The term “Pending Fulfillment” holds a specific significance within e-commerce.

What is Pending Fulfillment?

Typically, when an order is labeled as Pending Fulfillment, it indicates that either the invoice hasn’t been sent, or the fulfillment process has commenced but is yet to reach completion. During this phase, the company has acknowledged and accepted your order for fulfillment but is currently awaiting the processing of the order. This implies that the picking and packing procedures are still underway, with one of the teams actively retrieving items from the designated location or about to commence this process.

Awaiting Fulfillment vs. Pending Fulfillment 

“Awaiting Fulfillment” is frequently used interchangeably with “Pending Fulfillment” in e-commerce scenarios. Essentially, there’s no substantive difference between the two terms; they both signify that your order hasn’t been dispatched because the picking and packing tasks haven’t been finalized, and the company isn’t prepared to hand it over to a shipping partner or have it picked up.

When checking the status of your order and encountering “Pending Fulfillment,” it signifies that the logistics team in the warehouse has yet to initiate the fulfillment process involving the picking and packing the items specified in your order.

Pending Fulfillment and Warehouses

The “Pending Fulfillment” status is crucial for warehouses because it indicates that the order is being fulfilled, which involves picking and packing items. Warehouses need to ensure that they have enough stock of the items requested by the customer and that the products are in the right location for efficient picking. Once the picking and packing tasks are completed, the order can be handed over to a shipping partner or picked up by the customer. By monitoring the “Pending Fulfillment” status, warehouses can keep track of the orders they need to fulfill and ensure that they meet their customers’ expectations.

Other Statuses To Keep in Mind

Apart from the Pending status, there are several other order statuses to be aware of:

Submitted for Fulfillment

This indicates that your order has been accepted for fulfillment, and the fulfillment and delivery processes are in progress at the fulfillment center.

Pending/Awaiting Fulfillment

After submission for fulfillment, your order is in the queue, awaiting acceptance and processing by the logistics company.

Partially Shipped and Shipped

Only a portion of the ordered items has been shipped, possibly because the customer requested partial shipment or early delivery of specific items.


When the order status shows completed or delivered, the carrier has delivered the package, and the product has reached the buyer.

Regarding the time frame for Pending Fulfillment, companies typically require 48-72 hours for this process. You’ll receive an email notification when the fulfillment is complete, along with tracking information for your order.


It is crucial to note that the time frame for the Pending Fulfillment process typically spans 48-72 hours. This information is a valuable reference for customers wondering about the duration before their order transitions to the following status. Ultimately, the conclusion of the Pending Fulfillment stage is marked by an email notification containing details of the completed fulfillment, including tracking information. This comprehensive insight into the order fulfillment process contributes to a more transparent and informed consumer e-commerce experience.

Whenever you order something online or send a package, you likely notice those black-and-white patterns with lines on the labels. In other words, the barcodes. Though they don’t look like much, barcoding printers play a significant role in making sure your packages get to their destination quickly and accurately. 

Barcode printers are the machines that create these labels, and they’re efficient workers in shipping and logistics. So, in this article, we’ll explore what barcode printers are and how they help improve how we send and receive goods.

What are Barcodes?

Before diving into barcoding printers, let’s understand what barcodes are and why they’re essential for shipping and logistics.

Barcodes are like special codes that machines, called barcode scanners, can read. These codes resemble a series of lines, spaces, or dots arranged in a pattern. When a barcode scanner reads this pattern, it turns it into information that computers can understand. Barcodes usually represent product codes, tracking numbers, or delivery addresses in shipping.

How Barcoding Printers Work

Barcode printers are like magic label-making machines. Here’s how they work:

1. Creating Labels: Barcode printers’ main job is to make labels. These labels contain important information for shipping, like where the package is going, how heavy it is, and what’s inside. Plus, they always include a barcode with the tracking number.

2. Making Barcodes: Barcode printers have special software to turn regular information (like a tracking number) into a barcode. There are different types of barcodes, but don’t worry about the technical details. Just know that barcode printers can make these codes.

3. Printing: Once the barcode is ready, the printer puts it on a label. Barcode printers are designed to print clearly and accurately so scanners can easily read the barcode.

Why Barcode Printers Matter in Shipping

Now that you know how barcode printers work, let’s see why they’re so crucial for shipping:

1. Keeping Track: 

Every package that leaves a shipping center gets a unique barcode label. As the packet travels, it’s scanned multiple times by barcode scanners. These scanners read the barcode and tell the system where the box is and where it’s going. This real-time tracking helps companies know precisely where packages are to provide accurate delivery estimates.

2. No Mistakes: 

Barcode printers are great at preventing mistakes. They make sure that shipping labels are made accurately every time. This means fewer chances of sending a package to the wrong place or losing it due to a label mistake. It’s all about making sure things run smoothly.

3. Speed and Efficiency:

 In extensive shipping operations, things need to happen quickly. Barcoding printers are built to make labels fast. This saves time and money because workers don’t have to spend ages writing labels by hand.

4. Easy Integration: 

Barcode printers can work together with shipping and inventory management computer systems. This means labels can be made automatically as soon as you place an order online. Less manual work means fewer errors.

5. Playing by the Rules: 

In shipping, there are rules about how labels should look. Barcoding printers can be set up to make labels that follow these rules, ensuring they can be read by all the machines they encounter.

6. Added Security: 

Sometimes, barcodes help with security. For instance, if someone tries to open a package during its journey, barcode scanners can quickly detect it. This makes shipping more secure.


Barcoding printers might seem like simple machines, but they play a massive role in making shipping and logistics smooth. They create labels that help track packages, prevent mistakes, and speed up shipping. Whether you’re a small online store or a big shipping company, using barcode printers is an intelligent way to improve your shipping operations and keep customers happy. So, the next time you see a barcode on a package, know that it’s thanks to barcode printers that your delivery is on its way!

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eHub, a leading provider of comprehensive logistics and supply chain solutions, is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with Hopstack, a new-age warehouse management and fulfillment software offering scalable and efficient omnichannel fulfillment solutions. This collaboration is set to provide immense value by offering 3PLs a powerful toolkit to optimize the entire logistics lifecycle. 


“We’ve had the privilege of collaborating closely with 3PLs in the industry to develop groundbreaking solutions that enhance operational efficiency and significantly lower fulfillment costs,” said Wade Sleater, CEO of eHub. “Our partnership with Hopstack unlocks optimization, transparency, and remarkable cost reductions for 3PLs—all packaged within a comprehensive, end-to-end technological solution. This collaboration with Hopstack serves as a milestone in our mission to simplify the future of fulfillment.”


As the fulfillment landscape continues to evolve rapidly, eHub remains committed to staying at the forefront of innovation. The partnership with Hopstack aligns perfectly with this mission, allowing eHub to leverage Hopstack’s state-of-the-art technology and further provide immense value to modern 3PLs.


Key benefits of this partnership include:

Describing the partnership, Vivek Singh, COO at Hopstack, Inc., added, “We are excited about the partnership between Hopstack and eHub, as it addresses many of the shortcomings found in traditional 3PL-focused software. Our aim is to empower 3PLs to manage their fulfillment activities efficiently, from order processing to shipping. Through this collaboration, we are confident that our technology-first approach will make omnichannel fulfillment operations more efficient and reduce the overall cost per order.”


The partnership between eHub and Hopstack represents a significant step forward in the 3PL industry, with a focus on harnessing technology to drive efficiency and customer satisfaction to new heights.



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