldn’t be where we are today in our e-commerce and digital world (especially with online ordering and shopping). From order placement to final delivery, this integral process is a complex web of interconnected stages. So, we’re here to simplify that process for you. This blog looks at the various steps in the shipping and receiving process workflow that keep businesses running seamlessly. That way, you can better understand the fulfillment process as a whole. 

So, let’s go over the ‘flow!

1. Order Placement and Processing

To start, an order needs to be made in the process of shipping and receiving. So, the first step of the process kicks off with a customer placing an order! This order is done through one of many channels, whether online platforms, phone calls, or face-to-face transactions.

Next, the channel enters the order details into the system for processing, marking the beginning of the logistical journey.

2. Picking and Packing:

After an order is made, the next step in the workflow begins. So, this scene happens on a warehouse floor, and the spotlight shifts to warehouse staff. This staff picks the items for the order from inventory shelves.

After the picking, the items are sent for packing. In this stage, packers ensure items are accurate and well-protected for the upcoming journey.  Overall, this entire process is known as “picking and packing” and is the heartbeat of the supply chain.

3. Shipping Label Generation and Shipping

After picking and packing, the flow progresses to generating shipping labels and sticking them to packages. Shipping labels show all the information about the order’s destination, shipping method, and tracking number. Therefore, they’re super important to the shipping process overall.

After labeling, the orders are handed to the carrier they’re traveling with. Thus, this initiates the actual “shipping” part of the process that transports the goods from the warehouse to the customer’s doorstep.

4. Tracking:

Once the actual shipping of the orders starts, a tracking number comes into play. Customers get a unique tracking number for their specific order. With this, they can check their shipment’s status and location in real-time, ensuring their package arrives when they’re expecting it.

5. Receiving and Inventory Update:

As orders get closer to their destination, the carrier/deliverer checks the package to ensure it’s suitable for receiving. To do this, the delivery person compares the items in the package with the packing list.

At the same time, the reviewer updates the inventory management system, offering a real-time snapshot of stock levels for the warehouse to reference.

6. Quality Checks and Order Fulfillment Confirmation:

Quality checks take center stage in this step of the shipping and receiving workflow. These checks are there to ensure quality and that items meet standards. Plus, this step adds an extra layer of assurance.

Once the goods pass inspection, the system generates an order fulfillment confirmation, informing the customer that their order receiving and processing has been successful.

7. Returns Processing and Reporting:

In the event of a return, this situation flips the workflow. So, it changes from provider to customer, to customer back to provider. This process involves events like return authorization, shipping back to the warehouse, inspection, and subsequent inventory updates.

After the return, regular reports help analyze the efficiency of the shipping and receiving processes. Therefore, it helps identify issues and proposes optimizations and things to fix for continuous improvement.

Now that you know the shipping and receiving process workflow, you hopefully better understand the supply chain overall and how it works. 


In the dynamic world of commerce, shipping and receiving are very important for businesses that want to provide a seamless customer experience, minimizing mistakes. Businesses can meet and exceed customer expectations by understanding and optimizing each stage of the workflow. Plus, they can maintain accuracy in inventory management. When finely tuned, the shipping and receiving process workflow becomes a strategic asset. Thus, it contributes to the overall success and growth of the business. So, if you’re a business owner wanting to make the most of your supply chain, think of how you can make the most of the shipping and receiving process workflow!


In global commerce, efficient and accurate shipping is crucial for businesses of all sizes. However, a critical aspect of the shipping process is often overlooked – the shipping packing list. In this blog, we’ll explore the significance of shipping packing list templates, their key components, and how they contribute to the seamless flow of goods from sender to recipient.

The Shipping Packing List Template: Like A Vacation Packing List for Your Shipments!

When preparing for a vacation, you probably use a list of what you need to get packed for the trip. The Shipping packing list template is virtually the same for a traveling package; it helps ensure everything in the shipment (similar to your suitcase) has everything it needs. 

Shipping packing list templates ensure accurate documentation of the contents of a shipment. This helps keep track of inventory and comply with customs regulations. When goods cross international borders, customs clearance becomes a critical step. A detailed packing list makes this process easier by giving customs officials a comprehensive overview of the shipment’s contents. By using a standardized template, businesses can reduce the likelihood of errors in the shipping process. A well-organized packing list minimizes the chances of missing or incorrectly listed items, leading to smoother transactions. So, just like a vacation packing list, it helps you not pack the wrong items or forget things. 

Components of a Shipping Packing List Template:

The shipping packing list has many different components:

Sender and Recipient Information:

This is like the personal tag you put on your suitcase at the airport. This area includes the sender’s and recipient’s names, addresses, and contact details. Therefore, it ensures the shipment reaches its intended destination without hiccups.

Shipment Details: 

This part is where you specify the shipment date, tracking number, and other relevant identification numbers. Like the stickers they put on your bags at the airport to find and send your package with your airplane/destination, this information helps track and trace a shipment during transit.

Itemized List:

Here, you provide a detailed list of all items in the shipment, including item descriptions, quantities, unit measurements, and weights. Thus, this helps in inventory management and ensures that the recipient receives exactly what was ordered.

Packaging Information: 

In this step, you show how the items are packaged, including the number of packages, dimensions, and weights of each package. This information is essential for logistics and handling during transportation

Shipping Method: 

At this point, you demonstrate the shipping methods, such as air freight, sea freight, or ground transportation. That way, you’re helping estimate delivery times and manage customer expectations.

Special Instructions: 

Here, you include any special handling instructions or requirements for specific items in the shipment. If you have valuables in your suitcase to travel, you wouldn’t want them to be thrown around, right? So, this part of the list ensures that delicate or perishable items receive the necessary attention during transit.

Total Quantities and Weight: 

Nearing the end of the list, you summarize the total quantity of items and the total weight of the shipment. This provides a quick overview of the shipment’s size and helps in logistical planning. Think about when you weigh your checked bags at the airport – this is similar!

Declaration of Contents: 

Finally, you end the packing list with a declaration of the document’s accuracy and a statement confirming the shipment’s contents. Thus, this builds trust and transparency in the shipping process.

Now that you know how to read and fill out a good shipping packing list template, let’s see how to get one.

Where to Get Shipping Packing List Templates

There are several ways to find packing list templates. One easy way is to search for “shipping packing list templates” online. You will find many templates that you can download for free or purchase from various websites.

Another option is to check with your shipping carrier. Many shipping companies offer their customers free packing list templates that can be customized to their specific needs. You can also check with your industry trade association, as they might have templates available for members.

Finally, you can create your packing list template using a word processor or spreadsheet software. You can create a customized template that fits your business’s unique shipping needs by including all the necessary components. The options are endless! Pretty cool, right?


The importance of shipping packing list templates cannot be overstated in the complex global shipping landscape. They are vital in helping with accurate documentation, customs compliance, and efficient logistics. By investing time in creating and using comprehensive packing list templates, businesses can enhance the reliability of their shipments, reduce errors, and contribute to a seamless global supply chain. Remember, you wouldn’t want to have the wrong items in your suitcase


Hey there, fellow shipper! You’re probably reading this blog today because you are looking into 3rd party shipping. If you’re looking for some answers, then you’re in luck! We’re here to help out with some questions you might have about 3rd party shippers. So, let’s look into the fantastic world of logistics and find out how the 3rd party shipper makes sure to get your products to your customers’ doorsteps.

So, What’s a 3rd Party Shipper Anyway?

Alright, let’s break it down. Imagine you’re running a lemonade stand, and business is booming. Now, instead of squeezing all those lemons, transporting them, and setting up shop yourself, what if you could call in someone super skilled at all things lemonade-related? That’s kind of what 3rd party shippers do but with way more excellent stuff than lemons!

But, a 3rd party shipper is like a superhero for businesses. So, they swoop in to help with all the tricky parts of getting your products from the manufacturer (or you) to a store or even straight to the customer’s doorstep.

What Do They Do?

Okay, now that we know what they are, let’s talk about what these 3rd party shippers do. Picture this: a customer just ordered a product online. So, what happens next? A 3rd party shipper steps in to ensure your new goodies reach you safely and sound.

Here’s a quick rundown of their superhero tasks:

1. Transportation Magic: 3rd party shippers have their own ways of moving things around. They might use trucks, planes, ships, or even a mix of everything! So, they ensure your stuff travels from the factory to the store or warehouse.

2. Warehouse Wonderland: Imagine a gigantic closet where all your favorite things are neatly organized. That’s kind of what a warehouse is, and 3rd party shippers often have these incredible places. They store products until they’re ready to be sent off to their new homes.

3. Order Adventure: When a customer clicks that “Buy Now” button, the 3rd party shipper gets a signal to start their mission. They pick and pack the order with care. Therefore, everything is in tip-top shape.

4. Shipping Sorcery: Time for the grand finale! The 3rd party shipper works their magic to send your order on its way. Whatever the transportation method or carrier, they ensure your package gets to the customer pronto.

How Does the Magic Work?

You might wonder, “How do they pull off all this magic?” Well, it’s not magic, but it’s pretty clever! 3rd party shippers use technology and teamwork to make everything happen smoothly.

1. Super Cool Technology: Imagine having a robot friend who helps you remember all your chores. 3rd party shippers use high-tech gadgets and computer systems to keep track of all the products, where they are, and where they need to go. It’s like having a super-smart robot assistant!

2. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Just like superheroes need sidekicks, 3rd party shippers have a team of skilled people. Everyone, from drivers to warehouse wizards, works together to ensure orders are handled carefully.

3. Fast and Furious (but Safe!): Ever notice how your packages arrive so quickly? 3rd party shippers plan everything to be fast and efficient. They want to get your stuff to the customer ASAP but without any bumps along the way.

Who Benefits from 3rd Party Shippers?

Guess what? Many big and small businesses call on 3rd party shippers for help. Here’s who gets in on the action:

1. Online Stores: E-commerce stores often use 3rd party shippers as an efficient and quick way to ensure orders get to the customer.

2. Local Shops: Even your favorite local shops might team up with 3rd party shippers. They help these shops get the products they need without all the headaches of managing the whole transportation and storage thing.

3. Game-Changing Manufacturers: The places that create fantastic things, like the latest gadgets or stylish clothes, often work with 3rd party shippers. It lets them focus on making cool stuff while someone else handles the logistics dance.

Pros and Cons – The Real Talk

Now, let’s review the pros and cons of using 3rd party shippers.


  1. Speedy Deliveries: Thanks to 3rd party shippers, your orders can arrive quickly, making the customers and shippers happy. 
  1. Less Stress for your Business: Businesses can relax knowing that experts handle tricky logistics. It’s like having a superhero squad on speed dial.
  1. Focus on What Matters: With 3rd party shippers handling the logistics, businesses can focus on creating exceptional products and making customers like us happy.


  1. Less Control: Businesses might feel like they’re giving away some control when relying on 3rd party shippers. They have to trust these heroes to do their job well.
  1. Communication Challenges: Sometimes, if the superhero squad and the business aren’t on the same page, there can be misunderstandings. It’s like Batman and Robin needing to coordinate their moves!
  1. Costs and Surprises: While 3rd party shippers can save money in the long run, businesses need to be careful about unexpected costs or changes in pricing. It’s like planning a superhero budget—you don’t want any surprise villains showing up.

Wrapping Things Up

The world of 3rd party shippers is like a real-life adventure where you can get someone else to help get your products to customers in a flash. It’s like having a team of logistics superheroes ensuring that the shopping world stays exciting and stress-free!


Ever wondered how businesses manage to get products from one place to another seamlessly? Well, one secret weapon in their arsenal is a 3PL. But what are the pros and cons of using a 3PL? In this blog, we’ll review what 3PL is, explore its advantages or “3PL pros,” and look at a few challenges it might bring.

So, let’s get started!

Understanding 3PLs

So, what’s a 3PL? It stands for Third-Party Logistics. Think of it like having a logistics superhero—outside experts who swoop in to handle all the nitty-gritty details of moving goods around. If you need the products you sell to be stored and sent off to customers, 3PLs can help a ton, which brings us to the next piece of the blog: 3PL pros. 

3PL Pros – The Good Stuff:

1. Cost Efficiency: Starting off strong, one of the top perks of 3PLs is cost savings. By outsourcing logistics to a 3PL provider, businesses can often trim down transportation, storage, and even technology expenses. So, you’re getting quality service without breaking the bank.

2. Focus on Core Competencies: Businesses can stick to what they do best while 3PL experts handle the logistics dance. This means more time and energy for designing excellent products, improving services, and overall business growth.

3. Scalability: As a business grows, so do its logistics needs. 3PL providers can flex and adapt, accommodating changes in the volume of shipments or the complexity of operations. It’s like having a logistics partner that grows with you.

4. Global Reach: 3PL providers often have a vast network, making it easier for businesses to expand globally. They understand the ins and outs of international shipping, customs regulations, and all the global logistics puzzles.

5. Technology Boost: Many 3PL companies come armed with advanced technology. From real-time tracking to sophisticated inventory management systems, these tools bring efficiency and transparency to logistics.

3PL Cons – The Challenges:

Now, let’s talk about the other side of the coin. While 3PL brings a lot to the table, it’s not without its challenges.

1. Loss of Control: Entrusting logistics to a third party means giving up some control. This shift can be a bit nerve-wracking for businesses used to managing every detail.

2. Communication Hurdles: Collaborating with an external partner requires clear communication. Any misunderstandings or miscommunication can lead to disruptions in the supply chain.

3. Dependency Risks: Relying heavily on a 3PL provider might pose risks if facing financial instability or operational issues. Therefore, a hiccup on their end can ripple effect on your business.

4. Customization Limitations: Some businesses have unique needs that may not align perfectly with standard 3PL services. Customization options can be limited, requiring compromises.

5. Quality Control Concerns: When someone else is handling your products, there’s always a concern about maintaining the quality standards you’ve set. Ensuring that your 3PL partner shares your commitment to quality is crucial.

Though some of these challenges can be tricky, 3PL pros can provide much help and benefit in the long run. As always, deciding what works best for your business is up to you. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, a 3PL is like a double-edged sword—sharp and effective, but with some challenges to be mindful of. The pros, like cost efficiency, scalability, and global reach, make it a valuable asset for many businesses. Yet, the cons, such as loss of control and potential communication issues, highlight the need for careful consideration and strategic planning when venturing into the world of 3PLs. It’s all about finding the right balance to harness the power of logistics superheroes while keeping a watchful eye on potential challenges. Cool, right?


Ever wondered how stores, whether online or in-person, get all their stuff to sell? Well, that’s where B2B shipping comes in! In this blog, we’ll break down what B2B shipping is, how it works, which types of businesses find it super helpful, and why it matters to all of us.

Understanding B2B Shipping:

Alright, so B2B shipping is basically about businesses sending stuff to other businesses. Imagine it like a giant puzzle where different companies need to share and exchange things to keep everything running smoothly.

So, how does it work?

The B2B Shipping Flow:

Let’s dive into the process:

1. Order Placement: A business starts by telling another business what it needs. It’s like making a shopping list for the suppliers or manufacturers.

2. Logistics Planning: Once the order is made, businesses determine the best way to get the products, supplies, or materials from one place to another. They decide on the best trucks, trains, or planes to use and plan the route for speedy delivery, all while keeping cost in mind.

3. Packaging and Labeling: The products are ready for packaging and labeling after solving logistics. Labels help businesses keep track of products in transit so that those products get delivered quickly and accurately. Plus, stable and secure packaging ensures the safety of products in transit.

4. Transportation: Depending on what’s being sent and where, there is a decision about the best form of transportation. Plus, if the product is going to another country (or being sent internationally), there are extra rules to follow at customs.

5. Tracking and Visibility: Businesses use technology to see where their product is. This helps them make quick decisions if something unexpected happens.

6. Delivery and Receiving: Finally, the product arrives at the other business. Getting things on time and in good condition helps businesses trust each other and work together better.

Types of Businesses Best Fit for B2B Shipping:

Now, let’s talk about which businesses love using B2B shipping:

  1. Manufacturers: These are the folks making things, so they need a constant supply of materials to keep their machines humming.
  1. Distributors and Wholesalers: These businesses help spread products around. They send big batches of products to smaller stores so more people can buy them.
  1. E-commerce Platforms: These platforms use B2B shipping to bring products from big factories to your favorite online stores.
  1. Construction and Infrastructure: Businesses need many different materials when big construction projects happen. B2B shipping helps get everything to the construction site.
  1. Technology and Electronics: B2B shipping ensures all the parts of gadgets and technology get to the right places so companies can put them together and sell them.

Why B2B Shipping Matters:

B2B shipping isn’t just a behind-the-scenes process; it’s a big deal for shipping and logistics. It ensures that businesses can operate smoothly and create what we use daily. Whether it’s the phone you text with, the clothes you wear, or the buildings you see around town, B2B shipping plays a crucial role in making it all happen.

Final Thoughts:

So, in a nutshell, B2B shipping is like the glue that holds businesses together. It helps them get what they need, where they need it, so they can keep doing their best. Understanding this helps businesses be innovative about moving things around and shows us how the world works together to ensure we have the stuff we need and love. Cool, right?

USPS Tracking Plus, an extended service by the United States Postal Service (USPS), offers users more extended access to tracking details for their packages. In this blog, we’ll get into the nitty gritty of what USPS Tracking Plus is, its distinctive features compared to regular tracking, its benefits, associated costs, and more. 

What is USPS Tracking Plus?

Let’s start with the basics. USPS Tracking Plus is a fee-based service offering customers an extended mailing and package tracking period. It allows up to 10 years of tracking history for domestic shipments and up to 7 years for international ones. This service also offers the option to request a Premium Tracking Statement via email during the specified period.

How is it Different from Regular Tracking?

The most significant difference lies in the extended duration. While standard USPS tracking allows access to package information for a limited period, usually up to 120 days for non-signature items and two years for signature items, USPS Tracking Plus offers significantly longer tracking history, crucial for those needing access beyond the standard periods. It provides official data that legal and financial institutions may accept as evidence for mailings and deliveries in legal proceedings.

What are the Benefits of Using USPS Tracking Plus

The benefits of opting for this new USPS tracking service are multifaceted, mostly for financial and legal purposes:

– Resolution of delivery disputes using the extended tracking information.

– Accepted evidence of mailing in legal and financial scenarios.

– Critical information for legal proceedings and claims.

Who Would Need to Use USPS Tracking Plus?

USPS Tracking Plus is beneficial for various scenarios, particularly for those who:

– Regularly engage in legal proceedings, where extended tracking history can serve as crucial evidence.

– Manage businesses that require accurate and extended tracking data.

– Deal with financial institutions where official data is essential for transactions and disputes.

How do I follow a package using USPS Tracking Plus?

Tracking a package using USPS Tracking Plus follows a similar process to regular USPS tracking. To utilize this USPS service and monitor your package, follow these steps:

1. Access the USPS Website: Go to the official USPS website, where you typically track your packages.

2. Enter the Tracking Number: Locate the tracking number provided to you when you shipped the package. It might be on your shipping receipt, confirmation email, or text message.

3. Track Your Package: Enter the tracking number in the designated field on the USPS website. Click on the “Track” or “Find” button.

4. View the Detailed Tracking History: Once the tracking number is entered, you should be able to view detailed information about your package, such as its current location, transit status, expected delivery date, and any recent updates or events related to its journey.

5. Extend Access for USPS Tracking Plus: If you’ve purchased the USPS Tracking Plus service for the specific package, you should have access to an extended history beyond the standard duration provided by regular USPS tracking.

6. Premium Tracking Statement: You can request a Premium Tracking Statement by email if you need a document detailing the extended tracking history. This statement can be helpful as evidence in legal proceedings or for resolving disputes.

Remember that access to USPS Tracking Plus is typically purchased for a specific period. Ensure you have bought the service for the package you want to track and are within the purchased duration to access the extended tracking details.

If you encounter any issues or need more specific information about your package’s tracking, it’s advisable to contact USPS customer service for assistance.

Cost of USPS Tracking Plus

The cost of this USPS tracking service varies depending on the desired extension duration. Prices start at $0.99 for a six-month extension and up to $6.75 for a ten-year extension with Signature Retention. The service allows users to select the extension duration best suits their tracking needs.

Eligible USPS Products


International Outbound

* With the purchase of a trackable extra service 


In conclusion, USPS Tracking Plus provides extended access to USPS tracking details, offering crucial benefits for individuals and businesses alike. The service’s cost-effectiveness and suitability for legal and business purposes make it essential for those needing prolonged access to their shipment history.

USPS Tracking Plus is a valuable resource for individuals or businesses requiring extensive and official tracking information. The service’s accessibility and prolonged tracking benefits make it a significant addition for various users across different scenarios.


Whether you’re a business wanting to ensure your products reach your customers on time or someone eagerly awaiting a special delivery, a reliable tracking system can make all the difference. Enter Spee-Dee Tracking, a regional courier and package delivery service based in the Midwest of the United States. They understand this need for precision. That’s why they offer a convenient and efficient tracking system to keep you in the loop every step of the way.

What is Spee-Dee Tracking?

Before diving into the wonders of Spee-Dee Delivery tracking, let’s get to know the company better. Spee-Dee Delivery is a well-established courier service serving several Midwestern states. These states include Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and parts of Illinois and Nebraska. They cater to businesses and individuals, offering a range of delivery options, including same-day and next-day delivery services.

The Need for Tracking

Imagine this scenario: You order a special gift for a loved one, or perhaps it’s a vital package for your business. After ordering, you eagerly anticipate its arrival. But how do you know when it will arrive? The answer’s simple; tracking. This ability to know exactly where your package is in real time can ease your mind. Plus, it can allow you to plan accordingly. This is precisely where Spee-Dee Delivery tracking comes into play.

So, how does the tracking system look when it’s implemented? Let’s find out,

How Does Speed-Dee Delivery Tracking Work?

Spee-Dee tracking is pretty straightforward. It all starts with a unique tracking number or reference number. Typically, this number is provided by the courier or the sender, and it’s your key to accessing real-time information about your package’s journey.

You can visit Spee-Dee Delivery’s website or use their mobile app with this tracking number. There, you’ll find the tracking tool. Enter your tracking number, and voilà! You have access to the following information:

  1. Pick-up Confirmation: This lets you know when the sender collects your package. Therefore, it ensures you know the starting point of its journey.
  1. In-Transit Updates: As your package makes its way to the destination, you’ll receive updates on its whereabouts. This includes details about sorting facilities, transportation modes, and estimated delivery times.
  1. Expected Delivery: The tracking system will give an estimated delivery date so you know when to expect your package.

Now that you know how the tracking system works let’s see how it benefits you and your business. 

The Benefits of Spee-Dee Tracking

Some of the benefits of Spee-Dee tracking include:

  1. Peace of Mind: You can track your package from the moment it’s picked up until it reaches your doorstep. Thus, you get peace of mind and eliminate the uncertainty of where your package might be.
  1. Efficient Planning: Knowing the estimated delivery date helps you plan your day accordingly. That way, you can ensure you can receive your package when it arrives.
  1. Quick Issue Resolution: In the rare event of a delay or issue with your delivery, check the tracking information. With this, you can quickly identify and address the issue.
  1. Customer Satisfaction: Businesses can enhance customer satisfaction by offering this level of transparency and ensuring their customers stay well-informed about their deliveries.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, Spee-Dee tracking is a simple yet powerful tool to help customers stay updated on their packages. These updates include location and status.  In a world where convenience is key, this service ensures your deliveries are on track. Plus, it helps you plan your day with confidence. Overall, this tracking tool is all about making your life easier and your deliveries smoother. 


Everyone wants to save time and money, especially when sending packages and mail. However, there are so many different ways one can do so. Which to choose? Well, this blog helps explain one. Enter UPS Mail Innovations (UPSMI), a service designed to make your shipping experience smoother and your wallet happier. Today, we’ll go over everything UPSMI; what it is, how it works, its benefits, and which businesses benefit from it. 

So, let’s get started

What is UPS Mail Innovations (UPSMI)?

UPSMI is an all-in-one mailing partner for high-volume mailing needs. If your business ships a lot of stuff, UPSMI might be for you. However, any mailer can benefit from its services. There are many different services that UPSMI provides, including domestic and international, as well as returns and First Class Mail. They also provide good tips, help and ideas for multiple fields, from financial mailings and retail to educational material mailing. That way, you can avoid problems and follow guidelines for any mailing you do. 

So, how does it all work?

How UPSMI Works

1. Sending Your Mail or Packages: Imagine you’re a business or an online retailer. You have many lightweight packages or mail that need to reach their destinations. You start by sending these items to a UPS Mail Innovations facility.

2. The UPS Touch: UPS kicks into action. They process and transport your packages within their vast network. They handle the heavy lifting and long-distance shipping, ensuring your items are on the right path.

3. Handoff to USPS: When your packages get close to their destination, they are handed over to the USPS. The USPS takes care of the final mile delivery, bringing your mail or packages to the recipient’s doorstep, mailbox, or office.

Benefits of UPSMI

Some of the benefits of UPSMI include:

Who Benefits from UPSMI?

  1. E-commerce Retailers: If you’re running an online store, UPSMI can simplify your shipping operations. You can send packages in bulk, save on costs, and provide reliable tracking for your customers.
  1. Small Businesses: Small businesses often have to watch their budgets closely. UPSMI can help them stay competitive by offering cost-effective shipping solutions.
  1. Bulk Mailers: Whether you’re sending newsletters, catalogs, or promotional materials, UPSMI is an excellent option for bulk mailings, allowing you to reach a broad audience economically.
  1. Individual Shippers: Even if you’re not a business, UPSMI can be handy for sending lightweight packages, gifts, or essential documents without breaking the bank.

Wrapping Things Up

In conclusion, UPS Mail Innovations is an intelligent choice for optimizing its shipping process. It combines the best features of two major carriers to create an efficient, cost-effective, and user-friendly solution for businesses and individuals alike. So, if you want to simplify your shipping and save money, UPSMI might be your new best friend in the world of mail and packages.