
In the world of e-commerce and logistics, the efficiency of your fulfillment process can make or break your business. The shipping station is a critical component that often determines the success of your order fulfillment. 

An effective shipping station is not just a space in your warehouse; it’s the nerve center of your fulfillment operations, where orders are transformed from digital carts into physical packages ready for delivery. This blog post will delve into the importance of a well-organized shipping station and how it can streamline your e-commerce fulfillment process.

What is a Shipping Station?

A shipping station is a dedicated area in your fulfillment center or warehouse where orders are prepared for shipment. It is equipped with all the necessary tools and supplies, such as packaging materials, scales, label printers, and computers with shipping software. 

The primary function of a shipping station is to ensure that products are securely packaged, accurately weighed, and correctly labeled with shipping information before being dispatched to customers.

Key Components of an Efficient Shipping Station

To maximize the efficiency of your station, it’s essential to have the following components:

1. Workspace: A spacious and well-organized table or countertop where orders can be assembled and packaged.

2. Packaging Supplies: An ample supply of boxes, envelopes, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and tape to ensure products are securely packaged.

3. Shipping Scales: Accurate scales to weigh packages and determine shipping costs.

4. Label Printers: High-quality printers to generate shipping labels with barcodes and tracking information.

5. Computers with Shipping Software: Computers equipped with software to manage orders, print labels, and track shipments.

6. Storage: Shelving or bins to store packaging materials and products awaiting shipment.

The Benefits of a Well-Organized Shipping Station

An efficient station can provide numerous benefits to your e-commerce business, including:

1. Faster Order Processing: A well-designed shipping station allows for a streamlined workflow, enabling you to process orders more quickly and efficiently.

2. Accuracy: With the right tools and setup, the chances of errors in packaging, weighing, and labeling are significantly reduced, leading to fewer customer complaints and returns.

3. Cost Savings: Accurate weighing and labeling can help you avoid overpaying for shipping or facing penalties for underpaying. Additionally, having all supplies organized and readily available reduces waste and the time spent searching for materials.

4. Scalability: A scalable shipping station can easily adapt to increased order volume, allowing your business to grow without major disruptions to your fulfillment process.

5. Customer Satisfaction: Faster and more accurate order fulfillment leads to happier customers, positive reviews, and repeat business.

Best Practices for Setting Up Your Shipping Station

To create an efficient shipping station, consider the following best practices:

1. Layout Optimization: Design your shipping station layout to minimize movement and streamline the packaging process. Consider the flow of products from storage to the shipping station and then to the dispatch area.

2. Organization: Use shelves, bins, and labels to keep your packaging supplies and tools organized and easily accessible.

3. Technology Integration: Invest in quality shipping software that integrates with your e-commerce platform and carrier services. This will automate many tasks, such as label printing and tracking number generation.

4. Ergonomics: Ensure that the workstation is ergonomically designed to prevent strain and fatigue for your staff. Adjustable height tables and comfortable chairs can make a significant difference.

5. Training: Train your staff on the best practices for packaging, labeling, and using the shipping software to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Adapting to Changing Needs

As your e-commerce business evolves, so too will your shipping station requirements. Regularly assess your shipping station setup to ensure it continues to meet the demands of your business. Be prepared to make adjustments, such as adding more workstations, upgrading equipment, or reorganizing the layout to accommodate increased order volumes or new product lines.


An efficient shipping station is a cornerstone of successful e-commerce fulfillment. Investing in the right equipment, optimizing your layout, and following best practices allows you to create a shipping station that speeds up your order processing, reduces errors, and enhances customer satisfaction

Remember, the goal is to ship products and deliver an experience that keeps your customers returning for more.

At eHub, we understand the importance of efficient logistics in the e-commerce industry. Our solutions are designed to help you streamline your fulfillment process, from matching you with the right 3PL providers to offering scalable shipping solutions. Embrace the power of an efficient shipping station and take your e-commerce business to new heights.


In the competitive realm of e-commerce, providing customers with tailored, personalized experiences is critical to building lasting relationships and driving business growth. Enter the kingdom of custom order fulfillment—an essential aspect of logistics and supply chain management that caters to unique customer preferences, specifications, and requests.

Let’s explore the significance of custom order fulfillment, its impact on enhancing customer satisfaction, and how it revolutionizes e-commerce.

Unveiling Custom Order Fulfillment

Custom order fulfillment refers to the personalized handling and processing of orders tailored to meet specific customer requirements. It encompasses a range of personalized services, including unique packaging, product customization, specialized assembly, and flexible shipping options.

Importance of Custom Order Fulfillment in E-commerce

  1. Personalized Customer Experience

Custom order fulfillment stands out in a world where consumers seek personalized experiences. It enables businesses to cater to customer preferences, creating memorable and unique experiences that foster customer loyalty and satisfaction.

  1. Differentiation and Brand Value

Offering customized fulfillment options sets businesses apart from competitors. It helps build a strong brand identity, portraying a commitment to going the extra mile to meet customers’ needs, thus enhancing brand value and perception.

  1. Increased Sales and Retention

Personalization drives sales and encourages repeat purchases. Customers are more likely to return to a brand offering personalized experiences, leading to higher retention rates and increased lifetime value.

Components of Custom Order Fulfillment

  1. Specialized Packaging

Fulfilling orders with unique packaging requests, personalized messages, gift wrapping, or branded packaging enhances the unboxing experience, leaving a lasting impression on customers.

  1. Product Customization

Allowing customers to personalize products with engravings, custom designs, color choices, or other tailored features adds a touch of exclusivity, meeting individual preferences.

  1. Flexible Shipping and Delivery

Offering varied shipping methods, expedited delivery options, specific delivery dates, or allowing customers to choose delivery instructions provides added convenience and flexibility.

Implementing Effective Strategies

  1. Understanding Customer Preferences

Gathering and analyzing customer data and preferences is crucial. Understanding what customers value allows businesses to tailor fulfillment services effectively.

  1. Leveraging Technology and Tools

Utilizing advanced software solutions and logistics tools enables businesses to streamline custom order processes, manage inventory efficiently, and handle unique requests seamlessly.

  1. Collaboration with Logistics Experts

Partnering with experienced 3PL providers or logistics experts helps optimize fulfillment processes, ensuring the smooth execution of personalized orders while maintaining accuracy and timeliness.


Custom order fulfillment is a powerful tool that drives customer satisfaction and loyalty in the e-commerce landscape. By offering personalized experiences, businesses create deeper connections with customers, differentiate themselves in a competitive market, and elevate their brand value. Embracing tailored strategies, leveraging technology, and collaborating with logistics experts are the keys to unlocking the potential of custom order fulfillment, ensuring that businesses stand out by meeting their valued customers’ unique needs and desires.


Small details like packing slips can often get overlooked when managing a business. Yet, these seemingly mundane documents play a crucial role in e-commerce, significantly impacting customer satisfaction, order accuracy, and business operations. Let’s delve into the significance of these documents and why they are indispensable for your business.

Understanding Packing Slips

A packing slip is a document included in a shipped package that itemizes the order’s contents. It serves as a checklist for both the sender and the recipient, detailing the items sent, their quantities, and any relevant order information. Unlike an invoice, a packing slip doesn’t include pricing details and is primarily used for internal purposes or to aid the customer in verifying received items.

Importance of Packing Slips for Businesses

1. Order Accuracy and Verification

These documents act as a safeguard against errors in order fulfillment. They enable warehouse staff to double-check items picked for shipping against the order list, reducing the likelihood of shipping incorrect products. This slip is a reference point for customers to verify that they’ve received all the ordered items, fostering trust and satisfaction.

2. Streamlined Operations and Inventory Management

In a bustling warehouse environment, efficient operations are paramount. Packing slips aid in inventory management by providing a clear record of items leaving the inventory, making it easier to track stock levels accurately. Additionally, they facilitate streamlined workflows, allowing for quicker and more organized packaging processes.

3. Customer Experience and Brand Image

A seamless unboxing experience contributes significantly to a positive customer experience. Including a packing slip ensures order accuracy and presents a professional image to customers. It demonstrates attention to detail and a commitment to providing a complete and accurate package, elevating your brand’s reputation and encouraging repeat purchases.

Best Practices for Effective Packing Slips

1. Clear and Concise Information

Ensure your packing slips contain all necessary details, including order number, customer information, item names, quantities, and special instructions. For better comprehension, organize the data logically and use easily readable fonts and formats.

2. Branding and Personalization

Utilize these simple documents as an extension of your brand. Incorporate your company logo, tagline, or a personalized thank-you message to enhance the unboxing experience and reinforce brand recognition.

3. Include Return and Contact Information

Incorporate return policies and contact information prominently on the packing slip. This empowers customers with essential details if they need to return or exchange items, fostering trust and easing the post-purchase process.

4. Compatibility with Shipping Labels

Ensure that the slip is appropriately sized to fit alongside shipping labels in the packaging. This ensures convenience for both the packing process and the customer receiving the package.


While often overlooked, packing slips are pivotal in ensuring order accuracy, fostering customer satisfaction, and streamlining business operations. By implementing best practices, businesses can elevate efficiency, customer experience, and online visibility. Embrace the power of packing slips and witness their positive impact on your e-commerce endeavors.


In the fast-paced world of online selling, keeping your Shopify store running smoothly involves handling orders and deliveries efficiently. A game-changer in this process is Third-Party Logistics (3PL) integration. So, in this guide, we’ll explore what 3PL integration is and how it can make a big difference in how well your Shopify store performs.

Understanding 3PL Integration:

What is 3PL Integration?

Imagine if you didn’t have to worry about storing products, packing orders, or managing deliveries. So, that’s where 3PL comes in. It stands for Third-Party Logistics, and when integrated into Shopify, it means your store links up seamlessly with a company that takes care of all these tasks. This integration makes everything work together, allowing you to focus more on growing your business and less on managing the nitty-gritty details.

The Shopify Advantage:

Shopify is like a trusted friend for businesses setting up shop online. It’s easy to use, has excellent features, and can connect with other services, like 3PL providers. So, you benefit from a smooth-running Shopify store while optimizing your logistics without any hassle.

Next, let’s look at why adding 3PL integration to your Shopify store is smart, how you can set it up, and what perks it brings to the table.

Why Consider 3PL Integration for Your Shopify Store:

Scaling Up:

As your business grows, so do your orders and deliveries. So, this is where 3PL integration shines. Overall, it helps you handle more orders, store more products, and get packages out the door faster. In another sense, consider it a way to keep up with your growing success without slowing down.

Making Things Easier:

Who wouldn’t want things to be easier? 3PL integration does just that by automating tasks like getting orders ready and keeping track of your products. This means fewer mistakes, quicker order processing, and more time for you to focus on what you do best.

How to Set Up 3PL Integration with Shopify:

Using the Shopify App Store:

Setting up 3PL integration with Shopify is a breeze, thanks to the Shopify App Store. Here, you’ll find different apps designed to simplify connecting with popular 3PL providers. So, these apps act as bridges, linking your Shopify store to the systems of your chosen 3PL provider. Pick an app that fits your needs, and you’re ready.

Going a Bit Custom:

API integration is another option for those who want something more tailored to their business. Don’t let the tech talk scare you. This means you can create a more personalized connection between your Shopify store and your 3PL provider. It’s like getting a custom-made suit – perfect for your unique requirements.

Now, let’s look at some cool features that come with Shopify 3PL integration and how they can make a real difference in managing your deliveries.

Features and Benefits of Shopify 3PL Integration:

Speedy Order Fulfillment:

When someone buys something from your Shopify store, Shopify 3PL integration steps in. It ensures the order details quickly move to your 3PL provider, who takes care of packing and sending out the products. So, it’s like having a super-fast assembly line for your orders, reducing errors, and getting things shipped in a flash.

Keeping Tabs on Inventory:

Knowing how much stock you have is crucial. Shopify 3PL integration keeps your Shopify store up to date with real-time info on your products. So, as orders go out and new stock comes in, you always know exactly what’s on your shelves. Therefore, there are no more guessing games – just precise, accurate stock levels.

Easy Shipping and Tracking:

Shopify 3PL integration takes care of the shipping details for you. It automatically updates your Shopify store with shipping info and tracking details. This means your customers get accurate and timely updates on their orders. Plus, it eases the load on your customer support team, as customers can check the status of their shipments themselves.

In the next section, we’ll share tips on choosing the right 3PL provider for your Shopify integration, looking at compatibility, cost, and services.

Tips for Picking the Right 3PL Provider:

Checking Compatibility:

Choosing a 3PL provider that works seamlessly with Shopify is crucial. Remember, it’s essential to have systems that talk to each other effortlessly. Thus, look for providers with a track record of successful integrations with stores like yours, and ask about any potential challenges.

Counting the Costs:

While it’s nice to have everything run smoothly, you also want it to be cost-effective. Different 3PL providers offer various service packages. Thus, you’ll want to pick the one that matches your needs. So, consider warehousing costs, order fulfillment charges, and any extra services they offer.

Wrapping It Up:

In conclusion, making your Shopify store work even better with 3PL integration is smart. Whether using apps from the Shopify App Store or going for API integration, the key is to pick a 3PL provider that fits your business goals and easily connects with your Shopify store. By tapping into the cool features of Shopify 3PL integration, you’re setting your online business up for success in a competitive market.


In the competitive realm of e-commerce, choosing the right fulfillment strategy is an excellent way to help steer the ship toward further success, significantly when your business grows. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and Third-Party Logistics (3PL) are prominent players in this field, offering unique business advantages and considerations. Today, we’ll go over each FBA and 3PL, so you can decide which would suit your business and fulfillment needs best.

Let’s jump in!

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

To start, ​​Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service offered by Amazon where third-party sellers can store their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers. Amazon takes care of the picking, packing, and shipping of the products when customers place orders. FBA also includes customer service and manages returns on behalf of the seller.

So, what are its advantages and disadvantages?

The Amazon Advantage:

1. Prime Perks: Undoubtedly, one of the best parts of FBA is the ability to tap into the Amazon Prime ecosystem. Sellers using FBA can offer Prime benefits to customers, such as expedited shipping. Therefore, they can enhance customer satisfaction.

2. Global Grasp: FBA allows businesses to extend their reach globally without the headaches of managing international logistics. Amazon has an extensive network of fulfillment centers around the globe. Therefore, they can ensure efficient and reliable delivery to customers worldwide.

3. Customer Confidence: The Amazon brand carries a significant weight of trust. Especially since it’s one of the most recognizable brands in the world, products fulfilled by Amazon automatically get recognition by the customer, potentially translating into higher conversion rates and customer loyalty.

The Trade-Offs:

1. Fee Structure: While FBA provides an excellent solution for order fulfillment, it comes with its share of fees. Therefore, you should carefully evaluate the cost implications if you’re the seller. These include storage fees, fulfillment fees, and other associated charges. That way, you can ensure you have profit and are making money rather than losing it. 

2. Operational Oversight: Opting for FBA means losing some aspects of control over the fulfillment process. Amazon takes charge of essential tasks such as picking, packing, and shipping, which may be a drawback for businesses seeking more hands-on management. However, as mentioned in the advantages, this can also be helpful. It all depends on how you want your business to run.

Now, let’s look at 3PLs and what they bring to the table.

Third-Party Logistics (3PL)

Moving on, Third-Party Logistics (3PL) is a service provided by external logistics providers. They handle many aspects of a business’s supply chain and fulfillment operations. This includes warehousing, order fulfillment, and shipping. 3PL providers offer businesses flexibility and customization in managing their logistics, allowing them to focus on core aspects of their operations. So, what do these services provide, and what do they fall short of?

The Flexibility Factor:

1. Solutions for You: One of the main benefits of a 3PL is its flexibility. This means businesses can customize their fulfillment process to meet specific requirements. Therefore, 3PLs are an attractive option for businesses with specifically unique products or specialized needs for shipping. 

2. Multi-Channel Mastery: Unlike FBA, which is closely tied to the Amazon ecosystem, 3PL providers facilitate multi-channel fulfillment. This versatility allows businesses to fulfill orders from various sales channels, providing greater market diversification.

3. Cost Control: While 3PL services have associated costs, businesses may find more leeway in controlling expenses than FBA. You can choose different 3PL services, which can help optimize costs based on specific business requirements.

The Challenges:

1. Integration Hurdles: Though 3PLs can be very helpful to your operations, integrating a 3PL provider into existing operations can be challenging. Making sure systems and processes work together requires careful planning and investment in technology.

2. Shipping Time: Depending on the location of the 3PL warehouse, shipping times may vary. This is an essential aspect of customer-business interaction and loyalty. So, businesses must assess the impact of potentially longer shipping times on customer satisfaction and overall competitiveness.

So, now that you know about FBA and 3PL advantages and disadvantages, how do you decide which one to choose?

Navigating the Choice

So, after looking at the differences between FBA and 3PL, the optimal choice for you depends on considering several factors:

Suppose you have trouble with any of these considerations or need a helping hand. In that case, there are even options to have your business analyzed and matched with the perfect fulfillment partner. eHub is one of those options.

eHub: A Friend for All Your Fulfillment Needs

Look, we get it – it’s stressful enough to run a business and try to fulfill on your own. It’s also challenging to find a fulfillment partner to help you out. With eHub, you have various tools to help you maximize your fulfillment, whether you are self-fulfilling or looking to outsource. We analyze your business and its needs, then pair you with the perfect 3PL match from our network of vetted 3PLs, taking the stress out of your shipping. If you ever want to hop on an introduction call with eHub, we’re here to help!

Final Thoughts

All in all, the choice between using FBA or a 3PL is not one-size-fits-all. If you want to be successful in your choice, then you need to understand the unique needs of your business. After that, then you can align your fulfillment approach with your goals. Overall, whether you’re navigating the vast Amazon landscape or exploring diverse sales channels, make sure to research and understand your business goals well. A well-informed decision will propel your business toward efficient and cost-effective order fulfillment. Also, you’re not alone if you need help finding a good match for your business. Hopefully, this blog helped you get closer to choosing a good fulfillment option and gives you more peace of mind when deciding! Happy shipping!


As an e-commerce merchant or a warehouse with products, there are many different decisions you can and have to make when it comes to your store. Luckily, there are many ways to help. Today, we’re talking about one in specific. Sometimes, if you have a product that sells out fast and backorders are not an option, you might have to implement the “No Longer Taking Backorders” notification. So, let’s talk about when and why to make this move and why, as a pause button on orders, it’s a strategic play in the ever-evolving world of e-commerce.

Backorders: A Useful Tool

Before we dig into the why and how, let’s tip our hats to backorders, which are an excellent move for inventory management. Overall, they’ve been helpful in gauging demand, securing customer interest, and keeping our inventory dance in tune with the market. When stock is low and hard to replace, this easy solution lets the customer know so you can avoid issues with expectations. 

Why Hit Pause on Backorders?

Now, let’s peel back the curtain on why saying “no longer taking backorders” is used:

Uncertain Availability:

Predicting restock timelines is like predicting the winning lottery numbers. Things like supply chain hiccups and manufacturing delays all contribute to this unpredictableness. So, temporarily holding backorders lets you navigate these uncertainties without making promises you can’t keep.

Strategic High Demand Management:

When your hot-ticket item turns into a hot mess, managing the influx of orders can be like trying to catch lightning in a bottle. Thus, temporarily halting backorders lets you catch your breath, clear the backlog, and ensure timely fulfillment without compromising quality.

Supply Chain Symphony:

The supply chain sometimes hits a few bumps in the road. For example, shortages, manufacturing glitches, and more contribute to a not-so-smooth trip for products and their movement. So, by hitting pause on backorders, you can fine-tune your supply chain without overcommitting to customers.

Farewell to Old Inventory:

Products, like rockstars, sometimes need to retire from the stage. Letting go of backorders is like giving a fond farewell to a product ready for its grand finale. It’s a chance to manage customer expectations and communicate that a new era will begin.

How to Make It Work for Your E-commerce Kingdom

Now that you’re more well-versed in why taking away backorders is used, let’s talk about the practical side of implementing “no more backorders” on your e-commerce site:

Transparency is King:

First, make sure to communicate openly with your customers. Let them know it’s a strategic move, not a hiccup. Share the reasons behind it and assure them it’s temporary. If customers have questions or concerns, answer them and keep customer service up!

Introduce Alternatives:

No longer taking backorders is not the end for you, and it shouldn’t be for your customers. So, don’t leave your customers hanging! Show them alternative products or suggest similar items that could be their next obsession. Turn this pause into an opportunity for them to discover something new.

Set Realistic Expectations:

Obviously, your product is famous if it needs backorders and is likely very popular if you need to halt backorders. So, when will the star product be back in stock? If you can, then give your customers the inside scoop. Set realistic expectations and keep them in the loop with regular updates.

Diversify Your Product Portfolio:

Why stick to the old playlist? Take this opportunity to introduce new products or collaborate with other brands. Diversifying your offerings keeps things exciting for your customers and boosts your e-commerce street cred.

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, embracing “no more backorders” is about strategic maneuvering, transparency, and seizing growth opportunities. By making this move, you’re not just managing inventory; you’re shaping your brand’s narrative. With this blog, hopefully, you will have more help navigating this decision for your product and your online store. Happy strategizing!

eHub’s Fulfillment Management; We’ve Got You!

Whether you self-fulfill or use a 3PL, managing your products, inventory, and fulfillment can be a hassle. So, if you ever need a helping hand with your store and fulfillment, eHub will happily assist! Give us a ring today to see how we can help make the most of your e-commerce business.


Are you looking to integrate FedEx shipping with your Shopify store? This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, from setting up your FedEx account to testing and setting up carrier-calculated shipping rates. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Create Your FedEx Account

First, you must have your own FedEx account to activate calculated shipping with FedEx. Here’s how to create one:

1. Visit the FedEx website and create a FedEx account.

2. Make note of the account number assigned and ensure your billing address is correct.

3. Log in to your FedEx account and follow the FedEx Web Services guide to get your production keys.

4. Record the following information at the end of your registration process because you will need this information to activate FedEx in the Shopify admin:

   – Authentication Key

   – Account Number

   – Production Meter Number

Step 2: Connect Your FedEx Account

Second, now that your FedEx account is set up, it’s time to connect it to your Shopify store. Here’s how:


1. go to Settings > Shipping and Delivery from your Shopify admin.

2. Add FedEx by Shippo as a shipping carrier:

   – If you don’t have any shipping carrier accounts added, click Connect carrier account and click Connect account next to FedEx by Shippo.

   – If you already have a shipping carrier account added, then click Manage carriers, and then click Connect account next to FedEx by Shippo.

3. Enter your FedEx credentials and shipping information in the Connect FedEx by Shippo dialog.

4. Optional: If you’ve activated FedEx SmartPost rates with FedEx, enter your SmartPost Hub ID to display your negotiated rates at checkout.

5. Click Save.

iPhone and Android:

1. Navigate to the Shopify app on your phone and log in.

2. Tap the Store tab.

3. Tap Settings.

4. Tap Shipping.

5. Tap Add shipping method.

6. Tap FedEx by Shippo.

7. Follow the prompts to enter your FedEx credentials and shipping information.

8. Tap Save.

Step 3: Test Your Carrier-Calculated Shipping Rates

Thirdly, now that your FedEx account is connected, it’s time to test your carrier-calculated shipping rates. This will allow you to preview shipping rates for specific package types, sizes, and destinations within your Shopify store. Here’s how to do it:


1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Shipping and Delivery.

2. In the Carrier accounts section, click Test account next to the carrier you want to test.

3. Select the package type and enter the size and weight.

4. Adjust your origin and destination addresses.

5. Click Test rates to view sample rates.

6. Optional: Click the Details tab to enter different package details.

7. Click Close.

iPhone and Android:

1. Navigate to the Shopify app on your phone and log in.

2. Tap the Store tab.

3. Tap Settings.

4. Tap Shipping.

5. Tap the carrier you want to test.

6. Enter the package type, size, and weight.

7. Adjust your origin and destination addresses.

8. Tap Test rates to view sample rates.

Step 4: Set Up Your Carrier-Calculated Shipping Rates

Fourth, it’s time to set them up for your customers to see at checkout. Here’s how to do it:


1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Shipping and delivery.

2. In the Shipping section, click the shipping profile that you want to add carrier-calculated rates to.

3. Next to the zone where you want to add a rate, click Add rate.

4. Select Use carrier or app to calculate rates.

5. In the drop-down menu, choose the shipping service that you want to add calculated rates for.

6. In the SERVICES section, select the shipping methods from that shipping service that you want to provide as options for your customers at checkout.

7. Optional: In the FUTURE SERVICES section, choose whether to automatically offer any new services that the shipping service makes available.

8. Optional: In the HANDLING FEE section, add any handling fee that you’d like to be added to the calculated rate.

9. Click Done, and then click Save.

iPhone and Android:

1. Navigate to the Shopify app on your phone and log in.

2. Tap the Store tab.

3. Tap Settings.

4. Tap Shipping.

5. Tap the shipping profile you want to add carrier-calculated rates to.

6. Tap Add shipping rate.

7. Tap Carrier-calculated rates.

8. Choose the carrier you want to use.

9. Select the shipping methods you want to provide as options for your customers at checkout.

10. Optional: Enter a handling fee.

11. Tap Save.

Deactivating FedEx Calculated Shipping

If you no longer want to use calculated shipping by FedEx, you can disconnect your carrier account from your Shopify store. Here’s how to do it:


1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Shipping and delivery.

2. In the Carrier accounts section, click Manage carriers.

3. Next to FedEx, click Disconnect account.

4. In the dialog, click Disconnect account to confirm the deactivation.

iPhone and Android:

1. Navigate to the Shopify app on your phone and log in.

2. Tap the Store tab.

3. Tap Settings.

4. Tap Shipping.

5. Tap the carrier account you want to disconnect.

6. Tap Disconnect account.

7. Confirm the deactivation.


Integrating FedEx shipping with your Shopify store can help streamline your shipping process and provide accurate shipping rates to your customers. You can easily set up and manage your FedEx shipping integration by following these simple steps. Happy shipping!


Etsy is a marketplace place for creative people to sell their handmade products. But to make Etsy work well, you must be a pro at shipping your products. This guide will help you understand and nail Etsy fulfillment. This will ultimately help you grow your shop and make your customers happy.

I. Etsy Shipping Basics

A. Knowing Your Stuff

B. Making Orders Happen

II. Easy Shipping Tips

A. Rules for Shipping

B. Packaging Tricks

C. Delivery Choices

III. Talking to Customers

A. Updates About Orders

B. Answering Questions

IV. Using Tech to Help

A. Etsy Tools

B. Shipping Apps

V. Keeping Up with Etsy

A. Etsy Changes

B. Growing Your Shop

Ask for Reviews: Asking customers for reviews will help gain credibility for your brand and products. You can create automated messages to be sent to your customers so that they will review your products.


Being great at Etsy Fulfillment takes practice, but it’s worth it. Pay attention to details, be ready to change when Etsy does, and most importantly, make your customers happy. Keep working at it, and your Etsy shop can become something special for people worldwide.


Imagine this: You’re excitedly waiting for a new gadget you ordered online, only to get an email saying it’s on backorder. So, what is backorderable meaning? In this blog post, we’ll break down the mystery behind backorders, exploring why they happen and how customers and businesses can handle the waiting game.

Understanding Backorders

When a product is labeled as backorderable, the demand for that item exceeds what’s available. The company ran out of stock, but they’re getting more, and your order will be fulfilled once the new stock arrives.

But it’s not always straightforward. Backorders happen for various reasons, like a sudden demand increase, supply chain issues, manufacturing delays, or intentional low inventory strategies.

Why Backorders Happen

High Demand:

Supply Chain Hiccups:

Manufacturing Issues:

Inventory Strategies:

Tips for Navigating Backorders

Stay Informed:


Explore Alternatives:

Be Patient:

The Business Side of Things

For businesses, managing backorders balances meeting customer demand and keeping operations smooth. Here are some strategies:

Talk Straight with Customers:

Use Super Smart Inventory Tools:

Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket:

Be a Planning Pro:

Stay Flexible:

Give a Little Extra to Customers:

Learn from Mistakes:

Get Techie:


Backorders might bring disappointment, but understanding why they happen and taking proactive steps can make it easier for customers and businesses. So, the next time you get that backorder email, take a deep breath, stay informed, and maybe explore alternatives. The wait might make your awaited item even more special when it finally arrives.


Businesses must make their shipping and inventory management smooth and accurate. One often overlooked tool in this process is the label printer used for logistics. These simple machines play a significant role in ensuring everything is labeled correctly and help things move smoothly. In this blog post, we’ll dive into logistics label printers, exploring why they matter, what they do, and how they can help businesses.

1: What is a Logistics Label Printer?

A logistics label printer is a special printer made for creating labels used in logistics, like shipping, inventory management, and product labels. They are a vital part of the system that moves products from one place to another, like from a warehouse to your doorstep when you order something online. 

1.1 Why Would You Need One?

Here’s why having a logistics label printer is a good idea for businesses:

2: What to Look for in a Label Printer

Now, let’s talk about what to think about when you’re looking for a label printer:

2.1 Features to Check

When you’re shopping for a label printer, think about these things to make sure you get the right one:

2.2 Types of Label Printers

There are two kinds of label printers: direct thermal and thermal transfer printers.

A close up of a label printer is shown in the process of generating a label.

3: Why Use a Label Printer?

Now, let’s talk about why using a label printer is a good idea:

3.1 It Makes Things Faster and More Accurate

The biggest reason to use a label printer is that it makes things go faster and with fewer mistakes. You don’t have to worry about writing things out by hand or using regular printers not built for labels. This means your labels will be easy to read and look good, and it keeps things from getting mixed up.

3.2 It Helps You Follow the Rules

Different industries have rules about how labels should look, like having barcodes, product details, and shipping information. A label printer can ensure your labels follow these rules, which is vital for avoiding fines and keeping your business on track.

3.3 Saves You Money

Using a label printer can help you save money in the long run. You won’t need to buy pre-made labels or pay someone else to print labels for you. These savings can make up for the cost of the printer over time.

3.4 Makes Inventory Easier to Manage

Good labeling is vital to keeping track of what you have in your warehouse. Label printers help you tag your products and shelves, making it easier to know what’s where and when you need more of something or less of it.

3.5 Happy Customers

Using a label printer lets you get orders out faster and make your customers happy. When they get their stuff quickly, they’re more likely to return and buy from you again. This can also lead to good reviews, which is good for your business.

4: Where Label Printers Are Used

Label printers can be found in many places and used for different things. Here are some of the places where they are a big help:

4.1 Shipping

In shipping, label printers print labels with barcodes and the address of their location.

4.2 Warehouses and Storage

Warehouses use label printers to make labels for products and to label shelves. This makes it easy to find things in a big storage place and track what’s there.

4.3 Stores

Stores use label printers to make labels for prices, so customers know how much things cost. They also use them to make shelf labels that show what’s for sale.

4.4 Manufacturing

In factories, label printers help put labels on products and parts. These labels often have important information like when something was made, a serial number, and what it’s made of.

4.5 Healthcare

In hospitals and healthcare, label printers make wristbands for patients, labels for medicines, and labels for things like blood samples. This helps keep people safe and makes sure everyone gets the right treatment.

5: Taking Care of Your Label Printer

To make sure your label printer lasts a long time and works well, you should do some things to take care of it:

5.1 Keep It Clean

Clean your printer regularly to remove dust, dirt, and sticky stuff. This keeps your labels looking good and helps prevent jams.

5.2 Adjust the Printer

Sometimes, you might need to adjust your printer so that it prints labels correctly. You can find instructions for this in the printer’s manual.

5.3 Change Labels and Ribbons

When labels or ribbons get old or worn out, it’s time to change them. Using old materials can lead to bad prints and problems with your printer.

5.4 Keep It Updated

Check for updates for your printer’s software from the manufacturer. This can include fixes for problems, improvements, and new features.

5.5 Get Professional Help

If your printer has significant problems you can’t fix, it might be time to get a professional to look. Many manufacturers offer service contracts to keep your printer in good shape.


Label printers are a valuable business tool in fast deliveries and online shopping. These simple machines help businesses make shipping and inventory management more accessible and accurate. Investing in a label printer can save money, reduce mistakes, and keep your customers happy. As technology improves, label printers will become even more essential in various industries. So, if you don’t have one already, consider getting a label printer to simplify your operations and stay competitive in the market.