Order Fulfillment: A Perfectly Planned Performance

Every successful sale is like a carefully choreographed performance. Ultimately, the big show is when promises become reality, and customers are happy with the performance. This dance, called order fulfillment, involves many steps. For example, processing orders, keeping track of inventory, and delivering on time are all critical factors in production. Things can get messy if certain parts are not up to par. So, how can you avoid a disappointing performance and make this whole process smoother? The answer is infoplus order fulfillment.

Meet Infoplus: A Leading Part 

You might want to turn to solutions like Infoplus if you want smoother operations. Imagine it as a tool designed to simplify and enhance order fulfillment. Not only does it bring a set of features that boost efficiency and accuracy, but it also makes the entire process much easier overall.

So, how does it work?

Infoplus Order Fulfillment in Simple Steps

A customer service agent speaks to a customer over the phone while a warehouse worker fulfills an order by loading a package

A. All-in-One Solution

Infoplus is like a central command, a digital hub, for various businesses. From online shops to traditional stores, Infoplus can be a solution. As a visual, think of it as a wheel with multiple spokes emerging from the center. Each spoke represents a different system or process, converging at the hub. For example, one spoke is for managing customers, one is for managing products, another for orders, and another for shipping, all in one place.

B. Elevating Fulfillment

Infoplus is like a toolkit that supercharges the order fulfillment journey. It monitors your inventory in real time, helps arrange your warehouse smartly, and suggests the best way to ship your products. We’ll go over these features in more detail later.

C. Boosting Efficiency

Overall, Infoplus knows that efficiency is key. So, it’s built to make processes smoother, reduce mistakes, and improve your business. It fits into your other systems, creating harmony in your operations.

With Infoplus, order fulfillment becomes a breeze – from managing inventory to delivering products. It’s like having a backstage crew that ensures everything runs smoothly.

Navigating Order Fulfillment with Infoplus

So, now that you have a good summary of Infoplus, let’s go over the many different tools it has to help your business succeed. 

A. Smooth Order Handling: From Input to Validation

  1. Automated Order Entry: Infoplus speeds up order processing by automating data entry. Therefore, it gets rid of the manual tasks that slow things down.
  2. Ensuring Order Accuracy: Infoplus uses tools to double-check and verify orders. Thus, it reduces mistakes and ensures accuracy.

B. Mastering Inventory: Tracking and Smart Choices

  1. Real-time Inventory Insights: With Infoplus, you can see your inventory levels in real-time. That way, it’s easier to decide what to do next and avoid running out of stock.
  2. Predicting and Replenishing Inventory (Inventory Management): Additionally, Infoplus uses data to predict when you’ll need more stock. So, you’ll always be prepared and can avoid shortages.

C. Efficient Picking and Packing

  1. Optimized Warehouse Layout: Infoplus helps organize your warehouse layout. With this, you can create faster and more efficient picking and packing.
  2. Smart Picking Strategies: Infoplus suggests different ways to pick orders. Therefore, you can find the best approach for your business.

D. Smooth Shipping and Clear Communication

  1. Choosing the Right Shipping: Infoplus connects with different shipping options, helping you pick the most cost-effective one.
  2. Tracking and Updates: Infoplus keeps customers informed with real-time tracking and updates about their shipments.

E. Customization

  1. Your Business, Your Way: Infoplus adapts to you. So, you can customize workflows, alerts, and processes to match your business’s unique needs.
  2. Seamless Unity: Infoplus syncs effortlessly with your current tools. For example, e-commerce and ERP. This syncing helps to create a harmonious operational flow.
  3. Future-Proof Flexibility: As your business evolves, so does Infoplus. So, it adjusts to your changing needs, keeping you in sync with growth.

Benefits of Using Infoplus for Order Fulfillment

Along with its many features, Infoplus has general factors and benefits for your business. So, let’s go over those overall:

  1. Precise and Accurate: Infoplus reduces order errors. Therefore, customers get what they want and are happier because of it.
  2. Clear View of Operations: Infoplus gives you a clear view of your inventory and orders. By using this, you can make better decisions and provide better service.
  3. Speed and Efficiency: Infoplus speeds up the process, from getting orders to customers’ hands. Thus, everyone’s happy.
  4. Everything Works Together: Infoplus fits right into your other systems, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working together.
  5. Saving Time and Money: Infoplus helps you save money and run things more smoothly with fewer mistakes and optimized processes.

Final Thoughts

Overall, order fulfillment isn’t just about getting products to customers. It’s a chance to stand out in a crowded market. Solutions like Infoplus are your secret weapon to help you succeed. They allow you to streamline operations, impress customers, and set the stage for growth in a competitive world

eHub and Infoplus – A Dynamic Duo

As partners, eHub and Infoplus have created a fantastic solution for growing your warehouse systems. With features such as access to the best shipping rates, an extensive WMS, and a simple integration, both eHub and Infoplus can help give you various benefits in shipping and fulfillment overall. Check out eHub and Infoplus today to see how you can use their comprehensive solutions and features. 


As an eCommerce business owner, finding the right warehouse and storage is crucial to optimizing your operations and ensuring seamless order fulfillment. Two standard options are “warehouse for rent vs warehouse for lease.” While these choices may seem to be virtually the same thing, they have a lot of differences. These differences can significantly impact your business’s bottom line and flexibility. So in this blog, we’ll give a detailed overview of the differences between renting and leasing a warehouse. By the end, you will have good information to help make an informed decision about which warehouse option is right for your business. 

Warehouse for Rent vs Warehouse for Lease: Which is Which?

Before we dive into the details, let’s clarify what each warehouse option is:

1. Warehouse for Rent:

Renting a warehouse space is usually a short-term arrangement. Like many other renting experiences; you pay a fixed fee monthly. Therefore, you have flexibility in terms of commitment. Also, that’s what makes this option ideal for businesses with consistent storage needs changes.

2. Warehouse for Lease: 

A lease, in general typically is a longer-term commitment, which can last multiple years. Regarding a warehouse for lease, you sign a contract with the warehouse owner and agree to rent the space for a set period. The payment time and frequency can vary based on the specifics of the lease and the agreement reached between the landlord (lessor) and the tenant (lessee). On another note, leasing provides stability and may offer more opportunities for customization.

Now that you know the definitions for each, let’s explore the key differences between these two choices. This way, you can see which one your business fits into better. 

Time Commitment and Flexibility

There are some big differences in how much time you usually are locked in with each option. We mentioned them before, but here they are in more detail:

• Warehouse for Rent: A warehouse offers greater flexibility since you’re not tied to a long-term contract. This option is best for businesses with seasonal or unpredictable storage requirements. If your inventory levels vary throughout the year, renting can help you scale your space up or down as needed.

• Warehouse for Lease: Leasing, on the other hand, involves a more extended commitment. It’s great for businesses with a stable and predictable demand for storage space. Leasing does lack the month-to-month flexibility of renting. However, it can provide you with a stable base of operations and potential cost savings over time.


For each warehouse option, the costs have their benefits and drawbacks. Depending on your business, one might be better than the other.

• Warehouse for Rent: Renting generally involves higher monthly costs than leasing due to its increased flexibility. However, it might be a more cost-effective choice for small businesses or startups that cannot afford a substantial upfront investment.

• Warehouse for Lease: Leasing often requires a more significant upfront investment, including security deposits and initial build-out costs. However, leasing over the long term can result in lower monthly costs and better predictability. Therefore, it is an attractive option for established businesses with a steady revenue stream.

Customization and Branding

With specific warehouses, you can customize them to your liking, brand, and overall business. It all depends on the warehouse type:

• Warehouse for Rent: Rental spaces may have limitations on customization since you’re operating on a short-term basis. While you can make some modifications, they will likely be more limited than a leased space.

• Warehouse for Lease: Leasing provides more room for customization, allowing you to tailor the warehouse to your specific operational needs. You may be able to implement branding elements, optimize the layout for efficiency, and even make structural changes with the landlord’s approval.

Maintenance and Repairs

Depending on the warehouse type, you might be responsible for upkeep. Here is how maintenance works for each:

• Warehouse for Rent: Maintenance and repairs are typically the landlord’s responsibility. This can benefit small businesses or those without dedicated maintenance staff, as it removes the worry of building upkeep.

• Warehouse for Lease: Leasing often places more responsibility on the tenant for maintenance and repairs. While this might seem daunting, it also gives you greater control over the condition of the space and allows you to address issues promptly.

Long-Term Planning

Though this factor aligns with the time commitment, knowing which warehouse option might be best for your business in the long run is good. Here are the long-term factors to consider for each choice:

• Warehouse for Rent: Renting suits short-term or rapidly evolving businesses. It allows you to adjust your storage needs without being locked into a fixed space. However, if your business experiences significant growth, you might outgrow your rented space quickly.

• Warehouse for Lease: Leasing provides stability and a sense of permanence, making planning for the long term easier. If you foresee consistent growth over the next few years, a lease might be the better choice, as it ensures you have adequate space as your business expands.

A table displays the pros and cons of leasing vs renting a warehouse

Wrapping Things Up

Choosing between a warehouse for rent and a warehouse for lease is all about your business’s unique circumstances and goals. These include budget, storage needs, growth projections, and operational preferences if your business has seasonal fluctuations or is in its early stages, renting offers the flexibility to adjust to changing demands. 

On the other hand, established enterprises might consider leasing. This is because, with steady growth and specific customization needs, leasing provides the stability and control required for long-term success. Ultimately, both options hold value, and your choice should be based on your situation. By thoughtfully reviewing the pros and cons of warehouse renting and leasing, you can make an informed decision that works for your eCommerce business. Therefore, you can leap forward into efficient operations and seamless order fulfillment.


In today’s fast-paced eCommerce world, getting products to customers quickly and accurately is essential for businesses. But how can businesses do this better? Enter automated warehouse picking. Businesses can transform their warehouses into efficient automation hubs using advanced technologies and intelligent systems. 

In this blog, we’ll look into the world of automated warehouse picking; exploring what it is, how it works, and why it matters. By the end, you will have the knowledge and ability to decide which automated picking methods will be best for your business, products, and warehouse. So, let’s dive right in!

What is Automated Warehouse Picking?

Automated warehouse picking means using machines and technology to get items from storage spots in a warehouse without people doing it. Thus, this helps make things faster and more accurate when sending out orders, which is really important for overall efficiency in today’s eCommerce business environment.

Advantages of Automated Warehouse Picking:

There are many great ways in which automated warehouse picking helps your business. So, let’s go over the benefits this technology brings:

• Efficiency: Automated systems work around the clock. Therefore, orders are picked and packed swiftly.

• Reduced Labor Costs: Robots and intelligent systems reduce the need for human intervention. Thus, they also cut down on labor expenses.

• Accuracy: Advanced technologies reduce errors. So, they lead to correct orders and satisfied customers.

• Faster Order Processing: Automation speeds up picking, packing, and shipping operations. Therefore, they ensure timely deliveries.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Of course, implementing automated warehouse picking comes with challenges. Some things to consider include initial costs, system integration, employee training, and ongoing maintenance. However, with proper planning and execution, these challenges can be overcome.

Let’s move on to the technologies you can use to automate your warehouse picking.

Automated, picking robotic arms are shown in a 3pl warehouse

Key Technologies and Systems:

Since many different systems can be involved in warehouse picking, let’s take a look at each and what they are best for:

Robotic Systems: 

These systems involve robots that have sensors, cameras, and grippers. Thus, they can identify, grasp, and move items. These robots and systems are suitable for:

• A wide range of products can accommodate various sizes and shapes.

• Handling different packaging types, like boxes and irregular shapes.

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs): 

These are robots that can move around. Also, they transport items based on predefined paths or sensor navigation. They are effective for:

• Moving goods within the warehouse, including raw materials

• Handling different packaging types, such as pallets and containers.

Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS):

These involve machinery, conveyors, and vertical lift modules that retrieve items from high-density storage. So, this system is ideal for:

• Industries with numerous SKUs and limited space.

• Items in standardized containers or bins.

Pick-to-Light and Put-to-Light Systems:

These systems use visual cues, like lights, to guide human pickers to the correct location of items. Therefore, this reduces errors while picking products. This is excellent for:

• Order picking for e-commerce and distribution centers.

• Items stored in shelves or bins with small packaging.

Goods-to-Person Systems:

This involves items being brought to pickers through conveyors or shuttles. So, this optimizes order picking. These systems work well for:

• High-order-volume industries, as it reduces picker movement.

• Handling items stored in standardized containers or bins.

Computer Vision and Machine Learning:

In this method, cameras and AI identify items for guided picking. This method is excellent for:

• Industries with complex inventories and visual identifiers.

• Various packaging types through visual recognition.

Voice Picking:

This system is where voice commands are used to guide pickers via headsets. From there, they listen to the instructions to find items. This is great for:

• Hands-free operations. Therefore, this enhances efficiency and accuracy.

• Various product types with clear verbal descriptions.

Pick-and-Pack Robots:

With this method, robots pick and pack items for order fulfillment. So, human labor is not needed. This method is good for:

• Streamlining e-commerce and fulfillment centers.

• Smaller items with consistent shapes and sizes.

Need a Warehouse? eHub Can Help

Overall, the future of automated warehouse picking is bright. Also, advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics are on the horizon. If you want to stay on top of these changes, you might need a 3PL to help you. Many 3PLs already have these picking technologies, so you can use them when working with your 3PL. 

But how do you know which 3PL best matches your business and products? Try eHub! We match your business and needs to one of our many vetted 3PLs within our network so you can get the best possible fit for fulfilling your products.

Wrapping Things Up

All in all, automated warehouse picking isn’t just a buzzword – it’s a game-changer. So, by embracing these advanced technologies, businesses can significantly improve their operations, deliver faster results, and create a smoother customer experience. While challenges exist, the benefits far outweigh them. 

So, whether you’re a business owner looking to optimize operations or a consumer eagerly awaiting your next order, automated warehouse picking is set to reshape how goods reach their destinations.


In online selling, getting your products from one place to another can be like a complex puzzle. Luckily, there are solutions to help solve this. Enter the bonded carrier  – it’s like a super helper for your shipping needs. But how? That’s what we’re here to explain. In today’s blog, we discuss bonded carriers, why they matter, and how you can use them. By the end, you will have a better knowledge of bonded carriers and how using a variety of carriers can be a shipping advantage to you and your business!

What is a Bonded Carrier?

In the U.S., bonded carriers have special permission to move things around the country and across borders without paying all the taxes and fees initially. This permission is given by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency. Overall, this is super handy, especially when dealing with products that cross borders or when you need to store things for a bit.

Breaking it Down

The advantages of using a bonded carrier are explained in a flow chart, these advantages include: moving goods easily across borders, paused payments, and accelerated customs checks.

Here’s a simple layout of how bonded carriers work:

  1. Special Card: Bonded carriers get a special card that says, “Hey, they can move things that need taxes and fees, but they don’t have to pay right away.”
  2. Moving Goods: These carriers can move goods coming into the country but haven’t finished all the customs checks yet. They’re helping things move while the official stuff gets sorted out.
  3. Pause on Payments: The cool part is that these carriers can move goods without paying the taxes and fees right when they pick them up. They get a little extra time to pay.
  4. Customs Check: When the goods they’re carrying reach where they’re supposed to go, or if they’re going through customs, the carriers must pay the taxes and fees they owe. Otherwise, there could be penalties.

So, What’s the Big Deal?

Bonded carriers are essential in getting goods and products where needed. They’re great for moving products that need storage or transportation before all the customs requirements are entirely done. This helps products keep moving while ensuring they follow the rules and pay the correct taxes later on.

A Lot of Uses

Bonded carriers can be a big help if you’re an online seller. Here’s when you might want to use them:

  1. Selling Across Borders: If you’re bringing in products from other countries to sell, bonded carriers can move them before you pay taxes and fees.
  2. Temporary Storage: Need to store things before selling them? Bonded carriers can help move them without immediately paying import fees.
  3. Trade Shows: If you go to events to show off your products, bonded carriers can move your stuff there without waiting for taxes.
  4. Quick Deliveries: For products that need to reach customers fast, bonded carriers can ensure they arrive quickly, bypassing long customs waits.
  5. Returning Goods: If you’re getting things temporarily and sending them back out, bonded carriers can make that easier.
  6. Global Selling: When selling to people in other countries, bonded carriers can help with shipping.

Taking Action

If you are planning to use a bonded carrier, then follow these steps:

  1. Figure Out Your Needs: Decide why you need these types of carriers. They can help with many things, like international shipping, quick deliveries, or other reasons.
  2. Pick a Reliable Carrier: Choose a bonded carrier to move goods between countries.
  3. Get Your Papers Ready: Have all the proper paperwork ready. This paperwork includes invoices and permits and helps customs go smoothly.
  4. Talk to the Carrier: Tell the carrier about your goods, where they’re going, and when they need to get there.
  5. Smooth Moves: Work out how the goods will be picked up and delivered.
  6. Pack Right: Follow the rules for packing and labeling.
  7. Share the Papers: Give the carrier all the documents they need. 
  8. Stay Legal: Make sure the carrier follows the rules for customs, including in both countries if you’re shipping internationally.
  9. Keep an Eye: Use tracking to know where your stuff is.
  10. Pay Taxes Later: Even though you’re using bonded carriers, you still need to pay taxes and fees when they’re due. Make sure to stay on top of when you pay them.
  11. Stay Updated: Watch for changes in customs rules and fees. This helps you be proactive when dealing with issues that could pop up because of these changes.
  12. Ask Experts: If unsure, talk to people who know about shipping and customs. They can help you make the right decisions when choosing a carrier or may have good tips for using bonded carriers.

Final Thoughts

Overall, in the dynamic world of e-commerce, bonded carriers emerge as reliable allies, ensuring your products reach their destination smoothly and efficiently. Their ability to transport goods before immediate tax payments simplifies cross-border logistics and accelerates the journey from production to customer. 

As an e-commerce merchant, understanding and utilizing bonded carriers can be vital to navigating international trade, storage, and speedy deliveries. By following the steps in this blog, you can confidently harness the power of bonded carriers, optimizing your shipping processes, and ensuring your products travel seamlessly across the global marketplace. Your journey as an e-commerce entrepreneur just got much smoother with these indispensable partners by your side.


Dropshipping has become a popular way to start an online business. This is because starting doesn’t cost too much and comes with minimal risk. If you’re young and want to jump into the world of e-commerce, you might want to try dropshipping. But how old do you have to be to dropship? In this blog post, we’ll explore the answer to that question, go over dropshipping, and go over a guide to help you succeed in the business if you are a minor.

What is Dropshipping?

To start, let’s quickly go over what dropshipping is. In short, it is a retail fulfillment method where you sell products on your online store without holding actual inventory. The inventory comes from a third-party supplier. This supplier picks, packs, and ships the products you place on your online store. When a customer orders, the product is directly shipped from the supplier to the customer’s doorstep. As a result, you can focus on other parts of your business and not worry about the inventory. These other parts include marketing and customer service. You can also make your store unique to your own personal style.

How Old Do You Have to Be to Dropship?

Simply put, there is no specific age restriction for starting a business, including drop shipping. However, if you are not a legal adult, you should check the laws and regulations in your country that deal with minors owning a business. In many cases, you need parental or guardian consent and signatures for contracts, and there might be specific rules if you’re under 18 or the legal age for your country. 

Where do you start once you figure out you want to begin dropshipping? We have some tips to help, which we’ll review next.

Dropshipping as a Minor: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are starting a dropshipping business as a minor, you might need some help. Even if you are not a minor and want a dropshipping business, you may want some helpful tips. So, here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you get it up and running:

  1. Research and Learn: To start, you should research dropshipping, e-commerce, and online business practices. For example, you can find online resources, articles, and tutorials to help you understand how dropshipping works and how to run an online store.
  2. Get Parental or Guardian Consent: As we discussed, you will likely need parental or guardian consent to start a business. Thus, you should talk to your parents or legal guardians about your business idea and get their support. They can help you navigate the legal requirements and provide guidance throughout the process.
  3. Choose a Niche and Products: Decide on a niche or product category for your dropshipping business. To do this, consider your interests, market demand, and how much profit you can make when choosing products to sell.
  4. Find Reliable Suppliers: Do your research! Find trustworthy suppliers or wholesalers who offer dropshipping services for your chosen products. Most importantly, make sure that the suppliers have a good track record. They should have both timely fulfillment and quality products.

Create an Online Store: Set up your online store using an e-commerce platform like Shopify, WooCommerce, or BigCommerce. With these platforms, you can customize your store’s design and layout to reflect your brand.

A computer screen displays the message: "build an online store!"
  1. Import Product Listings: Import the product listings from your chosen suppliers to your online store. From there, write good and engaging product descriptions to attract customers. Also, use high-quality images to showcase your products effectively.
  2. Set Pricing: To make competitive pricing to attract customers, you should look at the retail prices for your products and consider the wholesale cost from your suppliers.  From there, you can decide what you want your profit margin to be and then set your pricing!
  3. Secure Payment Processing: Set up secure payment gateways to accept customer payments. You can research and choose reliable, trusted payment processors offering secure transactions. Also, the platform you use for your online store may already offer payment processing within its system. 
  4. Use Marketing Strategies: Determine how to market and advertise your products. You can do this through a marketing plan. Also, use social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and other digital marketing techniques to reach your target audience.
  5. Provide Excellent Customer Service: Offer top-notch customer support. With this, you can build trust and credibility. Thus, you can keep and gain customers. To help with customer support, address customer questions quickly and professionally.
  6. Manage Orders and Inventory: Remember to keep track of customer orders and forward them to your suppliers quickly, so they can fulfill them. Also, check inventory levels so that products are in stock and available for shipping.
  7. Stay Compliant with Laws: Get familiar with any legal requirements related to starting and running a business as a minor in your country or region. Even if you aren’t a minor, you should still be familiar. Therefore, you can make sure you comply with all necessary regulations.
  8. Learn and Adapt: You should always learn from your experiences and stay open to change. If you want to be successful, it’s important to adapt your strategies based on market trends and customer feedback.
  9. Involve Your Parents or Guardians: Keep your parents or guardians informed about your business progress and seek their guidance whenever needed. They may give you helpful knowledge for decisions, or other questions you have.

Remember, it takes time, practice, and a lot of learning and mistakes in order to be successful in any business. By involving your parents or guardians and following legal requirements, you can be better prepared to dropship. Importantly, have fun with the journey!

Wrapping Things Up

Starting a dropshipping business as a minor can be an exciting adventure in the world of online selling. While there’s no specific age limit for dropshipping, it’s important to follow the rules in your country and get parent/guardian permission if needed. You can begin by doing research, finding reliable suppliers, and setting up your online store. 

Don’t forget to market your products and provide good customer service. Remember, learning and making mistakes are part of the process, so have fun and stay determined. With the support of your parents and your passion for business, you can succeed in dropshipping! Happy selling!


If you’re an online seller in the beauty industry, you want to make your customers happy and grow your business. Beauty fulfillment is all about ensuring customers get their beauty products smoothly, from when they order to when they receive their goodies. Let’s break down beauty fulfillment into simple steps to create a fantastic shopping experience.

Step 1: Keep Your Stock in Check

To avoid problems, you need to manage your inventory well. Use special tools to track your products in real-time. Some eCommerce software like BigCommerce or Shopify have this ability. This way, you won’t run out of things to sell or sell more than you have. Keeping your stock accurate helps you process orders smoothly.

Step 2: Fast Order Processing

Customers love quick confirmations! Make sure whatever system you use processes orders quickly and prepares them for shipping. When customers know their purchase is on the way, they feel happy about your service. 

Step 3: Beautiful Packaging

In the beauty world, looks matter. Invest in pretty packaging for your products. When you have packaging that is fun to look at, customers get excited, and they might become loyal fans. You can also use eco-friendly packaging to attract shoppers who care about the environment.

Step 4: Dependable Shipping

Choose reliable shipping carriers for timely and safe deliveries. Different shipping options, like fast shipping, are offered for those who want their beauty products quickly. Give customers tracking information so they can follow their orders’ journey.

Step 5: Personal Touch

Make your customers feel special by suggesting products they might like based on their previous purchases or preferences. This shows you care about what they want and helps them love your brand even more.

Step 6: Friendly Support

Good customer support is vital in the beauty industry. Be there for your customers when they have questions or concerns. Solve any problems with a smile. Happy customers will come back and tell their friends about your brand.

Step 7: Get Reviews 

Ask customers to leave reviews about their beauty products. Positive reviews build trust for your brand and encourage new customers to buy from you. Listen to feedback, both good and bad, to make your brand even better.

Using a 3PL for Beauty Fulfillment

If handling all these tasks alone feels too overwhelming, you can partner with a Third-Party Logistics (3PL) provider. A 3PL specializes in handling all the shipping and storage. Here’s how you can use a 3PL for beauty fulfillment:

Why Use a 3PL:

Partnering with a 3PL has many benefits, especially for small to medium-sized online sellers:

  1. Save Money: A 3PL can save you money by handling the logistics efficiently.
  2. Experts at Work: 3PLs are pros at this stuff so they can do it better and faster.
  3. Focus on Your Biz: When the 3PL takes care of fulfillment, you can focus on other important things, like selling more stuff.
  4. Grow with Ease: 3PLs can handle more orders during busy times without you needing to do anything extra.

Picking the Right 3PL

Choose a 3PL that knows about beauty products:

  1. Experience Counts: Look for one who already works with beauty stuff and understands how to handle them.
  2. Location Matters: Find a 3PL with warehouses in the right places so shipping is quick and easy.
  3. Tech-Savvy: Make sure their systems work well with yours so things run smoothly.
  4. Good Support: Check they have friendly customer service so you can ask questions and get help.

Working with the 3PL:

Once you pick a 3PL, they’ll help you with all the logistics:

• Connect Your Systems: Integrate your online store with their system so they know when orders come in.

• Keep Track of Inventory: Ensure they know how many products you have.

• Packaging and Branding: Tell them how you want your products to look when shipped.

Stay in the Loop:

Even with a 3PL, you still need to keep an eye on things:

• Ask for Updates: Stay in touch with the 3PL to know how things are going.

• Communication is Key: Make sure you can talk to them with any questions or issues.

Find the Right Resources with eHub

Need a perfect 3PL for your beauty business? What about good carrier options for dependable shipping? eHub can help! eHub helps to match a 3PL with your business needs and takes the hassle out of looking for a fulfillment center. Also, eHub’s shipping calculator shows all shipping options for the packages you want to send. For whatever fulfillment help you need, eHub is the perfect partner. You can get on a free call with our reps today.

Final Thoughts

With this easy guide, you can make beauty fulfillment a breeze for your eCommerce business. Keep your stock in check, process orders fast, use beautiful packaging, and offer reliable shipping. Add a personal touch, be there for your customers, and encourage reviews. Consider teaming up with a 3PL to handle your logistics if it gets overwhelming. Following these steps will create happy customers and watch your beauty business grow!

If you send packages or products abroad, they will go through customs clearance. However, the packages may not always make it through. They can be returned from import customs to you or where you sent the packages. You may wonder, “How did this happen?” or “What do I do now?”. Well, you’re in luck.

In this blog post, we answer your questions regarding your item being returned from import customs and how to deal with it. That way, you’ll be better prepared when sending packages out of the country in the future and have a better understanding of the customs clearance process overall. 

Let’s jump right in!

Why the Return?

While you may try to provide excellent service, customs regulations can be complex and strict. That being said, here are some reasons why your package may make a U-turn and get sent back from import customs:

  1. Wrong Documentation:

One of the most common reasons for package returns is inaccurate or incomplete customs documentation. Just like someone needs to get into other countries with the proper paperwork, so do packages. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure the required paperwork is filled out correctly. Plus, it should have the correct details about the shipment and the recipient’s address. Any mistakes or missing information can lead to customs officials rejecting the package.

  1. Unpaid Customs Fees or Duties:

When shipping internationally, customs fees and import duties may apply. These depend on the country the packages are supposed to be sent to and the value of the goods. If these fees are not paid in advance or the recipient refuses to pay them upon delivery, the customs authorities may send the package back to the sender.

  1. Restricted or Prohibited Items:

Different countries have specific rules and regulations that deal with the items that can be imported. Therefore, some products may be restricted or prohibited for safety, health, or legal reasons. If you inadvertently ship a restricted item, customs may return it. Thus, you’ll need to find an appropriate solution for your customer.

  1. Failed Quality or Safety Inspections:

Customs officials usually inspect packages to ensure they meet quality and safety standards. If your product does not meet these requirements, it may be returned. As a merchant, it’s crucial to maintain high-quality standards to avoid this situation.

  1. Address and Delivery Issues:

A package may be returned if the recipient’s address is incomplete or incorrect. Or if customs officials are unable to locate the recipient. Therefore, always verify and double-check the shipping address to prevent these issues.

  1. Packaging and Shipping Concerns:

Damaged or generally flawed packaging can also be returned. Therefore, be sure to use sturdy and appropriate packaging materials. This way, you can protect your product during transit and customs clearance.

So, now that you know the reasons why your package might be returned from import customs, let’s see what you can do if it is returned.

How to Solve the Returns

A man is shown on the phone with a customer service agent, who is processing his return

It’s pretty disappointing to find out that a package you sent to a customer has been returned from import customs. However, it’s not the end. After a return, taking care of the situation quickly and providing excellent customer service is essential. So, here’s what to do:

  1. Communicate!

First, immediately reach out to the customer and let them know about the situation. From here, you can be honest and transparent about the package’s return from import customs. Also, be sure to let them know that you are working to resolve the issue and ensure their satisfaction.

  1. Look Over Customs Documentation:

Thoroughly look at the customs documentation for the shipment. Check for anything that is not accurate or for missing information. Look for anything that might have led to the package’s return. Ensure all the details, including the customer’s address, are correct.

  1. Figure Out the Reason for Return:

Contact the relevant customs authorities or your shipping carrier. Doing this lets you figure out the reason for the package’s return. For example, as we have gone over, it could be due to various issues. These include incorrect documentation, unpaid customs fees, restricted items, or other issues. Knowing the exact reason for the return will help you find the best solution.

  1. Offer Solutions:

Based on the reason for the return, you should try to offer different solutions to the customer. You may need to resubmit the paperwork with the correct details if the documentation is issued. If customs fees were not paid, arrange for payment and reship the package. You will likely need to provide alternatives or offer a refund for restricted items.

  1. Provide an Easy Reshipment Process:

If customs requires reshipment, ensure the process is smooth and timely. Make sure to inform the customer about the package’s progress. Further, provide them with a new tracking number. Offer expedited shipping if possible to make up for the delay.

  1. Learn from the Experience:

Take this opportunity to learn from the experience and improve your shipping practices. Review your shipping policies, double-check customs regulations, and invest in sturdy packaging to prevent future issues.

  1. Be Understanding and Apologetic:

Show you understand, and apologize to the customer for any inconvenience caused by the package’s return. Assure them you are doing everything possible to resolve the matter quickly and efficiently.

  1. Follow Up:

After the reshipment or resolution, follow up with the customer to ensure they received the package successfully and are satisfied with the outcome. This gesture demonstrates your commitment to providing exceptional customer service.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, if you send packages abroad and import customs return them, it’s essential to know the reasons why and how to deal with them. Understanding these reasons can help you avoid future returns and, thus, smoother international shipments. You can significantly reduce the chances of running into customs-related issues by focusing on accurate customs documentation, responsible handling of customs fees, avoiding restricted items, maintaining product quality, and using secure packaging. 

If a package does get returned, don’t panic. Instead, communicate quickly with the customer, determine the reason for the return, and offer solutions. You change a setback into a good thing by providing excellent customer service and learning from the experience. 

You can strengthen your shipping practices and build trust with your customers. Overall, make sure to stay informed and proactive while shipping. This will help your shipping process to be successful and hassle-free, even while sending worldwide. 


Hazardous materials, like automotive batteries, can be very dangerous if not handled properly. As an eCommerce shipper, it’s essential to know how to handle them safely to protect people and the environment. In this blog, we will go over hazard classes and what each contains, what hazard class automotive batteries are in, and how to properly handle automotive batteries when it comes time to ship them. 

What are the Hazard Classes?

In short, hazard classes put hazardous materials into different categories based on how risky they are. Through this, people can know how to transport, store, and get rid of them safely. Here  are the nine hazard classes:

Class 1: Explosives. 

• These objects can explode when they catch fire or are hit. For example, fireworks or ammunition.

Class 2: Gases. 

• These are substances that are pressurized. Also, there are other categories of gases, which include flammable, non-flammable, and toxic gases.

Class 3: Flammable Liquids. 

• These are liquids that can easily catch fire, like gasoline.

Class 4: Flammable Solids. 

• As the name implies, these substances can catch fire easily, like certain chemicals.

Class 5: Oxidizing Agents and Organic Peroxides. 

• These include substances that can make fires worse or react dangerously. For example, hydrogen peroxide might be in your medicine cabinet.

Class 6: Toxic and Infectious Substances.

• This is the stuff that can harm us or cause diseases. For example, some chemicals like lead and mercury. Or disease-causing materials like salmonella.  

Class 7: Radioactive Materials. 

• These include materials that give off harmful radiation. For example, Uranium would be one of them. 

Class 8: Corrosive Substances. 

• This stuff can cause severe harm to our skin or other things it touches, like sulfuric acid.

Class 9: Miscellaneous Dangerous Substances. 

• These hazardous materials don’t fit into the other classes but still need careful handling. These include battery-powered vehicles, but not batteries alone. 

Now that we’ve gone over all the classes let’s discuss the main topic for today. So, what class do automotive batteries fit into?

Automotive Battery Hazard Class:

Automotive batteries are in “Class 8: Corrosive Substances”. Although class 9 deals with vehicles containing batteries, automotive batteries fit into 8. This is because they contain corrosive stuff, such as sulfuric acid. Thus, they can burn us or cause some nasty injuries if they are not handled carefully.

Overall, if you ship automotive batteries or any hazardous materials, you should know how to do it correctly. That’s why next, we’ll review tips on handling hazardous materials in shipping. 

Stay Safe, Avoid Problems:

An infographic is shown with steps for preparedness and handling automotive battery hazard class safely.

When sending hazardous stuff, like automotive batteries, it is essential to know how to do it. Make sure to follow these safety tips to send the hazardous things correctly:

Train your staff well on handling and safely getting rid of automotive batteries. Also, be sure they know the safety symbols and what to do in emergencies.

Keep automotive batteries in a place meant for hazardous materials that is also ventilated well. Keep them away from sunlight and extreme heat to avoid leaks and dangers.

When shipping batteries, use packaging that meets safety rules to avoid damage or leaks.

Give your employees gloves, safety goggles, and protective clothes to stay safe.

Have spill response kits nearby to deal with spills and minimize harm quickly.

Encourage customers to recycle used batteries at designated centers. Also, you can recycle old batteries if necessary.

Check storage areas and equipment regularly for damage and replace any damaged batteries. This way, you can avoid potential spills or future problems. 

Properly label hazardous materials, including automotive batteries, and keep good records. This can help avoid misunderstandings and other potential issues with mislabeling. 

Make sure to have clear plans for dealing with accidents involving hazardous materials.

Follow the rules and laws for handling hazardous materials. You can find those on the U.S. Department of Transportation website.

Work with trusted recycling facilities for proper disposal. 

These safety tips will create a safer workplace and show you care about doing things right. Thus, you can protect your workers, customers, and the environment.

Final Thoughts:

Overall, safety is a top priority in the world of shipping and e-commerce. This is especially true when you deal with hazardous materials like automotive batteries. Therefore, understanding the hazard classes and following rules for handling hazardous materials are essential for protecting human health and the environment. 

Also, it is crucial to prioritize safety through staff training, appropriate storage, and the use of personal protective equipment. Additionally, you should encourage battery recycling, hold regular inspections, and follow the rules and regulations. By doing this, you show your commitment to responsible practices. 

By partnering with certified recyclers, you throw away hazardous materials correctly. All in all, embracing these safety measures safeguards your business and contributes to a safer world for everyone. Using all these tips, you make sure to create ethical and secure shipping practices and make a positive impact on the environment.

A Secret Weapon…

Let’s face it: e-commerce is constantly changing. Therefore, you must stay on top of ways to make the most of your business’s online presence. 

But how do you do that? 

Say hello to e-commerce enablement. This is an essential process if you’re looking to thrive in selling online. That’s why today, we will go over e-commerce enablement; what it is, the steps to start, the tools and technologies involved, and helpful tips to make the most of it. By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will know how to begin your e-commerce enablement and create more success for your online business. 

So, let’s jump right in!

What is eCommerce enablement?

In short, e-commerce enablement helps a company to sell products or services online. It is the process of equipping a business or organization with the necessary tools, technologies, and strategies to run a successful online business. Plus, it helps create a better online shopping experience for customers.

Starting an online store is a perfect option if you want to expand your reach and sell your products to a broader audience. E-commerce enablement helps you do so. 

So, how do you start selling online?

How to Set Up Your Store

A small business owner finishes setting up their ecommerce store online.

If you want to optimize your online business even more, it’s essential to use the right “tech stack.” This is a group of tools to help make your online business more successful. This “stack” plays a crucial role in setting up and managing an online store that is efficient, and focuses on customers. Let’s explore the essential elements, tools, and technologies that can help your e-commerce business thrive in the digital marketplace.


As mentioned before, you should choose a user-friendly platform. Also, one that offers essential features. These features include shopping carts, secure payment processing, and customizable design options.

SSL Certificate and Security 

Add an SSL certificate to ensure secure communication between users and your website and protect sensitive information during transactions. 

Inventory Management

Inventory management software helps to track how much stock you have. Thus, it prevents overselling and ensures you have accurate information about product availability.

Website Analytics 

Monitor website performance and user behavior. You can do this by using tools like Google Analytics. Therefore, you can figure out better marketing strategies and improve the overall shopping experience for customers.

Mobile Optimization 

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, as this is common and important in e-commerce. An increasing number of users shop on their smartphones and tablets.

Shipping and Fulfillment 

Shipping software and fulfillment services are extremely useful tools that streamline order processing, automate label generation, and offer cost-effective shipping options to customers. Therefore, they make the fulfillment process overall more simple and efficient. 

Customer Support

Through multiple different channels, you can provide responsive customer support. These channels include email, live chat, or phone. Use this to address inquiries and build customer trust.

Incorporating these essential tools and resources into your eCommerce store can build a strong foundation, enhance the customer experience, and drive successful online sales.

eHub: Empowering E-commerce Enablement Tools

Following the topic of e-commerce tools and tech, eHub can help with putting those tools together. Whether new to e-commerce or already up and running, eHub is the perfect companion. It offers many benefits to make your online store more efficient, improve customer satisfaction, and increase overall success.

Key Benefits:

  1. Access to Trusted 3PL Partners: If you are thinking of working with a 3PL, eHub can help connect you with its network of vetted third-party logistics providers. This saves you time and effort in finding the right fulfillment services.
  2. Cost Optimization: eHub offers a shipping calculator that allows you to find the most cost-effective shipping options for your products without compromising quality. 
  3. Enhanced Package Visibility: Real-time tracking and transparency keep you informed of each shipment’s status, helping you anticipate delays and communicate proactively with customers.
  4. Seamless Integration: eHub seamlessly integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, minimizing disruptions to your operations.
  5. Automated Order Fulfillment: Automate the fulfillment process with your chosen 3PL partner when an order is placed, saving time and improving efficiency.
  6. Dedicated Customer Support: eHub offers personalized customer support to assist with any questions or concerns, allowing you to focus on business growth.

Incorporating eHub into your e-commerce strategy gives you the necessary tools to thrive in the competitive digital marketplace. Simplify logistics, optimize costs, and ensure timely deliveries for an enhanced customer experience and long-term success.

Final Thoughts:

To summarize, e-commerce enablement is a secret weapon for online business success. Not only does it help you sell your products and services online, but it also gives customers a great shopping experience. Some tips to start selling online include researching your competitors, choosing a user-friendly e-commerce platform, adding your products to the online store, setting up secure payment options, and promoting your store. 

To improve your online business, you can use a helpful “tech stack” of tools, software, and technology. All in all, using the tools and tips involved with eCommerce enablement, your online business can be a big success in 2023 and beyond!


Are you planning to visit a USPS post office on a Saturday? Then, there are some tips you should know. Let’s discuss everything you need to figure out USPS Saturday hours and what you can do and expect for service!

A Short Answer:

USPS post offices usually provide services on Saturdays to accommodate customers’ needs over the weekend. However, the hours may differ from regular weekday schedules. While some post offices operate on their standard hours, others might have reduced or extended hours on Saturdays.

As you may already know, it takes a simple internet search to figure out hours for your local post office. However, there are other helpful tools you can use.

Finding a USPS Near You:

Before heading out to your local post office, confirming their Saturday hours is always a good idea. Using various online tools and resources, you can easily find USPS locations near you. The official USPS Locator website allows you to search for nearby post offices and their hours based on your address, city, or ZIP code. Websites like Post Office Near Me and Yelp can also help you locate USPS facilities and read reviews from other customers.

The USPS Website:

As another tip, you can ensure you have the most up-to-date information about USPS Saturday hours on the official USPS website. They regularly update their operating hours for all post offices, including any changes due to holidays or special events. The USPS website offers a user-friendly interface to access this information efficiently.

Not Open? Not a Problem

So, what do you do if the local post office is closed? What if you need a quicker alternative? USPS self-service kiosks can be a convenient option. These automated machines allow you to purchase stamps, weigh packages, and even print shipping labels, regardless of the post office’s operating hours. Many of these kiosks are available 24/7, making them incredibly convenient for time-sensitive tasks.

A woman uses a USPS self service kiosk on a weekend

Using a self-service kiosk is simple. Here’s a how-to:

  1. Approach the Kiosk: Locate the USPS self-service kiosk at your local post office. It usually looks like a freestanding machine with a touchscreen display. 
  2. Select a Service: Choose the service you need from the main menu. Standard options include buying stamps, sending packages, or printing shipping labels.
  3. Follow the Prompts: The kiosk will guide you through the process step by step. Follow the on-screen prompts to enter the necessary information, such as the destination address, package weight, and any additional services you may require.
  4. Payment: Once you’ve entered all the required details, the kiosk will display the due amount. Use cash, debit/credit card, or other accepted payment methods to complete the transaction.
  5. Get Your Receipt and Labels: After successful payment, the kiosk will generate a receipt for your transaction, along with any necessary shipping labels or postage stamps.
  6. Complete the Process: Collect your receipt and any labels or stamps provided by the kiosk. Your package is now ready to be dropped off at the designated USPS collection point, or you can leave it in your mailbox for the mail carrier to pick up.

And that’s it! A USPS self-service kiosk is a quick and convenient way to handle your postal needs without waiting in line at the counter.

To Sum Up:

Knowing the USPS hours on Saturdays is essential to avoid any inconvenience during your visit to the post office. You can easily find the nearest USPS location and operating hours using the official USPS website or other online tools. Consider utilizing self-service kiosks or online services to streamline your postal tasks and maximize your time. Happy shipping!

Fulfill Your Shipping Needs, Any Day and Time

Whether you want to ship on Saturday or just looking for a more convenient way to handle your shipping needs, eHub is the place to be. eHub’s innovative shipping platform offers flexible solutions tailored to your schedule and various carrier options. With eHub, you can compare rates, track packages, and more. Check us out today, and see everything we help you do to simplify your shipping!