As frustrating as returns can be, managing them is an inevitable part of an e-commerce business. 30% of online products are returned, compared to only 8% for brick-and-mortar stores.

While dealing with customer returns might not be fun. However, it’s still possible to manage and minimize them effectively. Sometimes, you can flip them around and turn them into a sale.

While you may hate them, customers expect the returns process to be painless.

In this blog post, we’ll cover six ways that stores can manage returns effectively and improve their business:

Make Your Returns Policy Easy to Access and Lenient

More than 60% of customers will read your return policy before purchasing. That’s why you want to ensure your return policy is clear and easy to find on your web store.

The best places we recommend to make your returns policy visible include:

Another good tactic is to be generous and extend the deadline for returns. This works because it gives customers peace of mind and ample time to see if the item fits.

For example, Zappos is a top-leading brand that offers returns within 365 days of purchase. With so much time to test out the product and return it, customers may even forget to return the item in the first place!

Collect Data on Customer Returns Through Surveys

One of the best ways to prevent returns is to understand why customers are returning your items in the first place. One way to collect this information is through customer surveys.

With surveys, customers will have to go through a series of questions so you can understand the reason behind their return. Some of the best questions you can ask in the survey include:

As Bill Gates said himself, “An unhappy customer is the best customer.” Once you understand why customers are returning their orders, you can improve your products and web store.

For example, if a specific item always comes back faulty, you can find ways to fix it. Maybe it’s a flaw in the design, or the item’s packaging isn’t strong enough to sustain the transportation to the customer.

Maybe there’s a line in the product detail that is misleading customers. Understanding their expectations allows you to communicate more effectively in the first place or improve what you’re delivering.

If customers complain that your product looks bigger on your website than in real life, you can focus on improving your images to reflect the actual size of the item.

One of the best ways to prevent returns is to understand why customers are returning your items in the first place

Offer Product Recommendations to Customers

Even if a customer decides to return your item, it doesn’t mean that they won’t ever buy from you again. It could just be that they’re looking for a different product to meet their needs instead.

Especially for clothing or fashion-related items, customers want to see how they look and fit in person. If the returns process is easy, then they will continue to try out different products until they find what they like. Then you’ve got a lifetime customer!

What you can do in this situation is to offer them suggestions for other products that might interest them. If they’ve bought from you before, you can look at their history and see which type of item they typically like.

To take it a step further, you can also offer them redeemable coupons they can use on future purchases. It’s a great tactic to get them to return to your store and eventually buy products from you.

Measure How Much Your Returns Are Costing Your Store

As you manage returns, you must take the time to measure how they’re affecting your revenue. Doing so will help you set up a strategy to minimize them and do better.

Here are some crucial questions you need to be asking yourself:

Make the Return Process Simple and Convenient

How your brand manages returns could make or break your customer relationship. 92% of buyers will shop at your store again if the returns process is fast and straightforward.

For example, you can add a prepaid return label on packages to make the process less frustrating for the customer. You can also give customers a tracking number that lets them know when you receive the item.

Another way to make the returns process worry-free for the customer is to make your order policy straight to the point. Avoid complicated terms, disclose return fees, and set clear expectations between you and the customer.

There are tools you can use that simplify managing returns, which we’ll get into below.

Manage Your Returns With a Shipping Tool

Managing returns isn’t an easy task. Plus, you likely have other priorities in mind for your business, such as marketing your product or optimizing your website. It doesn’t hurt to get a bit of help along the way.

To save you time, various return management tools make the job easier for you. Some of the best tools we recommend on Shopify include:


Returns are part of shopping online. Making it easy will create a more positive customer experience and boost your retention of new customers. Managing them can be a headache, but setting clear policies and effective back-end processes will make them painless. With the right strategy, you can make returns just another selling point for your business!

It can be a headache figuring out your exact shipping rates. There are many factors involved, and if you’re relying on third-party software or a marketplace, then you can be reliant on the rates they give you.

One mistake to avoid is overcharging your customers for shipping. If shipping rates are too high, customers will abandon their carts.

At the same time, you don’t want your shipping rates to be too low. Scaling a business while eating high shipping costs is a recipe for disaster.

So what’s the solution? As a business owner, you likely have other priorities than calculating your shipping costs. It’s the reason why you need to have real-time carrier shipping that helps do the job for you.

What is Real-Time Carrier Shipping?

Real-time carrier shipping consists of software that automatically calculates the shipping rates for buyers during checkout. It considers factors such as product weight and shipping destination to charge the proper rates.

Here are some of the benefits that come with adding real-time carrier shipping to your store:

Avoid Calculating Shipping Rates Yourself

Real-time carrier shipping helps take the guesswork out of calculating shipping costs. Just as buyers are about to checkout, they instantly get access to rates without you manually calculating it yourself.

As a result, you’ll gain extra time to focus on what truly matters the most — running your business. You gain peace of mind knowing you’re charging the correct shipping rates each time.

Charge Customers the Right Amount for Shipping

There are many things to take into account when charging your shipping rates. If you’re not setting up your rates correctly, you risk losing potential sales and revenue over shipping costs.

Real-time carrier shipping ensures you charge the correct amount each time, even if you’re shipping your items overseas.

Provide Transparency to Customers

Any friction during the buying process will cause customers to drop their shopping carts, so you want to ensure they don’t get nasty surprises.

Real-time shipping gives customers an idea of how much exactly they’ll be paying for shipping. As a result, they’ll be more likely to follow through with their purchase.

It’s important to note on the product page that shipping charges will be calculated at checkout—that way, they know exactly what to expect.

Your Carrier Options on Shopify

Shopify has three leading shipping carriers: USPSUPS, and FedEx. At checkout, customers will get to see the negotiated rates based on the carrier that you selected.

The carrier-calculated shipping feature typically comes with the Shopify Advanced and Shopify Plus Plans. However, you can add it for $20/month, no matter which plan you’re currently on.

Let’s dive into the requirements for each carrier and how you can connect them on Shopify:


To start with USPS, you must register for a USPS User ID by signing up on their web tools registration form. The ID will give you access to package tracking and shipping rates.

From there, here’s how you can connect your shipping rates to USPS from the Shopify admin:

  1. Go to Settings > Shipping and delivery
  2. Go to the accounts and integration section and click on Manage Integrations.
  3. Add USPS as the shipping carrier you want to connect
  4. Enter your USPS User ID in the Connect USPS dialog
  5. At this point, you can add USPS rates to your current shipping zones, even those that don’t currently use USPS rates.


To calculate your shipping rates with UPS, you must create an account on their official website. Setting up your account is going to be free of charge.

The next step is to find your custom shipping number to connect with UPS. If your UPS account doesn’t have a shipping number yet, you will have to register for one as well.

Here are the different steps to follow when connecting your UPS account on Shopify:

  1. Go to Settings > Shipping and delivery
  2. Go to the accounts and integration section and click on Manage Integrations.
  3. Add UPS as a shipping carrier
  4. Enter your UPS credentials in the Connect UPS dialog
  5. Click Submit and continue
  6. Add your account and invoice details on the Verify your UPS® account dialog.
  7. Click submit


FedEx is a popular carrier option for many stores. To set it up on Shopify, you must first create a FedEx account on their official website. The different types of shipping rates you can offer customers with FedEx include:

Here’s how to connect to FedEx as a shipping carrier from the Shopify admin:

  1. Go to Settings > Shipping and delivery
  2. Go to the accounts and integration section and click on Manage Integrations.
  3. Add FedEx as a carrier.
  4. Enter your FedEx credentials in the Connect FedEx dialog
  5. Select whether you want to add FedEx rates to your existing shipping zones
  6. Click Save

As a business owner, you likely have other priorities than calculating your shipping costs. It’s the reason why you need to have real-time carrier shipping that helps do the job for you.

Learn How to Get the Best Shipping Rates Today

Connecting a carrier to your Shopify store is one of the best ways to estimate shipping rates. By charging customers the exact price, you won’t have to worry about overcharging them or losing money.

When selecting a carrier, you should understand some of the benefits and negatives associated with each carrier. Not everyone can offer free shipping, at least not immediately, but you should review these tips to see how to do it.

Getting reasonable rates involves negotiating with each carrier to get the best rates. Another method is using third-party software that has previously negotiated rates plugged into their software.

Essential Hub works with all our customers to ensure they’re getting the best rates and are taking advantage of a multi-carrier shipping approach. Find out how we can get you up and shipping with better rates immediately!

Shipping can make or break your business. More than 75% of shoppers consider even small shipping costs a deal breaker compared to free shipping.

That means you cannot afford to skimp on it. You have to be intentional with the kind of experience you and your would-be customers will have during the entire process of shipping. To keep your business shipping at the most efficient cost and service, using worthwhile shipping software is a good start.

5 Questions to Ask About Your Current Platform

  1. How Flexible is it with Integrations?
  2. Does it Offer Multi-Carrier Rate Shopping?
  3. What Are its Track-Trace Capabilities?
  4. How Effective is it in Managing Your Workflow?
  5. What Are the Available Options for Shipping Rates?

The options are endless, but the search is worth the effort. Of course, you’ll have to consider your specific business needs to get a platform that serves you best. Other aspects of it can apply to almost every online business out there.

In this article, we’ll be looking at the top 5 concerns you should look into as far as your current shipping platform is concerned.

Take a look.

How Flexible Is It with Integrations?

Your shipping software isn’t the only system in your business. You must stay on top of your current e-commerce platform, manage your inventory, and ensure your books are in order. Think of the daily activities that are essential for the continued running of your business.

A good deal of them will need a platform of some sort, and each one of these platforms must work in harmony with the others. The same goes for your shipping software.

Can it plug into the existing ecosystem without much fuss? Spoiler alert – it should. That’s how you’ll realize its full importance as a tool, which is to make your work easier.

For some very specific integrations, the ideal platform should offer API access so that you can tweak everything down to your requirements.

Another way to make this work is with order aggregation like that provided by eHub. Your shopping cart, marketplaces, and website all connect to it, and it connects to your shipping software. That way, you don’t have to worry about managing many integrations.

Does It Offer Multi-Carrier Rate Shopping?

Customers expect free shipping and getting their products ASAP. They don’t care about the carrier service you use, but you should. Products going to inner zones should be using ground service. Outer zones may need something faster.

The USPS has the best rates for items under a pound—flat rate options. Depending on the package size, zone, and service level you need (how fast does it need to get there?), you need the most economical option. Does your software rate shop across carriers? An effective and efficient shipping program will rely on multiple carriers.

Your customers will be eager to know where their shopped items are. It’s only natural as they’ve paid for them. This is an opportunity for you as a merchant to show how committed you are to satisfying your customers.

What Are Its Track-Trace Capabilities?

Your customers will be eager to know where their shopped items are. It’s only natural as they’ve paid for them. This is an opportunity for you as a merchant to show how committed you are to satisfying your customers.

You can do that through your shipping software.

A good platform allows you to update your customer every step of the way – from the moment the item is shipped to being in transit and finally delivered.

But amid all this, returns are bound to be there. You also want a seamless process on the customer’s part and even your team.

For some platforms, it’s as simple as offering a return portal, printing the return label, and sending the item back to you. And that’s precisely what you’d want.

How Effective Is It in Managing Your Workflow?

As already mentioned, shipping software is a tool, and the sole purpose of a tool is to make your work easier. Part of making work more accessible is streamlining day-to-day operations from the time a customer places an order to the time the item is shipped out.

How good is your current platform with this?

Think of the documentation required in shipping an item – there are a lot of forms to fill and keep up with. Your shipping software should stand in for you. It helps keep all these documents in one place for easy retrieval when needed while eliminating a good deal of errors simultaneously.

Are you printing labels one at a time or in batches? Are you printing pack lists to make it easier to fill orders? Shipping software can be customized to your current process or utilized to make your process even more accessible. One way Essential Hub adds value is by educating, training, and optimizing customer shipping processes based on the platform they are using. Through this method, they save customers 20-30% in time every day. What would you do with an extra 2 hours?

What Are the Available Options for Shipping Rates?

Some platforms have limited options as far as rates are concerned. This means you have to make do with whatever the said platform has to offer.

This is certainly not the best way to go about it.

Having a custom pricing plan will work in your best interest. There are plenty of shipping platforms that offer this option. You should be able to rate shop, load custom rates, and manage your own shipping profile. Essential Hub is connected to multiple software options that do this.

Not every platform sells shipping the same way, but they would all have you believe that they offer the best rates. One way to check this is to take a typical package size, including weight and the exact delivery address, and shop it across platforms. That’s an excellent place to start when evaluating who offers the best rates.

Wrapping it Up

Shipping plays a significant role in most people’s purchase decisions, so ensuring everything runs smoothly should be a top priority for you as a merchant. Shipping software is a tool that will work to save you money, make you more efficient, and improve the customer experience.

Find one that works for your business using these tips. Essential Hub helps our customers evaluate the best software for their needs and how to implement that system best. Find out how today!