Hazardous materials, like automotive batteries, can be very dangerous if not handled properly. As an eCommerce shipper, it’s essential to know how to handle them safely to protect people and the environment. In this blog, we will go over hazard classes and what each contains, what hazard class automotive batteries are in, and how to properly handle automotive batteries when it comes time to ship them.
What are the Hazard Classes?
In short, hazard classes put hazardous materials into different categories based on how risky they are. Through this, people can know how to transport, store, and get rid of them safely. Here are the nine hazard classes:
Class 1: Explosives.
• These objects can explode when they catch fire or are hit. For example, fireworks or ammunition.
Class 2: Gases.
• These are substances that are pressurized. Also, there are other categories of gases, which include flammable, non-flammable, and toxic gases.
Class 3: Flammable Liquids.
• These are liquids that can easily catch fire, like gasoline.
Class 4: Flammable Solids.
• As the name implies, these substances can catch fire easily, like certain chemicals.
Class 5: Oxidizing Agents and Organic Peroxides.
• These include substances that can make fires worse or react dangerously. For example, hydrogen peroxide might be in your medicine cabinet.
Class 6: Toxic and Infectious Substances.
• This is the stuff that can harm us or cause diseases. For example, some chemicals like lead and mercury. Or disease-causing materials like salmonella.
Class 7: Radioactive Materials.
• These include materials that give off harmful radiation. For example, Uranium would be one of them.
Class 8: Corrosive Substances.
• This stuff can cause severe harm to our skin or other things it touches, like sulfuric acid.
Class 9: Miscellaneous Dangerous Substances.
• These hazardous materials don’t fit into the other classes but still need careful handling. These include battery-powered vehicles, but not batteries alone.
Now that we’ve gone over all the classes let’s discuss the main topic for today. So, what class do automotive batteries fit into?
Automotive Battery Hazard Class:
Automotive batteries are in “Class 8: Corrosive Substances”. Although class 9 deals with vehicles containing batteries, automotive batteries fit into 8. This is because they contain corrosive stuff, such as sulfuric acid. Thus, they can burn us or cause some nasty injuries if they are not handled carefully.
Overall, if you ship automotive batteries or any hazardous materials, you should know how to do it correctly. That’s why next, we’ll review tips on handling hazardous materials in shipping.
Stay Safe, Avoid Problems:

When sending hazardous stuff, like automotive batteries, it is essential to know how to do it. Make sure to follow these safety tips to send the hazardous things correctly:
- Train and Educate:
Train your staff well on handling and safely getting rid of automotive batteries. Also, be sure they know the safety symbols and what to do in emergencies.
- Store the Right Way:
Keep automotive batteries in a place meant for hazardous materials that is also ventilated well. Keep them away from sunlight and extreme heat to avoid leaks and dangers.
- Package Properly:
When shipping batteries, use packaging that meets safety rules to avoid damage or leaks.
- Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Give your employees gloves, safety goggles, and protective clothes to stay safe.
- Get Kits:
Have spill response kits nearby to deal with spills and minimize harm quickly.
- Battery Recycling Programs:
Encourage customers to recycle used batteries at designated centers. Also, you can recycle old batteries if necessary.
- Inspect, Inspect, Inspect:
Check storage areas and equipment regularly for damage and replace any damaged batteries. This way, you can avoid potential spills or future problems.
- Make Sure to Label and Document:
Properly label hazardous materials, including automotive batteries, and keep good records. This can help avoid misunderstandings and other potential issues with mislabeling.
- Be Prepared for Emergencies:
Make sure to have clear plans for dealing with accidents involving hazardous materials.
- Know the Regulations:
Follow the rules and laws for handling hazardous materials. You can find those on the U.S. Department of Transportation website.
- Partner with Certified Recyclers:
Work with trusted recycling facilities for proper disposal.
These safety tips will create a safer workplace and show you care about doing things right. Thus, you can protect your workers, customers, and the environment.
Final Thoughts:
Overall, safety is a top priority in the world of shipping and e-commerce. This is especially true when you deal with hazardous materials like automotive batteries. Therefore, understanding the hazard classes and following rules for handling hazardous materials are essential for protecting human health and the environment.
Also, it is crucial to prioritize safety through staff training, appropriate storage, and the use of personal protective equipment. Additionally, you should encourage battery recycling, hold regular inspections, and follow the rules and regulations. By doing this, you show your commitment to responsible practices.
By partnering with certified recyclers, you throw away hazardous materials correctly. All in all, embracing these safety measures safeguards your business and contributes to a safer world for everyone. Using all these tips, you make sure to create ethical and secure shipping practices and make a positive impact on the environment.