
Shipping receiving software is also known as warehouse management software or logistics software. It’s a type of application designed to streamline and optimize the processes of shipping, receiving, and managing inventory within a warehouse or distribution center.

Shipping receiving software is like a traffic control system for a busy city. Just as a traffic control system manages the flow of vehicles on roads, shipping receiving software manages the movement and organization of goods within a warehouse or distribution center. It ensures that shipments arrive and depart smoothly, tracks inventory like traffic flow, and prevents bottlenecks or congestion in the supply chain, much like a traffic control system helps avoid gridlocks on the roads. Both systems aim to optimize the movement and coordination of resources efficiently and effectively. 

It plays a crucial role in supply chain management, allowing businesses to efficiently handle goods, track shipments, and maintain accurate inventory records. Additionally, shipping receiving software helps warehouses and distribution centers work better. Thus, it makes shipping, receiving, and managing inventory easier. Essentially, this software is crucial for managing the supply chain.

Key Features of Shipping Receiving Software

Inventory Management

First, it helps track how much stock you have, where it is, and when you need to restock. It allows businesses to monitor stock levels in real-time, and automate restocking. This way, you can avoid running out of things or having too much.

Order Processing

Next, this feature helps with fulfilling orders. It ensures that the correct items are picked, packed, and labeled for shipping.

Shipping Management 

The software works with shipping companies. Thus, you can create shipping labels, track orders, and know how much shipping will cost.

Receiving Management 

Next, it helps with getting new goods into the warehouse, keeping records up to date, and ensuring you get the proper inventory.

Barcode and RFID Integration 

This feature uses special codes to track inventory accurately. Further, these can be barcodes or radio frequency identification (RFID). It helps automate warehouse tasks, making them faster and more reliable.

Reporting and Analytics

Also, the software gives you helpful reports and insights. This tells you how well your warehouse performs and helps you make intelligent decisions.

Mobile Support 

Finally, many modern shipping receiving software programs have mobile apps or work well on smartphones and tablets. This makes managing the warehouse easier on the go.

Using shipping receiving software makes warehouses run better. Further, it reduces mistakes, manages inventory well, and makes the supply chain more efficient. Thus, it’s great for e-commerce stores, retailers, manufacturers, and distribution centers with lots of inventory and shipments.

Integration with Other Systems 

The software can connect with other business tools like ERP. Also, it connects you to order management and e-commerce systems. Thus, everything works together smoothly.

How to Choose a Shipping Receiving Software

A graphic illustration demonstrates that shipping software connects all aspects of the business from warehouse to delivery

Picking the correct shipping receiving software is essential for third-party logistics (3PL) companies. It affects how well they work, how accurate they are, and how happy their customers are. Here are some things 3PLs should think about when choosing their software:

Compatibility and Integration 

First, the software must work smoothly with warehouse and order management systems. This way, data moves around quickly, and everything runs automatically.


Then, the software must be able to handle the current shipping and receiving volume and be ready for more growth in the future. This helps to avoid expensive and time-consuming changes later on.

User-Friendly Interface

The software should be easy to use so the team can use it quickly. This reduces training time and mistakes when getting used to it.

Real-time Tracking and Reporting

Look for software that shows shipping and inventory updates right away. Detailed reports and analytics help you see how things are going and what needs improvement. Real-time is the best time.

Carrier Integration

Ensure the software works with many shipping carriers so you can offer various shipping options to customers. For example, popular carriers like UPS, FedEx, DHL, and others should be supported.

Customization and Flexibility

The software should be adjustable to match the unique ways each 3PL works. Further, flexibility is key to keeping up with changes in customer needs and industry trends.

Support and Training 

Good customer support and training resources from the software vendor help the team use the software well and solve any issues faster.

Security and Compliance

The software should keep sensitive data safe, like customer info and financial details. Following security and compliance rules is vital to secure data and customer trust.

Mobile Compatibility

Using the software on smartphones or tablets is handy in a fast-paced logistics setting. Further, it lets the team do tasks on the go or while on the warehouse floor.

Cost and ROI Analysis

Understand all the costs involved, like setup, subscriptions, and other charges. Figure out how the software will save money and make things work better in the long run.

Customer References and Reviews

Check what other 3PLs say about the software. Further, they learn from their experiences to make an intelligent choice.

By considering these things and doing proper research, a 3PL can choose shipping receiving software that matches their needs and goals. This leads to happier customers and a more efficient operation overall.


In conclusion, selecting the correct shipping receiving software is vital for third-party logistics (3PL) companies. By carefully evaluating these factors, 3PLs can make an informed choice. This means alignment with their operational requirements and business goals. A well-chosen software solution can significantly enhance efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. This leads to improved productivity. Further, this provides a competitive edge in the logistics industry. Embracing the power of advanced shipping receiving software empowers 3PL companies.

Order Fulfillment: A Perfectly Planned Performance

Every successful sale is like a carefully choreographed performance. Ultimately, the big show is when promises become reality, and customers are happy with the performance. This dance, called order fulfillment, involves many steps. For example, processing orders, keeping track of inventory, and delivering on time are all critical factors in production. Things can get messy if certain parts are not up to par. So, how can you avoid a disappointing performance and make this whole process smoother? The answer is infoplus order fulfillment.

Meet Infoplus: A Leading Part 

You might want to turn to solutions like Infoplus if you want smoother operations. Imagine it as a tool designed to simplify and enhance order fulfillment. Not only does it bring a set of features that boost efficiency and accuracy, but it also makes the entire process much easier overall.

So, how does it work?

Infoplus Order Fulfillment in Simple Steps

A customer service agent speaks to a customer over the phone while a warehouse worker fulfills an order by loading a package

A. All-in-One Solution

Infoplus is like a central command, a digital hub, for various businesses. From online shops to traditional stores, Infoplus can be a solution. As a visual, think of it as a wheel with multiple spokes emerging from the center. Each spoke represents a different system or process, converging at the hub. For example, one spoke is for managing customers, one is for managing products, another for orders, and another for shipping, all in one place.

B. Elevating Fulfillment

Infoplus is like a toolkit that supercharges the order fulfillment journey. It monitors your inventory in real time, helps arrange your warehouse smartly, and suggests the best way to ship your products. We’ll go over these features in more detail later.

C. Boosting Efficiency

Overall, Infoplus knows that efficiency is key. So, it’s built to make processes smoother, reduce mistakes, and improve your business. It fits into your other systems, creating harmony in your operations.

With Infoplus, order fulfillment becomes a breeze – from managing inventory to delivering products. It’s like having a backstage crew that ensures everything runs smoothly.

Navigating Order Fulfillment with Infoplus

So, now that you have a good summary of Infoplus, let’s go over the many different tools it has to help your business succeed. 

A. Smooth Order Handling: From Input to Validation

  1. Automated Order Entry: Infoplus speeds up order processing by automating data entry. Therefore, it gets rid of the manual tasks that slow things down.
  2. Ensuring Order Accuracy: Infoplus uses tools to double-check and verify orders. Thus, it reduces mistakes and ensures accuracy.

B. Mastering Inventory: Tracking and Smart Choices

  1. Real-time Inventory Insights: With Infoplus, you can see your inventory levels in real-time. That way, it’s easier to decide what to do next and avoid running out of stock.
  2. Predicting and Replenishing Inventory (Inventory Management): Additionally, Infoplus uses data to predict when you’ll need more stock. So, you’ll always be prepared and can avoid shortages.

C. Efficient Picking and Packing

  1. Optimized Warehouse Layout: Infoplus helps organize your warehouse layout. With this, you can create faster and more efficient picking and packing.
  2. Smart Picking Strategies: Infoplus suggests different ways to pick orders. Therefore, you can find the best approach for your business.

D. Smooth Shipping and Clear Communication

  1. Choosing the Right Shipping: Infoplus connects with different shipping options, helping you pick the most cost-effective one.
  2. Tracking and Updates: Infoplus keeps customers informed with real-time tracking and updates about their shipments.

E. Customization

  1. Your Business, Your Way: Infoplus adapts to you. So, you can customize workflows, alerts, and processes to match your business’s unique needs.
  2. Seamless Unity: Infoplus syncs effortlessly with your current tools. For example, e-commerce and ERP. This syncing helps to create a harmonious operational flow.
  3. Future-Proof Flexibility: As your business evolves, so does Infoplus. So, it adjusts to your changing needs, keeping you in sync with growth.

Benefits of Using Infoplus for Order Fulfillment

Along with its many features, Infoplus has general factors and benefits for your business. So, let’s go over those overall:

  1. Precise and Accurate: Infoplus reduces order errors. Therefore, customers get what they want and are happier because of it.
  2. Clear View of Operations: Infoplus gives you a clear view of your inventory and orders. By using this, you can make better decisions and provide better service.
  3. Speed and Efficiency: Infoplus speeds up the process, from getting orders to customers’ hands. Thus, everyone’s happy.
  4. Everything Works Together: Infoplus fits right into your other systems, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working together.
  5. Saving Time and Money: Infoplus helps you save money and run things more smoothly with fewer mistakes and optimized processes.

Final Thoughts

Overall, order fulfillment isn’t just about getting products to customers. It’s a chance to stand out in a crowded market. Solutions like Infoplus are your secret weapon to help you succeed. They allow you to streamline operations, impress customers, and set the stage for growth in a competitive world

eHub and Infoplus – A Dynamic Duo

As partners, eHub and Infoplus have created a fantastic solution for growing your warehouse systems. With features such as access to the best shipping rates, an extensive WMS, and a simple integration, both eHub and Infoplus can help give you various benefits in shipping and fulfillment overall. Check out eHub and Infoplus today to see how you can use their comprehensive solutions and features. 


In modern business, efficient warehouse management is crucial for success. To streamline operations and boost productivity, many companies are turning to Warehouse Management System (WMS) software. However, a common question arises: What’s the cost of implementing such a system? In this blog, we’ll break down the factors that influence warehouse management system software cost, ensuring you clearly understand what to expect.

Breaking Down the Basics

Before diving into cost specifics, let’s grasp the essence of Warehouse Management System (WMS) software. Picture it as your warehouse’s digital brain, managing everything from inventory and order fulfillment to shipping and labor optimization. It’s like a conductor orchestrating a symphony of efficient operations.

Key Factors Affecting Cost

1. Software Type and Features

   The warehouse management system software cost varies based on its type and the features it offers. There are cloud-based solutions with subscription models and on-premises options that require upfront licensing fees. The more robust the features – like advanced inventory management, real-time analytics, and customization – the higher the cost.

2. Business Size and Complexity

   Your business size plays a role. Smaller operations might opt for simpler, cost-effective solutions, while larger enterprises with complex supply chains and numerous warehouses could invest more in a comprehensive WMS to handle their intricacies.

3. Customization and Integration

   Need to tailor the software to your specific workflows or integrate it with existing systems? This adds to the cost. Customization ensures the software aligns perfectly with your operations, while integration guarantees seamless data flow across platforms.

4. Implementation and Training   

   Setting up and training your team on the new system isn’t free. Consider costs related to data migration, configuration, and employee training. This investment is essential to ensure a smooth transition and maximum utilization of the WMS.

5. Ongoing Support and Upgrades

 Factor in post-implementation costs such as support plans, updates, and maintenance. Over time, your warehouse management system software cost will evolve to meet changing needs, making continuous support and upgrades critical.

A table is shown, with varying costs displayed for businesses of varying size

Navigating the Cost Landscape

While providing an exact figure is challenging, let’s paint a picture of the cost range you might encounter.

For smaller businesses, the warehouse management system software cost for a basic cloud-based could start at around $10,000 per year. This covers essential features like inventory tracking and order management. If you’re running a mid-sized operation, expect costs to range from $30,000 to $50,000 annually. This bracket includes more advanced features and customization options.

Larger enterprises with complex needs might see costs of $100,000 to $500,000 or even more per year. This investment reflects a comprehensive warehouse management system software cost solution with advanced analytics, integration capabilities, and top-tier support.

Cost-Effective Strategies

While warehouse management system software costs can seem daunting, there are strategies to optimize spending:

• Prioritize Features: Assess your business needs and prioritize essential features. Avoid paying for bells and whistles you won’t use.

• Scalability: Choose a WMS that can grow with your business. Scalability prevents the need for frequent software changes.

• Training: Invest in thorough training for your staff. Well-trained employees maximize the system’s benefits and minimize errors.

• Vendor Comparison: Don’t settle for the first option you find. Compare vendors, offerings, and pricing structures to find the best fit.


Warehouse management system software cost varies widely based on factors like software type, business size, and features. Understanding these factors empowers you to make informed decisions about your investment. 

While costs may seem significant, the benefits – improved efficiency, accurate inventory management, and streamlined operations – often far outweigh them. Take your time, research, and find the WMS solution that aligns with your needs and budget.


In the world of global commerce, logistics companies serve as the backbone of supply chain management. These expert companies play a crucial role in orchestrating the movement, storage, and distribution of goods across various industries. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of logistics companies, exploring their services, capabilities, and the significant value they bring to businesses worldwide. 

Join us as we unlock the secrets to their success!

1. The Power of Logistics Companies

Logistics companies are specialized entities that provide a wide range of services to optimize supply chain operations. They act as intermediaries, seamlessly connecting suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. By leveraging their expertise and resources, logistics companies enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure timely delivery of goods.

2. Services Offered by Logistics Companies

These capable businesses offer a wide array of services tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses. Their service abilities often include transportation, warehousing, inventory management, order fulfillment, packaging, customs clearance, and reverse logistics. 

By providing end-to-end solutions, logistics companies offer comprehensive support to businesses throughout the supply chain.

3. Transportation: The Engine of Supply Chain Movement

Transportation is a core function of logistics companies. They use a variety of transportation modes, including road, rail, air, and sea, to facilitate the movement of goods. These companies ensure seamless connectivity between suppliers and consumers by selecting the most efficient and cost-effective transportation methods based on factors like distance, urgency, and nature of goods.

4. Warehousing and Inventory Management

Logistics companies often operate warehouses and distribution centers strategically positioned across key locations. These facilities act as central hubs for storing goods before they are dispatched to their destinations. Logistics companies excel in efficient inventory management, utilizing advanced technology to track stock levels, optimize storage space, and streamline order fulfillment processes.

5. Supply Chain Optimization

Logistics companies are adept at optimizing supply chain operations to maximize efficiency and minimize costs. By analyzing factors such as transportation routes, order volumes, inventory levels, and demand patterns, they identify areas for improvement. By implementing innovative strategies, leveraging technology, and refining processes, logistics companies contribute to the seamless flow of goods from production to consumption.

6. Global Reach and International Operations

In an increasingly interconnected world, logistics businesses have expanded their operations globally. They possess the expertise to navigate complex international regulations, handle customs documentation, and coordinate with stakeholders across borders. By offering comprehensive international shipping and logistics services, they facilitate the expansion of businesses into new markets.

7. Technology Integration: Streamlining Operations

Logistics companies are at the forefront of technology integration within their operations. They leverage sophisticated systems such as transportation management systems (TMS), warehouse management systems (WMS), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms. These tools enable efficient route planning, inventory control, real-time tracking, data analysis, and overall process optimization.

8. Third-Party Logistics (3PL) Providers

Many logistics companies operate as third-party logistics providers (3PLs). Businesses outsource their logistics operations to 3PL providers, who then handle various aspects of the supply chain. This allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while leveraging the expertise and resources of logistics specialists. 3PL providers offer customizable solutions to meet specific business requirements.

9. Customer-Centric Approach and Service Excellence

A logistics company will prioritize customer satisfaction and uphold service excellence. They understand the importance of transparency, effective communication, and reliable tracking systems. They build strong partnerships with their clients by providing timely and accurate information about shipments, offering tracking capabilities, and ensuring responsive customer support.

10. Embracing Continuous Improvement

Logistics operations strive for continuous improvement to remain competitive in a rapidly evolving industry. They stay abreast of emerging

 trends, technological advancements, and industry best practices. By proactively adopting innovative solutions and adapting to changing market demands, logistics companies drive efficiency, enhance service quality, and deliver value to their customers.


Logistics companies are the unsung supply chain management heroes, driving goods’ smooth flow across industries and borders. Through their comprehensive services, transportation expertise, and technology integration, they optimize supply chain operations, reduce costs, and ensure the timely delivery of goods.

As businesses navigate the complex world of global commerce, partnering with logistics companies becomes essential to unlock success and stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape.


3PL Fulfillment Software, or Third-Party Logistics software, empowers businesses with advanced tools and features to aid their logistics processes, provide visibility, and increase operational efficiency. 

In this article, we will delve into the importance of 3PL software, exploring its key benefits and functionalities and how it can revolutionize your supply chain management. Whether you’re an e-commerce retailer, a manufacturing company, or a logistics service provider, understanding the importance of 3PL software is crucial for staying ahead in today’s competitive market.

Fulfillment software is a vital tool for third-party logistics (3PL) providers. It helps them manage their inventory and orders. Thus, it ensures that customers receive their products promptly.

But What Exactly is Fulfillment Software? 

Simply put, it is a system that automates orders. This includes receiving, processing, and delivering. This software can be tailored to the specific needs of a third-party logistics provider. It can help them streamline their operations. In turn, it increases efficiency.

Here’s how it works: When a company hires you to handle their logistics, you need to keep track of all the products they have, where they are, and when they need to be delivered. Fulfillment software helps you manage all of this.

It’s like your own personal assistant that keeps an eye on inventory. It knows precisely how many products are in stock, so you can easily see what’s available for shipping. When an order arrives, the software automatically updates the inventory to ensure you don’t oversell or run out of items.

But that’s not all! Fulfillment software also helps you with the nitty-gritty details of shipping. It generates labels and packing slips. Further, it provides the necessary information for each package. It can even help you choose the best shipping method based on weight and destination.

Once the package is on its way, the software keeps track of its progress and provides real-time updates. You can share this information with your clients. This lets them know where their packages are and when they’ll arrive.

Why is Fulfillment Software Important?

Reduce Error

So why is fulfillment software vital? For one, it can help reduce errors in order processing. When orders are processed manually, there is always the risk of human error. Fulfillment software can help stop these errors by automating the process. Then, it ensures that orders are processed fast and right.

Keep Track of Inventory

Another benefit of fulfillment software is that it can help third-party logistics providers keep track of their inventory. Automating the process of receiving and tracking inventory is crucial. It allows providers to ensure they always have the right products. This can help them avoid stockouts. In turn, it provides that they can fulfill customer orders promptly.

Manage Processes

Also, fulfillment software can help third-party logistics providers manage their shipping and delivery processes. Automating the process of shipping and tracking orders is vital. Then, providers can ensure that their customers receive their products on time and in good condition. This can help improve customer satisfaction. Further, it builds long-term relationships with customers.

How Do You Choose a Fulfillment Software?

So, how do you choose the right fulfillment software for your third-party logistics provider? There are several factors to consider. First, you should consider the specific needs of your business. Do you need a system that can handle large volumes of orders? Do you need a system that can integrate with your existing software? These are all critical factors to consider when choosing fulfillment software.

Factors to Consider

When choosing fulfillment software, there are several factors that a 3PL should consider. 

Does It Fit Your Criteria

Firstly, they should think about the features that the software offers. This is vital because the software needs to be able to handle all of the tasks that the 3PL needs it to do. For example, you may need the software to manage inventory. This means it should have an inventory management feature. 


Secondly, the 3PL should consider the cost of the software. This matters because the 3PL needs to ensure they can afford the software. It resolves if it is worth the investment. They should also think about any additional costs. This means maintenance or upgrades that might come with the software.

Is It Easy?

Thirdly, the 3PL should consider the software’s ease of use. This is important because the 3PL needs to use the software efficiently and effectively. If the software is complex, it could cause delays and errors in the fulfillment process.

Software Compatibility

Lastly, the 3PL should consider the compatibility of the software with their existing systems. This matters because the software must integrate with the 3PL’s current processes and systems. If the software cannot do this, it could cause disruptions and inefficiencies in the fulfillment process.


Thus, when choosing fulfillment software, a 3PL should consider its features, cost, ease of use, and compatibility with its existing systems. Considering these factors, the 3PL can choose the right software to meet their needs best and improve their fulfillment process.


In conclusion, fulfillment software is an essential tool for third-party logistics providers. It can help them manage their inventory and orders, reduce errors in order processing, and improve their shipping and delivery processes.

When choosing fulfillment software, it is crucial to consider the specific needs of your business. This refers to the cost of the software, the level of support offered by the provider, and the software’s user-friendliness. Considering these factors, you can choose the right fulfillment software for your business and improve your operations.

For help assessing your 3PL needs, contact our specialists here at eHub. We would love to discuss the needs of your operations and help you find solutions to grow your business. 

What is Warehouse Picking Software?

Warehouse picking software is an aid for people who work in big warehouses that store a large variety of items. It helps them find things faster and make fewer mistakes. The software streamlines the warehouse organization and picking process.

These efficiency gains ultimately contribute to the bottom line of the business.

Warehouse-picking software can tell workers where items are located and the best way to pick things so they don’t waste time. The software also keeps track of how much inventory is left in the warehouse. This prevents possible bottlenecks, like running out of things to sell. Likewise, this helps the workers get things done faster and more efficiently.

Faster shipping makes customers happy!

As a third-party logistics (3PL) provider, your job is to ensure that products are promptly delivered to customers. One of the most crucial aspects of this process is efficient warehouse picking.

Warehouse picking software is an essential tool that helps warehouse employees pick and pack orders quickly and accurately. This software can be used on a computer or mobile device. It also typically includes features such as barcode scanning, real-time inventory tracking, and optimized picking routes.

So, is it worth implementing in your warehouse? We’ve already teased a few advantages, but let’s take a deeper dive!

Saving Time and Money

Warehouse software helps a 3PL work faster and more efficiently. Who wouldn’t want that for their business?

This makes the 3PL more competitive and can save them money. The software tells workers where to find things in the warehouse and what to do with them, cutting down on wasted time and poor warehouse organization.

Saving time and improving warehouse routes helps workers make fewer mistakes. It also helps the 3PL keep track of what is in the warehouse and where it is. This helps the 3PL know what they have and what they need. By using warehouse picking software, a 3PL can be more efficient and save money in the long run.

The biggest parts of warehouse picking software include learning algorithms that help workers find things more easily, with less wasted time juggling incorrect items on the warehouse floor.

All of these parts work together to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction in the warehouse.

Is Warehouse Picking Software Necessary?

But how does warehouse picking software work, and why is it so crucial for 3PLs? Let’s dive deeper into the details.

Warehouse picking software works by automating the picking process. This streamlines warehouse operations. Instead of relying on manual labor, this software uses algorithms and machine learning. As mentioned previously, this helps to optimize picking routes and reduce errors. These gains cannot be overstated!

Employees can quickly locate and pick items from the warehouse shelves by scanning barcodes or using other identification methods. The software then updates the inventory in real-time. With many supply chain issues from the past couple of years still lingering in recent memory, ensuring accurate stock levels and preventing overstocking or stockouts boosts customer confidence in your operations.

So to sum up, why is warehouse-picking software essential for 3PLs? For one, it can help reduce costly errors during the picking process. This means fewer returns and happier customers. Additionally, it can improve efficiency and productivity in the warehouse.

Optimized picking routes allow employees to move through the warehouse faster. This means you complete more orders in less time. This, in turn, leads to faster order fulfillment and improved customer satisfaction.

A woman ponders the benefits of warehouse picking software.

How to Choose Warehouse Picking Software

When choosing warehouse picking software for your 3PL, consider these several factors:

Integration is crucial, as you’ll want to ensure that the software can seamlessly integrate with your existing systems, such as your warehouse management system (WMS) or order management system (OMS).

Scalability is also vital, as you’ll want a solution that can grow with your business and handle increasing order volumes. Ease of use is another critical factor. You will want user-friendly software that your employees can learn quickly.

Additionally, cost is an essential consideration, as you’ll want to choose an affordable software solution for your business.

Once you’ve chosen a warehouse-picking software solution, it’s essential to train your employees on how to use it effectively.

This may involve setting up training sessions or providing instructional materials. It’s also crucial to monitor the software’s performance. This way, you can make any necessary adjustments to ensure that it continues to meet your business needs.

Integrating Warehouse Picking Software

A few steps need to be followed to integrate warehouse picking software into a 3PL system.

1. First, the software needs to be compatible with the existing technology infrastructure of the 3PL.

2. Then, configure the software to match the specific needs of the 3PL.

3. Next, train employees on how to use the software effectively.

4. Finally, monitor the software. This allows you to adjust to ensure optimal performance. A 3PL can successfully integrate warehouse picking software into its operations by following these steps.


Warehouse-picking software can be a game-changer for 3PLs. It improves accuracy and efficiency in the warehouse. This means you can provide better service to your clients and grow your business.

Adding or improving advanced features like barcode scanning, real-time inventory tracking, and optimized picking routes to your operations is a win-win for everyone involved at every step along the way.

SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 13, 2023 – eHub, a platform that provides streamlined shipping functions for 3PLs and high-growth DTC merchants, announced the launch of a new strategic partnership with Logiwa, the leading cloud fulfillment platform for high-volume direct-to-consumer (DTC) businesses.

In the competitive e-commerce space, 3PLs and online merchants rely on modern technologies to optimize all aspects of the supply chain, including shipping and delivery. Logiwa’s cloud-based warehouse management platform seamlessly integrates with eHub’s API to simplify the complexities of the shipping process.

The joint functionality allows users to find carriers within eHub’s network of more than 150 carriers, shopping carts, and marketplaces. This gives access to shipping capabilities such as rate shopping, package tracking, delivery information, and other core features within Logiwa’s cloud fulfillment platform. Users can also access advanced reporting to track the shipping process and keep the buyer updated on the delivery process.

“eHub is dedicated to providing essential solutions that increase efficiency and drive growth for our 3PLs and merchants,” said Wade Sleater, CEO of eHub. “Pairing Logiwa’s cloud-based fulfillment platform with eHub’s dynamic API provides our customers with flexibility and a competitive advantage unparalleled in logistics.”

“Today’s customer wants quick and cost-effective shipping, making it critical to the success of any e-commerce business,” said Erhan Musaoglu, founder and CEO of Logiwa, Inc. “Partnering with eHub provides customers with a range of tools that will get orders on time and as promised, which translates to a positive customer experience.”

About eHub

eHub connects shippers with carriers, shopping carts, and marketplaces to provide flexibility and competitive advantage through a dynamic API. The eHub solutions provide businesses with cost savings and new revenue through competitive rates, responsive customer services, pre-negotiated shipping contracts, and the eHub Network. The eHub Network offers a variety of complementary advantages to merchants looking for the best 3PL value and advantages to 3PLs looking for new business opportunities. The benefits to 3PLs of partnering with eHub include access to a robust lead sourcing pool, revenue sharing on any leads passed into and placed within the Network, and rate monetization to capture the most significant margin on every package shipped. To learn more about eHub, please visit

About Logiwa

Logiwa is the leading cloud fulfillment software for high-volume direct-to-consumer brands, wholesalers, and 3PLs. The Logiwa Cloud Fulfillment Platform is an integrated WMS and order fulfillment system that makes it easy to run a digital warehouse and scale your high-volume DTC fulfillment operations. Logiwa’s solution works where traditional WMS systems fail: it connects quickly with new online stores and marketplaces, makes it easy to run a digital warehouse, and is easily updated to support dynamic warehouse environments. To learn more about Logiwa, please visit

How eHub’s API can turn your clunky shoe of a shipping process into a sleek glass slipper that won’t disappear at midnight

What is a shipping API?

An API (application programming interface) is a software program that enables communication between separate apps. Any time you use Facebook Messenger, search for a hotel on Travelocity, or use PayPal to purchase something from a website, you’re using an API.

Shipping APIs are magic wands that let e-commerce businesses automate and uncomplicate their shipping processes by allowing their website or shopping platform to interface directly with shipping carriers’ systems. Properly installed, shipping APIs can:

If you’re looking at those bullet points and thinking, “I spend so much time on those things,” then eHub is ready to be your fairy godmother.

As a premier shipping aggregator, we have a proven track record as domestic and international e-commerce shipping experts committed to providing our customers with transparent, easy-to-understand shipping management services.

Keep reading to discover how our API is the magic bean you need to grow your business.

Alakazam vs. Presto Chango: the differences between a shipping API and a shipping software platform

Businesses that haven’t fully automated their shipping processes often use the terms “shipping API” and “shipping software platforms” interchangeably, but they aren’t quite the same thing.

A shipping API comprises unique code that exists solely to connect existing software platforms. Because APIs work behind the scenes to move information between your selling channels and your preferred carriers, there isn’t a portal or user interface where users do their work.

By contrast, shipping software platforms must be opened to access their features.

Here’s a non-shipping example of the difference between the two:

Say you live in Chicago, but you need to go to Dallas for a convention in two months. Here are two possible ways you could end up booking your flight:

This example is a little oversimplified, but it gives you a good idea of the principles underlying APIs and platforms.

In this scenario, the first option (Google Flights) is an example of an API. Google Flights’ API searches multiple travel websites for selections that match your parameters and brings all the information back to you on the same page. After you book the ticket, the API sends your personal and payment information to Delta to complete the booking process.

The second option, booking directly with Delta, is an example of a software platform. You might end up on the same flight as you would have if you’d used Google Flights, but all your information stays within Delta’s system the whole time.

Knowing which option—a shipping API or a shipping software platform—is suitable for your e-commerce business depends on multiple factors, including the size of your company, the number of packages you ship, whether you ship internationally, what your budget is, and how much time you have to get your system up and running.

The following chart can help you make your decision:

Works best for mid-size to large shippers (but can absolutely help small businesses)Any size business
Work completed in existing workflowsWork completed inside the program
Developer-led installationsQuick, easy installations
Immediately functionalRequires extensive employee training

Making it work—integrating a shipping API

To be fully functional, shipping APIs have to be installed by a software developer. They have the spells er, and technical skills needed to successfully connect platforms that may be built using different programming languages.

EHub’s shipping API has over 200 existing integrations, including for major carriers such as UPS, FedEx, USPS, and DHL, and shopping platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, and Magento.

You can find our complete list of integrations here, but know that if we don’t have an integration for your platforms, our talented developers can build one in a snap.

Whether you work on a platform we support or need a custom integration, EHub’s expert team takes pride in guiding you through the entire implementation process so that your processes are as efficient as possible.

Don’t believe us? Check out what our client Sean Clark, CEO of Black Label CBD, says about our implementation process:

“The EHub team was really on top of the implementation processs. The team was incredibly helpful in pushing us to get things done and were very available.”

Ingredients in the potion: shipping API features

APIs aren’t “programs” like Microsoft Word. They are more like the spell check, word count, and design settings within Word itself.

When you are looking at shipping APIs, you should be looking for a company whose API enables multiple features, including:

EHub’s shipping API offers all the features above and then some. We’ve negotiated global discount rates with all major carriers (USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.) that are lower than their published discounts. We can help you track and insure your packages or use your performance data to drive new efficiencies.

But the most significant difference between EHub and our competitors is the personal touch we’ve made our calling card. Instead of relying on automated chatbots or outdated FAQ pages on a website, our customers know they can call our in-house support team or reach out to their sales representative before, during, or after implementing EHub.

Not to brag or anything, but we’re basically a crystal ball that can answer all your questions.

Mastery is its own form of magic

Okay, this may surprise you a little, but EHub isn’t actually magic.

But we are a company of shipping experts and developer pros who are so good at our jobs that we make it look like magic. If your shipping management program is ready for a bit of abracadabra, let’s talk.

If you’re an e-commerce store looking to grow your sales, you must get serious about pop-ups.

Contrary to popular belief, pop-ups don’t have to be annoying. Executed correctly, they have the power to make a big difference in your conversions. It all goes down to segmenting them correctly and making them relevant to your visitor.

Today, we will look at the seven best pop-up tools you can use to take your conversion to new heights. Let’s get started:

1. Privy

Privy grows your sales with exit-intent popups, flyouts, announcement bars, and more. It’s a valuable tool if you’re looking to increase your email list and reduce cart abandonment.

The easy-to-use program makes it easy to experiment and tweak your email popups. You can test different messages based on color, design, display time, and more to see what works the best, even with no coding skills.

Another area where Privy excels is segmentation. To make your popups relevant to the visitor, you can segment them based on which country they come from, how they landed on your website, how much they have in their shopping cart, etc.







2. Sumo

Sumo is a top-rated conversion tool trusted by over 600,000 businesses worldwide. The platform includes multiple features to help stores win more sales, generate conversions, and increase subscribers.

From the platform admin, you can create unique offers and discounts to get your customers’ attention. By making customers sign up, you’ll increase your store’s average order value and boost sales.

Just as shoppers are about to leave their cart, Sumo reaches out with a popup that encourages them to follow through with their purchase. It also retargets customers with a follow-up email when subscribers view your product without buying.








3. Justuno Pop Ups

Justuno uses artificial intelligence to boost conversions with pop-ups, exit offers, countdown timers, and more. It offers endless ways to customize your upsell and cross-sell offers.

The platform’s AI software analyzes billions of data points to tailor pop-ups based on each visitor. It tracks visit frequency, geolocation, cart value, and more to ensure your store sends the right message at the right time.

Justuno comes with advanced analytics to track your marketing success and measure performance. You’ll gain exact insights into what strategies work and what don’t.








4. Omnisend

Omnisend is one of Shopify’s most popular email marketing apps, with a near-perfect 4.7 rating. It connects your email efforts with other channels such as SMS, Facebook, and Google.

On top of using pop-ups to generate sales, you can optimize your landing pages for conversion. It’s also known for its Wheel of Fortune pop-up that offers customers the chance to win a special voucher on your store.








5. Salespop

Social proof is a powerful tool for conversion. 91% of customers trust reviews as much as their own friends and family.

Sales Pop helps you use social proof to boost sales by displaying real-time customer activity. When visitors know that others are buying from your store, they are more likely to buy themselves. It also makes your store look busy and creates urgency.

The app does this by connecting to your Shopify and tracking recent sales. Customers will also be able to click on the pop-up to look at the purchased product.








6. Pixelpop

With Pixelpop, you can capture visitors’ emails and sync them to Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Constant Contact, or Conversio. You can also add banners that display special offers, such as free shipping.

Pixelpop has various ways to style and customize pop-ups on your store. The different types of pop-ups you can use on your website include email signups, announcements, coupon codes, social follow, etc. The sky’s the limit!

Pixelpop doesn’t require any coding background to get started and only takes a few seconds to install on your store.








7. Wisepops E-commerce Pop-Ups

Thanks to its drag-and-drop editor, Wisepops makes it possible to create high-converting emails within seconds.

One aspect that makes Wisepops stand out from other popup tools is its vast choice of templates. The platform makes it easy to find designs that reflect your brand.

Wisepops sends the right message at the right time with contextual targeting. You can target customers based on various factors such as their cart value, their timezone, location, and more.









Pop-ups are great for growing your email list and landing more sales. We hope this list of tools will help you pick the right pop-up tool for your business. Experiment with each platform and see which fits you the best!

As your business continues to grow, managing shipping will become more and more difficult. 

Getting more orders indicates that your business is on the right track. However, managing your orders and getting the best rates can be a time-consuming process.

Thankfully, some apps help you manage your shipping and orders effectively without sacrificing your precious time.

Tools We Recommend

1. Free Shipping Bar

Free Shipping Bar is a tool that displays your free shipping offer in a bar on your website that you can easily customize. Its goal is to encourage customers to add to their carts and buy more.

As customers add more to their cart, the Free Shipping Bar will show them progressive messages on how much they have left before they get free shipping.

You can congratulate customers once they have landed on a free shipping offer and measure the results of each bar to see which free shipping goals create more sales.

As a bonus, its currency detection features make it easy to auto-detect the local currencies of visitors. The platform then converts the free shipping amount with real-time exchange rates.


You need a solution that makes it possible to connect all of your eCommerce operations in one place

2. Parcelify

Parcelify makes it simple to create custom rates for your Shopify store.

With Parcelify, you control the shipping pricing and options that customers see during checkout. Customers can get live, accurate rates of what they’re actually paying for shipping.

Parcefily also comes with local delivery and in-store pickup. With cheaper options to receive their product, you’ll satisfy customers and drive more repeat purchases.


3. AfterShip

Tracking and managing each customer shipment can be a time-consuming headache. Aftership cuts the work in half by tracking all shipments across 600+ carriers in one place.

AfterShip is currently being used by more than 30,000 Shopify stores worldwide. You’ll be able to keep customers updated on the placement of their orders and when they can expect delivery.

As a result, your store will see a drastic decrease in customer inquiries and complaints.


4. Tracktor

The modern customer has higher expectations than before. One of those expectations is expedited shipping and being able to track down exactly when their item arrives.

That’s where Tracktor comes in.

Tracktor makes it easy for customers and store owners to track down the delivery of a shipped item. The platform integrates with hundreds of carriers across the globe, so you can track exactly where the package is going.

The best part? You can do all of this from a single app. Customers won’t have to come to you and ask, “where’s my order?” anymore. As a result, you’ll boost customer satisfaction and reduce support costs.


5. Route – Shipping Insurance

No one can predict what can happen to your product during shipping, which is why getting insurance for your products is so important.

Route is a tool that offers insurance on any item that gets lost, broken, or stolen during delivery. Customers gain peace of mind knowing that their purchases are guaranteed, and you get to keep more of your revenue.

Since Route covers the cost of refunds, you won’t be losing any money. The app is also 100% free for merchants and only takes a few minutes to set up on your store.

6. Aftership Returns Center

As frustrating as customer returns can be, there’s software you can use to handle returns more efficiently. Aftership Returns Center uses automation to track and manage your returns like child’s play.

When you integrate Aftership into your online store, you’ll be able to:


7. Sales Box

Sales Box offers an exciting way to manage shipping and personalize offers for your customers.

Your store can set up different shipping fees and promotions for individual products or countries. Right under the “add to cart” button, customers will have all the shipping information.

Each sales box is fully customizable and easy to edit. No coding knowledge is necessary — you get instant access to templates that make your offer stand out.


8. eHub – Best

There’s a lot that goes into managing shipping and customer orders. You have to keep track of inventory, calculate your shipping rates, print your labels, and so much more.

It can be time-consuming and frustrating to bounce from software to software to get all of this handled. You need a solution that makes it possible to connect all of your eCommerce operations in one place.

That’s where eHub comes in. From the admin, your business gets access to:

Essential Hub also integrates with more than 100+ e-commerce and shipping tools.



We hope you enjoy our list of the best apps you can use to manage your shipping. These tools should help save money on shipping and manage your orders effectively to delight your customers. To learn more about how Essential Hub can improve your shipping strategy, feel free to contact us.