
This is the Best Way to Print Shipping Labels

explore the various methods for creating shipping labels

  • Written by Paola Olivera
  • Published on December 19, 2023
  • Time to read 9 minutes


Are you trying to figure out what the best way to print shipping labels is to ensure your business runs smoothly and efficiently? In this blog, we’ll explore the various methods for creating shipping labels, highlighting their pros and cons and offering insights into which methods suit different business sizes.

Understanding your options is crucial whether you’re a small, medium, or large business. We’ll also touch on the easiest and cheapest ways to print shipping labels, ensuring you have all the information needed to streamline your shipping process.

Different Ways to Print Shipping Labels

1. Online Shipping Platforms


Convenience: User-friendly interfaces make label creation quick and easy.

Cost Savings: Many carriers offer discounted rates when creating labels online.

Variety: Multiple shipping carriers are accessible through a single platform.


Internet Connection Required: Online access is necessary.

Learning Curve: Some platforms may have a learning curve for first-time users.

Best way to print shipping labels for Small and medium-sized businesses looking for a convenient, cost-effective solution.

2. Shipping Software and Apps


Consolidation: Centralized management of orders and labels.

Discounted Rates: Many platforms offer discounted shipping rates.

Time-Saving: Automation features reduce manual work.


Cost: Subscription fees may apply.

Initial Setup: Setting up and integrating the software can take time.

Best way to print shipping labels for Medium and large businesses aiming to streamline shipping operations and take advantage of automation.

3. Integrated Systems


Seamless Workflow: Integrated with existing order and inventory management.

Customization: Tailored to your business needs.


Complexity: Building and maintaining an integrated system can be challenging.

Cost: Initial development costs and ongoing maintenance.

Best way to print shipping labels for Large businesses with advanced logistics and distribution needs.

4. Desktop Label Printing Software


No Internet Dependency: Works offline.

Cost-Effective: Free or lower-cost options are available.


Limited Features: Less automation compared to online platforms.

Updates: This may require manual updates.

Best way to print shipping labels for Small businesses with basic shipping needs and those comfortable with desktop applications.

5. Mobile Apps


On-the-Go: Create labels from your smartphone or tablet.

User-Friendly: Mobile apps are designed for simplicity.


Screen Size: Limited by the size of your device’s screen.

Feature Limitations: Some apps may offer fewer features than desktop versions.

Best way to print shipping labels for Small businesses needing flexibility and mobile access for label printing.

6. Thermal Label Printers


Efficiency: High-speed printing for high shipping volumes.

Cost Savings: Long-term savings on label material costs.


Upfront Cost: Requires an investment in hardware.

Volume Requirement: This may not be cost-effective for small businesses.

Best way to print shipping labels for Medium and large businesses with high shipping volumes.

Printing Your Own Shipping Labels

To print your shipping label, follow these steps:

1. Gather the necessary information: recipient’s address, return address, package dimensions, weight, and chosen service.

2. Select a suitable shipping carrier.

3. Create an online account with the carrier.

4. Access the carrier’s label creation tool on their website.

5. Enter shipment details accurately.

6. Calculate shipping costs and select a service.

7. Generate the label and choose the format (PDF, PNG, etc.).

8. Print the label using your printer, ensuring the correct settings.

9. Attach the label securely to your package.

10. Arrange for pickup or drop-off, and pay for shipping if necessary.

11. Keep a digital copy of the label for reference.

Choosing the Right Method for Your Business

Small Business:

Recommended Method: Online Shipping Platforms

Why: Convenient and cost-effective for occasional shipping.

Considerations: Limited shipping volume may not justify more complex methods.

Medium Business:

Recommended Method: Shipping Software and Apps

Why: Efficient and cost-effective for managing moderate shipping volumes.

Considerations: Invest in shipping software for streamlined operations.

Large Business:

Recommended Method: Enterprise-Grade Shipping Software, Custom Solutions

Why: Scalable and customizable solutions for high shipping volumes and complex logistics.

Considerations: Invest in custom solutions and negotiate rates directly with carriers.

Easiest and Cheapest Options

Easiest Method: Online Shipping Platforms and Mobile Apps offer user-friendly, straightforward solutions for occasional shippers.

Cheapest Method: Printing labels at home can be the most cost-effective for small businesses with low shipping volumes.


The best way to print shipping labels depends on your business size, shipping volume, and specific needs. Choosing the correct method ensures cost-efficiency and streamlined operations, whether you’re a small, medium, or large eCommerce business.

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